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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 23 Juni 2021

                          Background checks blocked a record high 300,000 gun sales

            (AP)  —  The  number  of                                                               due  to  limited  resources  for  ond  Amendment  Founda-
            people stopped from buy-                                                               the  time-intensive  investi-  tion, said the increase in de-
            ing guns through the U.S.                                                              gations,  according  to  a  U.S.  nials might be partly because
            background  check  sys-                                                                Government  Accountability  more states have been updat-
            tem  hit  an  all-time  high                                                           Office report.               ing their records of restricted
            of  more  than  300,000  last                                                                                       people. There are sometimes
            year amid a surge of fire-                                                             Everytown’s  research  found  false positives as well, he said.
            arm  sales,  according  to                                                             that  16%  of  would-be  gun  “A day doesn’t go by that our
            new  records  obtained  by                                                             buyers  in  2020  were  pro-  office  doesn’t  get  complaint
            the  group  Everytown  for                                                             hibited by state law, like the  calls  from  people  who’ve
            Gun Safety.                                                                            extreme-risk  protection  or-  been  denied  wrongly,”  he
                                                                                                   ders  or  red-flag  laws  passed  said.
            The  FBI  numbers  provid-                                                             in  several  states.  Another
            ed  to  The  Associated  Press                                                         12% were related to domestic  The  data  also  comes  as  a
            show the background checks                                                             violence,  either  people  sub-  growing  number  of  conser-
            blocked nearly twice as many                                                           ject  to  a  protective  order  or  vative-leaning states drop re-
            gun  sales  in  2020  as  in  the                                                      convicted of a misdemeanor  quirements for people to get
            year  before.  About  42%  of                                                          domestic violence crime.     background checks and train-
            those  denials  were  because  in the Senate. The House in  legally  barred  from  owning                           ing to carry guns in public.
            the  would-be  buyers  had  March passed the legislation  them,  said  Adam  Winkler,  a  The  data  shows  how  neces-
            felony  convictions  on  their  requiring  the  checks  on  all  UCLA  Law  professor  spe-  sary  the  legislation  is,  said  Texas  last  week  became  the
            records.                     sales  and  transfers,  as  well  cializing in gun policy.  Sarah  Burd-Sharps,  Every-  latest state of about 20 to drop
                                         as  an  expanded  10-day  re-                             town’s director of research.  permitting   requirements
            The increase in blocked gun  view for gun purchases. Most  “Some  may  have  a  felony                              amid a push that began gath-
            sales  largely  tracks  with  the  states  require  background  conviction  on  their  record  “There’s  no  question  that  ering steam several years ago.
            record-setting  surge  in  sales  checks  only  for  sales  at  fed-  and  not  think  about  it,”  he  background  checks  work,  Gun rights groups say those
            that took hold along with the  erally  licensed  dealers.  But  said.                  but  the  system  is  working  requirements  are  an  unfair
            coronavirus  pandemic  and  the legislation faces an uphill                            overtime  to  prevent  a  re-  burden  for  law-abiding  gun
            has continued into this year,  battle getting any Republican  Making  a  false  statement  cord number of people with  owners,  but  firearm  safety
            through  historic  demonstra-  support in the Senate.     in  connection  with  a  back-  dangerous  prohibitors  from  groups worry it’s a dangerous
            tions against police brutality,                           ground  check  is  a  felony  being  able  to  buy  firearms,”  trend  that  will  allow  more
            deep  political  divisions  and  According  to  the  data,  the  punishable by up to 10 years  she said in a statement. “The  firearms in the wrong hands.
            an  insurrection  at  the  U.S.  rate of barred would-be gun  in prison and a hefty fine, but  loopholes  in  the  law  allow
            Capitol.                     buyers  also  increased  some-  few people are prosecuted for  people  to  avoid  the  system,  Denial data is released by the
                                         what  over  the  previous  two  what would amount to lying  even if they just meet online  FBI, but the information col-
            It  comes  as  Congress  has  years,  from  about  0.6%  to  on the form filled out before  or at a gun show for the first  lected  by  Everytown  breaks
            failed  to  pass  major  legis-  0.8%.  That  could  be  in  part  a gun purchase, he said.  time.”                 it down by year and includes
            lation  on  guns  despite  the  because  many  of  the  people                                                      data from states such as Cali-
            Democratic  majority  and  who tried to get guns in 2020  In  2017,  just  12  of  the  Gun  rights  groups  have  fornia  and  Florida,  which
            President  Joe  Biden’s  push.  were  buying  them  for  the  112,000 people denied a gun  pushed back against the pro-  conduct  their  own  back-
            A bill that would strengthen  first  time  and  may  not  have  purchase, about 0.01%, were  posal,  and  Alan  Gottlieb,  ground checks.
            background checks is stalled  been  aware  that  they  were  federally  prosecuted,  largely  founder of the group the Sec-

                          US official to address legacy of Indigenous boarding schools

            (AP)  -  U.S.  Interior  Secretary                                                                          After  reading  about  the  unmarked
            Deb  Haaland  and  other  federal                                                                           graves in Canada, Haaland recount-
            officials are expected Tuesday to                                                                           ed her own family’s story in a recent
            announce  steps  the  federal  gov-                                                                         opinion piece published by the Wash-
            ernment  plans  to  take  to  recon-                                                                        ington Post.
            cile the troubled legacy of board-
            ing school policies on Indigenous                                                                           Past efforts by the federal government
            families and communities.                                                                                   to “eradicate our culture and erase us
                                                                                                                        as a people” is a history that needs to
            A member of New Mexico’s Laguna                                                                             be acknowledged, she wrote.
            Pueblo and the first Native American
            to serve as a Cabinet secretary, Haa-                                                                       Haaland cited statistics from the Na-
            land  is  scheduled  to  outline  a  path                                                                   tional  Native  American  Boarding
            forward  while  addressing  members                                                                         School Healing Coalition, which re-
            of the National Congress of Ameri-                                                                          ported that by 1926, more than 80%
            can Indians during the group’s mid-                                                                         of  Indigenous  school-age  children
            year conference.                                                                                            were attending boarding schools that
                                                                                                                        were  run  either  by  the  federal  gov-
            Starting with the Indian Civilization                                                                       ernment  or  religious  organizations.
            Act  of  1819,  the  U.S.  enacted  laws                                                                    Besides providing resources and rais-
            and policies to establish and support                                                                       ing awareness, the coalition has been
            Indian  boarding  schools  across  the                                                                      working  to  compile  additional  re-
            nation. For over 150 years, hundreds                                                                        search on U.S. boarding schools and
            of thousands of Indigenous children                                                                         deaths that many say is sorely lacking.
            were  taken  from  their  communities
            and forced into boarding schools that  in that legacy both in Canada and the  them into society. They were forced  Experts say removing children from
            focused on assimilation.            United States.                      to  convert  to  Christianity  and  were  their families and homes has had mul-
                                                                                    not allowed to speak their native lan-  tigenerational  effects  on  Indigenous
            The recent discovery of children’s re-  In Canada, more than 150,000 First  guages.  Many  were  beaten  and  ver-  communities, from the loss of Native
            mains buried at the site of what was  Nations children were required to at-  bally abused, and up to 6,000 are said  languages  and  cultural  resources  to
            once Canada’s largest Indigenous res-  tend  state-funded  Christian  schools  to have died.                cycles of violence and abuse.
            idential school has magnified interest  as  part  of  a  program  to  assimilate
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