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                                                                                          world news Diaranson 23 Juni 2021

                           China, Canada spar at UN body over human rights failings

            (AP)  —  Canada  and  40                                                                                            people  have  been  arbitrarily
            other  countries  on  Tues-                                                                                         detained in Xinjiang — some
            day urged China to allow                                                                                            facing torture and other “in-
            “immediate,  meaningful                                                                                             human”  treatment  —  and
            and  unfettered  access”                                                                                            that Uyghurs and others face
            so  independent  observ-                                                                                            disproportionate surveillance
            ers  can  visit  its  western                                                                                       and restrictions on their cul-
            Xinjiang  region,  while  a                                                                                         ture.
            Chinese envoy demanded                                                                                              China  has  insisted  the  cen-
            that Canadian authorities                                                                                           ters are used for training and
            “stop violations of human                                                                                           to  help  fight  terrorism  in
            rights” at home.                                                                                                    Xinjiang.
            The  mutual  finger-pointing,                                                                                       The statement from Norton
            which  preceded  admissions                                                                                         also called for an end to “the
            from  Canada’s  envoy  about                                                                                        arbitrary  detention  of  Uy-
            shortcomings  in  her  coun-                                                                                        ghurs and members of other
            try’s rights record, came in a                                                                                      Muslim minorities,” and also
            debate at the Human Rights                                                                                          expressed  concerns  about
            Council, the U.N.’s top hu-                                                                                         human rights in Hong Kong
            man rights body.                                                                                                    and Tibet.
            The showdown in the largely                                                                                         China’s   statement   about
            virtual  council  session  ex-                                                                                      Canada was on behalf of sev-
            posed  an  ongoing  rift  be-                                                                                       eral  other  countries,  includ-
            tween  the  West  and  allies                                                                                       ing  Russia,  Belarus,  North
            of  China,  which  has  been  of crimes against Indigenous  Canada  presented  a  state-  including  the  High  Com-  Korea, Iran and Syria.
            increasingly  pushing  back  peoples  and  faulted  racism  ment  from  41  mostly  West-  missioner,”  Canadian  am-
            against the criticism of its hu-  and xenophobia in Canada.  ern  countries  that  echoed  bassador Leslie Norton said,  “We acknowledge that Cana-
            man rights record.                                        widespread  concerns  among  referring  to  the  U.N.  High  da has historically denied the
                                         “We  urge  Canada  to  im-   human  rights  groups  about  Commissioner  for  Human  rights of Indigenous peoples
            Chinese  envoy  Jiang  Duan  mediately  stop  violations  of  detention  centers  in  Xin-  Rights Michelle Bachelet.  through  assimilationist  poli-
            inveighed  against  Canada’s  human rights,” he said, add-  jiang,  where  hundreds  of                             cies and practices,” said Nor-
            past  mistreatment  of  Indig-  ing that U.N. bodies should  thousands  of  Muslim  Uy-  Bachelet’s  office  has  been  ton. “We know that the world
            enous  peoples  and  the  re-  “keep  following  the  human  ghurs  and  other  minorities  trying  since  the  start  of  her  expects Canada to adhere to
            cent discovery of the remains  rights issues in Canada.”  have been held.              tenure  in  2018  to  arrange  a  international  human  rights
            of  more  than  200  children                                                          visit to Xinjiang and she said  standards. We, too, expect no
            at  an  Indigenous  boarding  “Canada  has  also  repeatedly  “We urge China to allow im-  Monday  she  hoped  to  carry  less of ourselves.”
            school in Canada. He called  used human rights as an in-  mediate, meaningful and un-  one out by year’s end.       Canada held its National In-
            for  a  “thorough  and  impar-  strument to promote its po-  fettered  access  to  Xinjiang  Norton  cited  “credible  re-  digenous  Peoples’  Day  cel-
            tial  investigation”  into  cases  litical agenda,” Jiang said.  for  independent  observers,  ports”  that  over  1  million  ebrations on Monday.

                          Australia fights UN downgrade of Great Barrier Reef health

            (AP)  —  Australia  said  headquarters  in  devising  so-  Australia, which is one of 21
            Tuesday  it  will  fight  called “corrective measures,”  countries on the committee,
            against  plans  to  down-    which  would  likely  include  will  oppose  the  listing,  Ley
            grade  the  Great  Barrier  tougher  action  to  reduce  said.
            Reef ’s World Heritage sta-  Australia’s  greenhouse  gas
            tus due to climate change,  emissions.                    “This  decision  was  flawed.
            while  environmentalists                                  Clearly  there  were  politics
            have  applauded  the  U.N.  Any downgrade of the reef’s  behind it,” Ley told reporters.
            World  Heritage  Commit-     World  Heritage  status  could  “Clearly  those  politics  have
            tee’s proposal.              reduce tourism revenue that  subverted  a  proper  process
                                         the natural wonder generates  and  for  the  World  Heritage
            The committee said in a draft  for  Australia  because  fewer  Committee to not even fore-
            report on Monday that “there  tourists would be attracted to  shadow this listing is, I think,
            is no possible doubt” that the  a degraded environment and  appalling.”
            network of colorful corals off  dead coral.
            Australia’s  northeast  coast                             The  network  of  2,500  reefs  tion  Society  environmental  ally  hope  that  it  does  make
            was “facing ascertained dan-  Reef cruise operators said the  covering  348,000  square  ki-  consultant Imogen Zethoven  because it will open up a lot
            ger.”                        report  was  wrong  and  that  lometers  (134,000  square  welcomed  the  committee’s  of potential change,” she said.
                                         tourists continued to be awed  miles)  has  been  World  Her-  recognition  that  “Australia
            The report recommends that  by dazzling coral and multi-  itage-listed since 1981.     hasn’t  done  enough  on  cli-  Richard  Leck,  a  spokesman
            the  world’s  most  extensive  colored fish. But some tour-                            mate  change  to  protect  the  for the environmental group
            coral reef ecosystem be added  ists said the reef had seemed  But  its  health  is  under  in-  future of the reef.”  WWF, said listing the reef as
            to UNESCO’s List of World  more  colorful  during  visits  creasing  threat  from  climate                          in-danger  would  be  “a  real
            Heritage  in  Danger,  which  decades ago.                change and rising ocean tem-  The  reef  would  become  the  shock” to many Australians.
            includes  53  sites,  when  the                           peratures.                   first  site  to  be  added  to  the
            World  Heritage  Commit-     Environment  Minister  Sus-                               List  of  World  Heritage  in  In 2014, Australia was warned
            tee considers the question in  san Ley said she and Foreign  The report found the site had  Danger primarily for climate  that  an  “in  danger”  listing
            China in July.               Minister  Marise  Payne  had  suffered  significantly  from  change  reasons,  Zethoven  was  being  considered  rather
                                         called  UNESCO  Director-    coral bleaching events caused  said.                      than being proposed for im-
            The listing could shake Aus-  General  Audrey  Azoulay  to  by  unusually  warm  ocean                              mediate action. Australia had
            tralians’  confidence  in  their  express  the  government’s  temperatures  in  2016,  2017  “It  would  be  a  very  signifi-  time to respond by develop-
            government’s  ability  to  care  “strong disappointment” and  and last year.           cant step for the World Heri-  ing  a  long-term  plan  to  im-
            for  the  natural  wonder  and  “bewilderment”  at  the  pro-                          tage Committee to make this  prove the reef’s health called
            create  a  role  for  UNESCO  posal.                      Australian Marine Conserva-  decision and one that we re-  the Reef 2050 Plan.
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