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A2   U.S. NEWS
                Saturday 1 February 2020
                                                                      U.S. evacuees 'relieved' about

                                                                      quarantine on military base

                                                                      to  stay  at  March  Air  Re-  bered   for   overreacting  ees  are  staying  in  hotel-
                                                                      serve  Base  in  Riverside  for   than  underreacting,"  said  style  housing  and  have
                                                                      up  to  three  days  of  moni-  Dr.  Nancy  Messonnier  of  spent  time  walking  and
                                                                      toring and testing.          the  Centers  for  Disease  exercising,  some  wearing
                                                                      On Friday, the government    Control and Prevention.      masks, said Jose Arballo Jr.,
                                                                      ordered them into quaran-    Later  Friday,  the  govern-  a spokesman for the coun-
            In this Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2020, file photo, passengers board   tine  for  two  weeks.  Health   ment  declared  a  public  ty's public health agency.
            buses after arriving on an airplane carrying U.S. citizens being   officials believe it can take   health  emergency  and  As  of  Friday,  none  of  the
            evacuated  from  Wuhan,  China,  at  March  Air  Reserve  Base  in   up to two weeks for some-  said  any  other  Americans  evacuees had shown signs
            Riverside, Calif.
                                                     Associated Press   one who is infected to get   returning  to  the  U.S.  from  of illness, he said. The CDC
                                                                      sick. So far there's been no   Hubei  province,  which  in-  said  test  results  are  still
            By AMY TAXIN                 here and make sure we're  sign of illness.                cludes Wuhan, will also be  coming in for the group; all
            Associated Press             all medically clear and the  It was the first federal order   quarantined for two weeks.  have been negative so far.
            RIVERSIDE,  California  (AP)  public safe," said Matthew  since 1963, when a woman     The  State  Department  is  One  person  tried  to  leave
            —  Nearly  200  Americans  L.  McCoy,  a  theme  park  was  quarantined  after  she    planning  more  flights  to  the base Wednesday night
            evacuated from China be-     designer who lives in China.  returned from a trip to Swe-  bring Americans out of Wu-  and  was  quarantined  by
            cause of the new virus are  McCoy  is  among  the  195  den during a smallpox out-     han. McCoy lives in Shang-   the  county.  The  CDC's  Dr.
            "very  relieved'  to  be  quar-  Americans  who  returned  break,  and  she  could  not   hai but got stuck in Wuhan  Martin  Cetron  on  Friday
            antined at a military base in  on  a  charter  flight  earlier  prove  that  she  had  been   during a business trip when  said  that  incident  did  not
            Southern California for two  this week from Wuhan, the  vaccinated.                    Chinese  authorities  shut  drive  the  decision  for  the
            weeks, one of them said Fri-  Chinese  city  at  the  center  "We  understand  this  ac-  down the city of 11 million  federal quarantine.
            day.                         of  the  outbreak.  Initially,  tion may seem drastic. We   people  because  of  the  McCoy said he's been able
            "All of us really want to stay  health officials asked them  would  rather  be  remem-  outbreak. Other evacuees  to keep up with his work in
                                                                                                   include  U.S.  government  his  room  on  the  base  and
                                                                                                   employees and their fami-    has  hooked  his  computer
                                                                                                   lies.                        up to the television screen.
                                                                                                   "Everybody  was  very  re-   Children  are  outside  play-
                                                                                                   lieved"  about  the  quaran-  ing, and everyone is trying
                                                                                                   tine  order,  McCoy  said  by  to make the experience as
                                                                                                   telephone. "We wanted to  easy  as  possible  for  each
                                                                                                   make sure all the tests were  other, he said.
                                                                                                   done first."                 Another  evacuee  said  he
                                                                                                   At the military base about  had  been  hoping  to  get
                                                                                                   60 miles (97 kilometers) east  out over the weekend but
                                                                                                   of Los Angeles, the evacu-   was OK with the order.q
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