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                Saturday 1 February 2020

                                                                                                   In this Aug. 21, 2018, file photo, a Facebook start page is shown
                                                                                                   on a smartphone in Surfside, Fla.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
                                                                                                   Facebook fights spread

                                                                                                   of misinformation

            In this July 5, 2015, file photo, a man uses the dating app Tinder in New Delhi.       about virus online
                                                                                  Associated Press
            Dating apps face U.S. inquiry                                                          Associated Press             users  who  shared  the  post

                                                                                                   Facebook  says  it's  working  a  notification.  Users  who
            over underage use, sex offenders                                                       to limit the spread of misin-  search  for  information  on
                                                                                                   formation  and  potentially  the  virus  on  Facebook,  or
                                                                                                   harmful   content   about  who click on certain relat-
            By BARBARA ORTUTAY           underage  use  of  dating    information  may  include    the  coronavirus  as  bogus  ed hashtags on Instagram,
            AP Technology Writer         apps  is  heightened  by  re-  sexual  orientation,  gender   claims  about  the  ongoing  will  receive  a  pop-up  pro-
            SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A  ports  that  many  popular        identity,  political  views,   outbreak circulate online.  viding  authoritative  infor-
            House  subcommittee  is  in-  free  dating  apps  permit   and drug, alcohol and to-   Kang-Xing     Jin,   Face-   mation on the virus. In addi-
            vestigating popular dating  registered sex offenders to   bacco use.                   book's head of health, an-   tion, information about the
            services such as Tinder and  use  them,  while  the  paid   The  subcommittee  cited   nounced    that  the  social  outbreak  will  also  appear
            Bumble for allegedly allow-  versions  of  these  same    a    report  by  a  Norwe-   media  platform  will  begin  at the top of Facebook us-
            ing minors and sex offend-   apps screen out registered   gian  consumer  group  this   removing posts that include  ers'  news  feeds  based  on
            ers to use their services.   sex  offenders,"  Rep.  Raja   month that found that dat-  false  claims  or  conspiracy  guidance  from  the  World
            Bumble,  Grindr,  The  Meet  Krishnamoorthi,  the  Illinois   ing  apps  including  Grindr,   theories  about  the  virus  Health Organization.
            Group  and  the  Match  Democrat  who  heads  the         OkCupid  and  Tinder  leak   that  have  been  flagged  "We will also block or restrict
            Group,  which  owns  such  subcommittee,  said  in  a     personal information to ad-  by  health  authorities.  The  hashtags  used  to  spread
            popular  services  as  Tinder,  statement. "Protection from   vertising  tech  companies   company  said  it  will  fo-  misinformation  on  Insta-
   and OkCupid,  sexual  predators  should         in  possible  violation  of  Eu-  cus  on  posts  that  discour-  gram,  and  are  conduct-
            are  the  current  targets  of  not be a luxury confined to   ropean data privacy laws.   age peopple from getting  ing  proactive  sweeps  to
            the  investigation  by  the  paying customers."           The  Norwegian  Consumer     medical treatment, or that  find  and  remove  as  much
            U.S.  House  Oversight  and  Match  Group  said  it  uses   Council  said  it  found  "seri-  make  potentially  danger-  of this content as we can,"
            Reform  subcommittee  on  "every  tool  possible"  to     ous  privacy  infringements"   ous claims about cures.    Jin  wrote  in  a  post.  "Not
            economic  and  consumer  keep  minors  and  bad  ac-      in its analysis of how shad-  The company will also limit  all  of  these  steps  are  fully
            policy.                      tors off its services and con-  owy online ad companies   the  spread  of  posts  de-  in  place.  It  will  take  some
            In separate letters Thursday  tinues  to  invest  in  technol-  track  and  profile  smart-  bunked  by  its  third-party  time to roll them out across
            to the companies, the sub-   ogy  to  keep  users  safe.  In   phone users. q          fact  checkers,  and  sent  our platforms.q
            committee is seeking infor-  an emailed statement, the
            mation on users' ages, pro-  company said the problem       Maine lawmakers propose bill
            cedures for verifying ages,  was  broader  and  requires
            assaults, rape or the use of  app  stores  that  know  who  to ban ‘deepfake’ political ads
            and any complaints about  other
            the services by minors. It is  their users are, "to do their
            also asking for the services'  part as well."               AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — Maine lawmak-      makers, especially prominent politicians
            privacy policies and details  Match added that the na-      ers are considering a bill banning the use  who  have  been  smeared  by  its  use  on
            on  what  users  see  when  tional  sex  offender  registry   of “deepfake” video technology in the  social media.
            they  review  and  agree  to  needs  to  be  updated  so    state’s political advertising.           The videos are created with digitized im-
            the  policies.  It  also  seeks  that  perpetrators'  digital   A Democratic lawmaker told the Legis-  ages, using a form of artificial intelligence
            information  on  what  data  footprints  can  be  tracked   lature’s Veterans and Legal Affairs Com-  known as deep learning. The technology
            is  collected  on  people,  and blocked by social me-       mittee  on  Wednesday  that  technologi-  can be used to produce videos, still im-
            including  sexual  orienta-  dia and dating services.       cal  advancements  could  be  used  to  ages  or  audio  that’s  highly  convincing
            tion, drug use and political  Grindr   and   The   Meet     undermine  the  state’s  political  process  and often impossible to identify as fake.
            views.                       Group  did  not  respond  to   and the public’s trust, the Portland Press  Millet’s  bill  would  prohibit  publication
            Although the minimum age  messages for comment on           Herald reported.                         and distribution of deepfake content of
            for using internet services is  Thursday.  Bumble  had  no   “It’s  not  hard  to  imagine  how  destruc-  a candidate within 60 days of an elec-
            typically 13 in the U.S., dat-  immediate comment.          tive this technology could be in an elec-  tion. The proposal would also allow the
            ing  services  generally  re-  Besides  safety  issues,  the   tion,” the bill’s sponsor, Democratic Sen.  targeted candidate to seek a court or-
            quire  users  to  be  at  least  investigation  also  seeks  to   Rebecca Millett, of Cape Elizabeth, said.  der to block publication of the content
            18  because  of  concerns  address  concerns  about         The use of deepfake video continues to  as  well  as  pursue  civil  action  against
            about sexual predators.      data  the  services  request   be a growing concern for federal policy-  whomever published or distributed it. q
            "Our  concern  about  the  to  make  matches.  Such
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