Page 7 - AHATA
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                                                                                                           local Saturday 9 November 2024
            Aruba’s neighborhoods; the meaning behind their names

            Just  like  any  other  coun-                                                                                       by both locals and tourists.
            try,  Aruba  has  unique  and                                                          If one assumes that the ac-
            beautifully  named  neigh-                                                             tual  word  heard  was  Ana-          Angochi
            borhoods  that  all  form  a                                                           boio  instead,  consisting  of  This  name  can  be  seen
            part  of  its  culture  and  de-                                                       Ana meaning the best and  on  the  Werbata  map  with
            velopment.  Many  of  these                                                            Boio (bohio); house, the it-  little and cursive letters. It is
            names  have  a  historical                                                             eration  of  Anabui  would  the unofficial name for the
            background  and  meaning                                                               mean “the best house.” This  area given by a tenant to
            that  teaches  us  about  the                                                          is  the  origin  that  has  been  the land that was rented to
            island  and  its  rich  culture                                                        more  or  less  speculated  him.
            every day.                                                                             and assumed for the word
                                                                                                   Anabui and it’s meaning.     The biggest probability that
            With  this  series,  we  want                                                                                       historians  believe  is  that
            to  take  you  on  a  journey                                                          During  the  second  world  it  comes  from  native  de-
            of  discovery,  where  you’ll                                                          war and later, this area was  scent,  during  the  time  in
            learn not only the beautiful                                                           used as a terrain for training  the  19th  century  where
            names  but  the  history  be-                                                          of  shooting  by  militia  and  Mestizos still lived on Aruba.
            hind it that gives it life and                                                         latero n Korps Mariniers (the  The  name  can’t  really  be
            meaning.                                                                               marines  of  Aruba).  By  the  explain  and  according  to
                                                                                                   end of the previous century  books  on  its  history  seems
               Anabui/Tierra Del Sol                                                               a large part of Anabui was  to be more of a sign of cor-
            This  neighborhood  can  be                                                            developed  to  have  luxuri-  ruption.
            seen  on  Van  Raders  map                                                             ous villas and a golf course,
            and  Werbata  as  Anna                                                                 which lead to it getting the  However, it seems to come
            Boei. Anna Boei is a name                                                              name  Tierra  Del  Sol,  Span-  from combining A(n), which
            of  which  there  isn’t  much                                                          ish  for  Land  of  the  Sun.  is a generalizing prefix and
            information about its origin.                                                          The name is not an official  Goeiza,  which  means  ‘the
                                                                                                   name, but the name of the  spirit  of  a  living  man’.  An-
            The  best  historians  were  and the natives who were  Ana meaning flower or the  development proyect that  gochi  remains  more  of  a
            able to deduce is that this  living  on  the  island.  In  the  best and Iboa; the juice of  took place. It is hoped that  guess.q
            name  came  to  be  be-      Arawak/Taino     language  a cassava, which together  the original and ‘old’ name
            cause of a miscommunica-     one  can  find  the  word  would mean “the best juice  of Anabui is never lost and      This neighborhood’s abbre-
            tion between Van Spengler  Anaiboa, which consists of  of a cassava”.                  now it will be remembered           viation is; An.

            Lessons from our elders:
            Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)

            (Oranjestad)—In     last   week’s  Many of our elders opted to plant
            edition, we shared with our readers  sweet potatoes themselves, mostly
            some medicinal use for plants and  because of how easy it was to do
            fruits, passed down from our elders  so. Cut the end of a sweet potato
            through generations. This week, we  let it sit in shallow water until it starts
            present two more uses of fruits and  to sprout. Then you may plant it in
            plants for medicinal use.           the ground. Sweet potatoes need
                                                plenty of water to grow, especially
                       Sweet potato             in the first week in the ground. It was
            According  to  our  elders,  sweet  said that once you start to notice
            potato  is  mostly  useful  for  low  the ground crack underneath the
            blood pressure. People who suffer  flowers,  it  is  time  to  harvest.  This
            from  low  blood  pressure  were  should happen around month 3.
            advised to eat sweet potato 2 to
            3  times  a  week.  However,  if  you          Pomegranate
            have high blood pressure, it is best  Pomegranates are also one of the
            not to eat too much sweet potato,  easier  fruits  to  plant  and  harvest.
            as this raises blood pressure. Sweet  Originated  from  Persia,  this  plant
            potatoes are also great for people  can  grow  almost  everywhere.  In
            who  work  hard  labor  jobs,  and  Aruba, there are many homes that  tree,  for  which  the  answer  is  to  have  a  few  benefits  for  our
            it’s  been  said  to  be  aid  blood  have  a  tiny  or  big  pomegranate  based  on  harvest  time.  Tiny  trees  health.  According  to  customs,
            circulation in the body, as well as  tree.  You  may  be  wondering  produce        tinier   pomegranates  pomegranate  skin  tea  can  help
            help  those  with  hemorrhoids  or  what  the  difference  is  between  that  can  be  harvested  early  on.  those  that  suffer  from  diarrhea.
            diarrhea.                           a  small  and  big  pomegranate  Contrarily,  big  trees  produce  Dried  pomegranate  skin  tea  is
                                                                                    bigger  pomegranates,  but  they  also  good  for  people  who  have
                                                                                    need  enough  time  to  fully  ripen  worms.  Pomegranate  flowers  can
                                                                                    before  harvesting,  otherwise  you  be boiled to make a drink and this
                                                                                    might  end  up  with  bitter  seeds.  can be used for irritated gums; just
                                                                                    Pomegranate  trees  are  also  very  take  a  swig  and  let  the  tea  sit  in
                                                                                    easy  to  plant.  In  essence,  if  you  your mouth for a couple minutes.q
                                                                                    just throw the seeds on the ground,
                                                                                    they could grow into a tree.          Source: Remedi i Kustumber di nos
                                                                                    In   terms   of   medicinal   use,    Bieunan (Medicine and Customs of
                                                                                    pomegranate      skins   are   said      our Elderly) by Dinah Veeris
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