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A28    u.s. news
                      Diabierna 15 Juli 2022

                             Arrest sought of Colorado clerk in voting tampering case

                                                                                                   week on allegations that she  Peters  is  charged  with  three
                                                                      Rubinstein said he made the  was part of the scheme.      counts  of  attempting  to  in-
                                                                      discovery  after  Peters  sent                            fluence  a  public  servant,
                                                                      a  letter  notarized  in  Las  Ve-  Rubinstein  had  previously  criminal  impersonation,  two
                                                                      gas  on  Tuesday  to  Colorado  said  he  would  not  object  to  counts of conspiracy to com-
                                                                      Secretary of State Jena Gris-  Peters  traveling  outside  of  mit  criminal  impersonation,
                                                                      wold,  according  to  court  Colorado  during  her  cam-  one  count  of  identity  theft,
                                                                      documents.  The  letter  was  paign  for  secretary  of  state.  first-degree  official  miscon-
                                                                      released  by  the  secretary  of  But  the  election  was  held  duct,  violation  of  duty  and
                                                                      state’s office and requested a  June  28  and  the  the  court  failing  to  comply  with  the
                                                                      recount in her failed prima-  documents said the letter was  secretary of state.
                                                                      ry election bid for the GOP  notarized  on  July  12.  Judge
                                                                      nomination  in the state sec-  Matthew Barrett ordered Pe-  She has dismissed the charges
                                                                      retary of state’s race.      ters on Monday not to travel  filed against her as politically
                                                                                                   until  the  post-election  ap-  motivated and has not yet en-
                                                                      Peters  has  echoed  former  proval process for her travel  tered a plea.
            (AP)  —  An  arrest  war-                                 President  Donald  Trump’s  was resolved.
            rant  was  issued  Thursday  A  judge  revoked  bond  for  false theories about the 2020                            Mesa  County,  in  western
            for  an  indicted  Colorado  Mesa County Clerk Tina Pe-   election.  She  and  her  chief  Peters  did  not  immediately  Colorado, is largely rural and
            clerk  who  has  become  ters, who is accused of tam-     deputy  are  being  prosecuted  return a telephone call or text  heavily  Republican.  Trump
            a  hero  to  election  con-  pering  with  voting  equip-  for allegedly allowing a copy  seeking comment, and a tele-  won it in the 2020 presiden-
            spiracy theorists after she  ment,  after  District  Attor-  of  a  hard  drive  to  be  made  phone message left with Pe-  tial election with nearly 63%
            allegedly  traveled  out  of  ney  Dan  Rubinstein  said  in  during an update of election  ters’  attorney,  Harvey  Stein-  of  the  vote.  President  Joe
            state despite a court order  the  documents  that  he  had  equipment  in  May  2021.  A  berg,  was  not  immediately  Biden won Colorado overall
            not to do so, according to  learned  she  traveled  to  Ne-  former  employee  in  her  of-  returned.              with 55.4% of the state’s vote.
            court documents.             vada for a conference.       fice  was  also  arrested  this

                         Arizona attorney general asks court to unblock abortion ban

            (AP) — Arizona’s Repub-      stopped  abortions  after  the  laws”  designed  to  ban  abor-  are peculiarly within the field  after  15  weeks.  The  intent
            lican  attorney  general  on  Supreme  Court’s  June  24  tion  if  Roe  fell  or  opposing  occupied  by  the  Legislature  was  to  ensure  it  would  be
            Wednesday  asked  a  court  opinion,  saying  it  was  too  so-called  “zombie  laws”  like  and any problem concerning  enforceable  if  Roe  v.  Wade
            to lift an injunction block-  risky to move ahead with the  Arizona’s that predate Roe.  abortion should be solved by  were  overturned,  according
            ing  the  enforcement  of  a  old ban still on the books and                           that body,” the appeals court  to Wednesday’s court filing.
            law that bans all abortions  with a 2021 law that grants all  Arizona  also  has  a  15-week  ruling said. “We can only reit-
            except when the life of the  rights  to  pre-born  children  ban  that  Republican  Gov.  erate that we are not a super-  The  president  and  CEO  of
            mother is at risk.           also in play.                Doug Ducey signed into law  legislature.”                 Planned  Parenthood  Ari-
                                                                      in March, and he has insisted                             zona,  Brittany  Fonteno,  said
            The  filing  from  Attorney  A  federal  judge  on  Monday  that it takes precedence over  Less  than  three  weeks  later,  Brnovich’s  action  shows  he
            General Mark Brnovich asks  blocked  that  law  after  abor-  the total ban Brnovich wants  the  U.S.  Supreme  Court  is  “out  of  touch”  with  the
            a  court  in  Tucson  to  lift  an  tion rights groups successful-  to enforce. But the 15-week  ruled  in  Roe,  and  the  ap-  majority  of  Arizonans  who
            order  in  place  since  short-  ly argued that it was uncon-  ban law specifically said it did  peals court reversed its earlier  support  abortion  rights.  She
            ly  after  the  U.S.  Supreme  stitutionally vague. The judge  not overturn the 1901 law.   judgment. The law was then  said the group plans to fight
            Court ruled in 1973′s Roe v.  agreed  that  it  was  unclear                           permanently blocked.         his request in court. Fonteno
            Wade case that abortions are a  what  criminal  laws  abortion  In  the  attorney  general’s                        noted  that  the  Legislature
            constitutional right.        providers may be breaking if  court  filing,  assistant  Attor-  Roysden noted that the “Leg-  over  the  past  50  years  has
                                         they perform otherwise-legal  ney  General  Beau  Roysden  islature,  however,  did  not  passed numerous laws allow-
            The newly conservative high  abortions.                   III laid out the history of the  acquiesce  in  the  declaration  ing doctors to perform abor-
            court  overturned  that  deci-                            injunction  that  blocked  the  that these laws were uncon-  tions.
            sion  last  month,  leaving  it  Abortion   rights   groups  old abortion law.         stitutional  but  rather  took
            again  to  the  states  to  decide  slammed Brnovich for mov-                          affirmative  steps  to  ensure  “As  a  result,  we  believe  that
            how  to  regulate  abortions.  ing  to  again  allow  enforce-  That case started in 1971, two  their  continuing  validity  in  providers  should  still  be
            Arizona’s  near-total  ban  on  ment  of  the  pre-statehood  years before Roe was handed  the event that Roe was over-  able to provide this essential
            abortions  has  been  on  the  ban                        down, when the Tucson affil-  ruled.”                     health care to the thousands
            books since at least 1901, and                            iate  of  Planned  Parenthood,                            of  Arizonans  who  need  it
            Brnovich said with Roe over-  “It is outrageous that Arizo-  several doctors and a woman  The  Legislature  reenacted  annually,”  Fonteno  said  in  a
            turned it should now be en-  na’s Attorney General is try-  who wanted an abortion sued  the  pre-statehood  ban  in  statement.
            forceable.                   ing to revive this zombie law  to  overturn  the  law.  A  trial  1977, and this year said it was
                                         that has long been blocked,”  judge  in  Pima  County  Su-  still on the books when they  A date to hear Brnovich’s re-
            “We  believe  this  is  the  best  Gail  Deady,  an  attorney  at  perior  Court  ruled  the  next  passed  the  ban  on  abortions  quest has not yet been set.
            and most accurate state of the  the Center for Reproductive  year that a fetus does not have
            law,” Brnovich said in a state-  Rights,  said  in  a  statement.  constitutionally   protected
            ment.  “We  know  this  is  an  “Arizonans’  personal  health  rights  and  that  the  law  ban-
            important  issue  to  so  many  decisions,  lives,  and  futures  ning  abortion  also  violated
            Arizonans,  and  our  hope  is  should  not  be  dictated  by  a  the doctors’ rights to practice
            that  the  court  will  provide  century-old, draconian law.”  medicine as they saw fit.
            clarity and uniformity for our
            state.”                      Deady  said  that  the  high  The  Arizona  Court  of  Ap-
                                         court’s  decision  to  overturn  peals overturned that ruling,
            Brnovich, who is running for  Roe  has  caused  “absolute  rejecting wholesale the lower
            U.S. Senate, announced late  chaos” in Arizona and other  court’s  reasoning  that  the
            last month that the old abor-  states  with  Republican  Leg-  abortion ban was unconstitu-
            tion ban was enforceable and  islatures that have previously  tional and saying it could be
            that  he  would  seek  to  have  unenforceable  abortion  re-  enforced.
            the injunction lifted.       strictions on the books. Nu-
                                         merous court battles are un-  “Appellees’     complaints
            Providers  across  the  state  derway to try to block “trigger  against  the  abortion  statutes
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