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A30    world news
                      Diabierna 15 Juli 2022

                            Italian Premier Draghi's resignation is rebuffed -- for now

                                                                      see if he can still garner solid  Mattarella had tapped the for-  to, yes," said Emma Bonino,
                                                                      support,  a  palace  statement  mer European Central Bank  who leads a tiny pro-Europe
                                                                      said.                        chief  —  who  was  known  as  party.
                                                                      The next showdown in Par-    "Super Mario" for his "what-
                                                                      liament  is  set  for  July  20,  ever  it  takes"  rescue  of  the  Draghi has governed with the
                                                                      when  Draghi  will  formally  euro  —  to  pull  Italy  out  of  support of virtually all of Ita-
                                                                      pitch for support ahead of a  the  pandemic  and  lay  the  ly's main parties, with the ex-
                                                                      confidence vote — this time  groundwork  to  make  use  of  ception of the fast-rising far-
                                                                      not on a specific bill but on  billions  in  European  Union  right  Brothers  of  Italy  party.
                                                                      his government's very viabil-  pandemic recovery funds.   The  potential  implosion  of
                                                                      ity.                         The  5-Stars,  who  have  lost  Draghi's  coalition  triggered
                                                                                                   significant  support  in  re-  fresh demands by the party's
                                                                      "Now  there  are  five  days  to  cent local elections and have  leader, Giorgia Meloni, for an
                                                                      work so that Parliament con-  slumped in opinion polls, are  early election that she hopes
                                                                      firms  its  confidence  in  the  in disarray.             will  be  her  springboard  to
                                                                      Draghi government and Italy                               becoming Italy's first woman
                                                                      emerges as rapidly as possible  In the measure Thursday, the  premier.
            (AP)  —  Italian  Premier  demic.                         from  the  dramatic  unravel-  5-Stars  opposed  a  provision  Giovanni  Orsina,  a  history
            Mario  Draghi  offered  to                                ing" of the last hours, tweeted  to  allow  Rome  to  operate  a  professor  and  director  of
            step down Thursday after  Hours       earlier   Thursday,  Enrico Letta, the head of the  garbage  incinerator  on  the  the school of government at
            a  populist  coalition  part-  Draghi  and  his  government  Democratic  Party,  a  Draghi  outskirts  of  the  chronically  Rome's  LUISS  university,
            ner  refused  to  vote  for  won a confidence vote, 172-  ally and a former premier.   trash-choked Italian capital.  correctly predicted that Mat-
            a  key  bill  in  Parliament,  39, in the Senate despite the                           In the debate, some senators  tarella  would  ask  Draghi  to
            but the nation's president  refusal  by  the  5-Star  Move-  In  Brussels,  the  European  praised  Draghi  as  a  pivotal  find a new, workable major-
            quickly    rebuffed   him,  ment to back the bill, which  Union's  finance  commis-    figure  in  Europe  as  Russia  ity.
            leaving  one  of  Western  earmarked  26  billion  euros  sioner,  Paolo  Gentiloni,  a  wages  war  against  Ukraine,
            Europe's  main  leaders  at  (dollars)  to  help  consum-  former  Italian  premier,  said  especially  with  the  impend-  "We've got the pandemic, we
            the helm for now.            ers and industries struggling  officials  there  were  "follow-  ing  departure  of  British  got  the  war,  we  have  infla-
                                         with  soaring  energy  prices.  ing  with  worried  astonish-  Prime  Minister  Boris  John-  tion, we have the energy cri-
            The rejection of the tendered  But  the  dramatic  snub,  or-  ment" the potential unravel-  son.                   sis. So certainly this is not a
            resignation left in limbo the  chestrated  by  5-Star  leader  ing of Draghi's coalition.                           good  moment,"  Orsina  said.
            future of Draghi's 17-month-  Giuseppe  Conte,  Draghi's                               Center-right  Sen.  Antonio  "Mattarella  believes,  rightly,
            old  government,  officially  predecessor, did its damage.  The uncertainty over Draghi's  Saccone  thundered  that  the  that  his  mission  is  to  safe-
            known as a national unity co-                             staying  power  also  appeared  5-Stars  were  "doing  a  favor"  guard stability."
            alition,  but  with  its  survival  Shortly  before  heading  to  to  rattle  the  markets.  The  to  Russian  President  Vladi-
            sorely  tested  by  increasingly  the Quirinal presidential pal-  Milan  stock  exchange  lost  mir Putin by causing political  Among  Draghi's  achieve-
            sharp divergences within the  ace to tender his resignation,  3.44% on Thursday.       instability.                 ments has been keeping Italy
            coalition.                   Draghi declared: "The major-  If  Draghi  can't  solidly  stitch  Recently, Conte had waffled  on  track  with  reforms  that
                                         ity of national unity that has  back together a durable coali-  for  a  while  over  whether  to  the EU has made a condition
            Draghi's broad coalition gov-  sustained  this  government  tion, Mattarella could pull the  keep  supporting  military  aid  for the country to receive 200
            ernment  —  which  includes  from its creation doesn't exist  plug  on  Parliament,  setting  for  Ukraine,  but  eventually  billion euros (dollars) in pan-
            parties  from  the  right,  the  any more."               the stage for an early election  backed  Draghi  on  pledging  demic  recovery  assistance.
            left, the center and the popu-                            as  soon  as  late  September.  fresh assistance.         Much of that EU funding is
            list 5-Star Movement — was  But  President  Sergio  Mat-  Currently,  Parliament's  term  Being in a government "is not  already  allocated,  suggesting
            designed to help Italy recover  tarella told Draghi to instead  expires in spring 2023.  like  picking  up  a  menu  and  it  won't  be  lost  even  amid
            from  the  coronavirus  pan-  go  back  to  Parliament  and                            deciding, antipasto, no, gela-  government instability.

                             Macron: Turn out the lights, brace for Russian gas cutoff

            (AP)  —  French  President  Em-     He said the government would pre-   erything  so  that  Russia  doesn't  win,  tory. We don't want a world war."
            manuel Macron warned his coun-      pare a "sobriety plan" to conserve en-  so that Ukraine can defend its terri-
            try's people Thursday to prepare  ergy, which would start with turning
            for a total cutoff of Russian natu-  off public lights at night when they
            ral gas by supporting alternatives,  aren't useful.
            having public lights switched off
            at night and engaging in a period  France will keep looking to diversify
            of nationwide energy "sobriety."    gas sources, he said, calling for a faster
                                                shift toward offshore windfarms and
            The Russian invasion of Ukraine and  more European cross-border energy
            ensuing  sanctions  have  aggravated  cooperation  to  weather  the  current
            other factors driving up prices for en-  crisis.
            ergy and others goods. With no end
            in sight for the Ukraine war, Macron  Macron's political opponents on the
            said, the French should brace them-  far right and far left have blamed EU
            selves for costs to remain high.    sanctions for reducing the purchasing
                                                power  of  French  consumers  while
            "This war will continue," he said in a  failing to persuade Russian President
            televised interview marking France's  Vladimir Putin to pull troops out of
            national  holiday,  Bastille  Day.  "The  Ukraine.
            summer,  early  autumn  will  be  very
            hard."                              France's president gave no indication
                                                during  the  interview  of  policy  shift
            "Russia is using energy, like it is using  toward Ukraine.
            food,  as  a  weapon  of  war,"  Macron  "What  do  you  want  us  to  do?"  he
            said.  "We  should  prepare  ourselves  asked.  "We  want  to  stop  this  war
            for the scenario where we have to go  without getting involved in this war.
            without all Russian gas."           At the same time, we want to do ev-
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