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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 15 Juli 2022

                          Biden, Lapid agree to stop Iran nuke program, differ on how

            (AP) — U.S. President Joe  Mr.  President.  Diplomacy  deal and was still waiting for
            Biden  and  Israeli  Prime  will  not  stop  them,”  Lapid  a response.
            Minister Yair Lapid stood  said.  “The  only  thing  that
            side-by-side Thursday and  will stop Iran is knowing that  Youtube video thumbnail
            declared  they  would  not  if  they  continue  to  develop  “When  that  will  come,  I’m
            allow  Iran  to  become  a  their  nuclear  program  the  not certain,” Biden said. “But
            nuclear power. They part-    free world will use force.”  we’re  not going to wait  for-
            ed  ways,  though,  on  how                               ever.”
            to get there.                Lapid  suggested  that  he  and
                                         Biden  were  in  agreement,  Resurrecting the Iran nucle-
            Biden,  in  a  joint  news  con-  despite  his  tougher  rhetoric  ar  deal  brokered  by  Barack
            ference  after  a  one-on-one  toward Iran.               Obama’s  administration  and
            meeting  with  the  Israeli                               abandoned by Donald Trump
            leader,  said  he  still  wants  to  “I don’t think there’s a light  in 2018 was a key priority for
            give  diplomacy  a  chance.  between  us,”  he  said.  “We  Biden  as  he  entered  office.
            Moments  earlier,  Lapid  in-  cannot allow Iran to become  But  administration  officials
            sisted that words alone won’t  nuclear.”                  have  become  increasingly
            thwart Tehran’s nuclear am-                               pessimistic about the chances  The  one-on-one  talks  be-  importance  for  Biden’s  up-
            bitions.                     Biden, too, said, “We will not,  of  getting  Tehran  back  into  tween  Biden  and  Lapid  coming  meeting  with  Arab
                                         let me say it again, we will not  compliance.             marked  the  centerpiece  of  a  leaders in Saudi Arabia as he
            While  Biden  suggested  his  allow Iran to acquire a nucle-                           48-hour visit by Biden aimed  seeks to strengthen a region-
            patience  with  Iran  was  run-  ar weapon.”              Israeli  officials  have  sought  at strengthening already tight  wide alliance against Iran.
            ning  low,  he  held  out  hope                           to  use  Biden’s  first  visit  to  relations  between  the  U.S
            that Iran can be persuaded to  Iranian  President  Ebrahim  the Middle East as president  and Israel. The leaders issued  The  U.S.  president,  who  is
            rejoin a dormant deal intend-  Raisi  lashed  out  at  the  U.S.  to underscore that Iran’s nu-  a joint declaration emphasiz-  set to arrive in Saudi Arabia
            ed to prevent it from building  and  “its  regional  allies”  for  clear program has progressed  ing military cooperation and  on Friday, said he also stressed
            a nuclear weapon.            stoking  instability  in  the  re-  too  far  and  encourage  the  a  commitment  to  keeping  to  Lapid  the  importance  of
                                         gion,  state-run  IRNA  news  Biden administration to scut-  Iran from obtaining a nuclear  Israel becoming “totally inte-
            “I  continue  to  believe  that  agency reported.         tle efforts to revive the deal.  weapon.                  grated” in the region.
            diplomacy is the best way to
            achieve this outcome,” Biden  “Any  mistake  by  the  Ameri-  Israel  opposed  the  original  In  the  joint  statement,  the  Israel during the Trump ad-
            said  on  the  second  day  of  a  cans  and  their  allies  in  the  nuclear deal because its limi-  United States said it is ready  ministration signed on to the
            four-day  visit  to  Israel  and  region and the world will be  tations on Iran’s nuclear en-  to  use  “all  elements  of  its  Abraham  Accords,  declara-
            Saudi Arabia. It’s his first trip  met with a harsh and regret-  richment  would  expire  and  national  power”  to  prevent  tions of diplomatic and eco-
            to  the  Middle  East  as  presi-  table response,” Raisi said.  the agreement didn’t address  Iran from obtaining a nuclear  nomic  normalization  signed
            dent.                                                     Iran’s  ballistic  missile  pro-  bomb.                   by  Israel,  Bahrain,  Morocco
                                         Biden  warned  that  his  pa-  gram or military activities in                          and  the  United  Arab  Emir-
            Biden’s  emphasis  on  a  dip-  tience is wearing thin for Iran  the region.           Iran  announced  last  week  ates that were signature  for-
            lomatic  solution  contrasted  to  rejoin  the  nuclear  deal,  a                      that it has enriched uranium  eign  policy  achievement  for
            with  Lapid,  who  said  Iran  day after saying he’d be will-  Instead of the U.S. reentering  to 60% purity, a technical step  the  Republican  president.
            must face a real threat of force  ing to use force against Teh-  the deal, Israel would prefer  away  from  weapons-grade  For Israel to come to such an
            before it will agree to give up  ran as a last resort. The presi-  strict  sanctions  in  hopes  of  quality.       agreement  with  the  Saudis,
            on its nuclear ambitions.    dent  said  the  U.S.  had  laid  leading  to  a  more  sweeping                       an economic and Islamic epi-
                                         out for the Iranian leadership  accord.                   The  joint  declaration  could  center in the Mideast, would
            “Words  will  not  stop  them,  a path to return to the nuclear                        hold  important  symbolic  be even more significant.

                         Protesters retreat as Sri Lankan president sends resignation

            (AP) — Protesters retreated from  President  Gotabaya  Rajapaksa  fled  a  solution to the country’s many woes  president’s  office  to  celebrate.  Doz-
            government  buildings  Thursday  day earlier under pressure from pro-   seemed  no  closer  following  Raja-  ens  of  people  danced  and  cheered
            in Sri Lanka, restoring a tenuous  testers enraged by the island nation’s  paksa’s departure. And the president  and  waved  the  Sri  Lankan  flag,  and
            calm  to  the  economically  crip-  economic  collapse.  He  emailed  his  has  further  angered  the  crowds  by  two men sang in Sinhalese on a small
            pled country, and the embattled  resignation a day later than promised,  making his prime minister the acting  stage.
            president at last emailed the res-  according to an official.           leader.
            ignation that demonstrators have                                                                            The  mood  was  festive,  with  people
            sought for months.                  But with a fractured opposition and  Protesters have pressed for both men  hooting and swaying to music while
                                                confusion  over  who  is  in  charge,  a  to leave and for a unity government  others  chanted  into  a  microphone
                                                                                    to address the economic calamity that  that they wanted better governance.
                                                                                    has triggered widespread shortages of
                                                                                    food, fuel and other necessities.   “To be validated like this is massive,”
                                                                                                                        said Viraga Perera, an engineer who
                                                                                    The tentative way the resignation un-  has been protesting since April. “On a
                                                                                    folded only added to turmoil. An aide  global scale, we have led a movement
                                                                                    to the speaker of the Sri Lankan Par-  that toppled a president with minimal
                                                                                    liament  issued  a  statement  that  said  force and violence. It’s a mix of vic-
                                                                                    the  speaker  had  received  the  presi-  tory and relief.”
                                                                                    dent’s  resignation  through  the  Sri
                                                                                    Lankan  Embassy  in  Singapore,  but  The protesters accuse Rajapaksa and
                                                                                    there  was  no  immediate  official  an-  his  powerful  political  family  of  si-
                                                                                    nouncement.                         phoning  money  from  government
                                                                                                                        coffers for years and his administra-
                                                                                    An  announcement  was  planned  for  tion  of  hastening  the  country’s  col-
                                                                                    Friday  after  the  authenticity  and  le-  lapse by mismanaging the economy.
                                                                                    gality  of  the  letter  is  verified,  the  The family has denied the corruption
                                                                                    statement said.                     allegations,  but  Rajapaksa  acknowl-
                                                                                                                        edged that some of his policies con-
                                                                                    As  word  of  the  resignation  spread,  tributed to the meltdown.
                                                                                    jubilant  crowds  gathered  near  the
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