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                                                                                                                           Thursday 24 May 2018

            Experience San Nicolas

            SAN  NICOLAS  —  For  the  ket,  please  call  584-7090  Museum  with  their  theme
            second  time  the  town  of  or  email  experiencesn@     ‘Indian  Party  for  Kids’.  Par-
            San  Nicolas  has  many The Experience  ticipation is for free. WEMA,
            surprises  for  you  to  offer  Art  Walk  is  a  special  tour  the  hardware  store  in  San
            this  coming  Saturday.  The  that takes you to the murals  Nicolas offers a nice work-
            streets  are  ready  for  ev-  of San Nicolas and tells you  shop for kids too. You can
            eryone to dive into history,  the  stories  behind  them.  create  your  own  picture
            culture, education and art.  Contact  the  organization  frame. This will happen be-
            There  will  be  six  different  to  register  as  availability  is  tween  11  AM  and  1  PM.
            activities  for  the  complete  limited  and  costs  are  only  For  more  information  and
            family, free workshops, two  Afl.  15,  00  per  person  in-  registration please contact
            pop-up  museums  and  all  cluding a bottle of water.  At
            established  museums  will                                the terrace of the Nicolaas
            be open to the public. Step  Creative Workshops           Store  you  can  enjoy  ‘Out-
            out of your hotel zone and  Cosecha San Nicolas is an  door  Collection  Artifacts
            get  into  some  local  vibes.  art  center  with  certified  Exhibition’ where the Com-
            Get  to  know  the  island  for  products  from  local  artists  munity  Museum  has  part
            real!                        to buy and they also offer  of their collection exposed
                                         workshops full of creativity.  to  the  public.    During  this
            Sani Market                  Saturday  you  can  see  the  activity the team of Aruba
            The market ‘Sani Market will  ‘Spinning Wheel Clay Dem-   Certification  Program  will
            be set up in the Main Street  onstration’  by  artist  Trudy  be  present  to  do  a  ques-
            of town and will offer art, a  Lampe. You can even give  tionnaire  among  the  visi-
            flea  market,  music,  food,  it a try yourself! Trudy will be  tors and inform them about
            culture and more. A great  there from 10 AM to 1 PM,  their training program.
            opportunity  to  get  some  it  is  just  a  bit  further  than
            local  souvenirs.  This  mar-  the  location  of  Sani  Mar-  For more information please
            ket  will  be  from  9  AM  to  1  ket.  Another  worthwhile  check out Facebook Expe-
            PM.  For  more  information  activity  is  the  pop-up  mu-  rience San Nicolas. See you
            to  participate  in  this  mar-  seum of the Archeological  there!q

            Memorial Day at Costa Linda beach on Monday May 28

            EAGLE BEACH — In yesterday’s Today’s Happening, the
            weekly  events  calendar  of  Aruba  Today,  it  was  acci-
            dentally written that the Memorial Day Ceremony on the
            beach of Costa Linda is coming Sunday.

            This is incorrect, the ceremony is on Monday, May 28. Ini-
            tiative taker of this special occasion is Maureen Nadal,
            a guest at Costa Linda Beach Resort. “Many years ago
            my husband and a few friends started this Memorial Day
            program to honor veterans from around the world. Every
            year the attendance has grown tremendously. Since my
            husband  has  passed  I  have  been  able  to  carry  on  this
            wonderful tradition.”
            The ceremony is on Monday, May 28 at 10 am, on the
            beach at Costa Linda. This year Bob Nadal’s granddaugh-
            ter will be reciting one of the poems followed by the play-
            ing of Taps. All those wishing to join are welcome.q
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