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A28    u.s. news
                     Diaranson 26 Mei 2021

                         Water crisis ‘couldn’t be worse’ on Oregon-California border

                                                                      said it would not release any  yards  (91  meters),  and  they
                                                                      so-called  “flushing  flows”  worried  about  their  wells  The situation in the Klamath
                                                                      from  the  same  dam  on  the  running dry.               Basin was set in motion more
                                                                      Upper Klamath Lake to bol-                                than  a  century  ago,  when
                                                                      ster water levels downstream  About  30  protesters  showed  the  U.S.  government  began
                                                                      in  the  lower  Klamath  River.  up Thursday at the head gates  draining  a  network  of  shal-
                                                                      The river is key to the surviv-  of  the  main  dam  to  protest  low lakes and marshlands, re-
                                                                      al of coho salmon, which are  the shut-off and ask the irri-  directing the natural flow of
                                                                      listed as threatened under the  gation district to defy federal  water and constructing hun-
                                                                      Endangered  Species  Act.  In  orders  and  divert  the  water.  dreds of miles of canals and
                                                                      better water years the pulses  The  Herald  and  News  re-  drainage  channels  to  create
                                                                      of water help keep the river  ported that they were with a  farmland.  Homesteads  were
                                                                      cool  and  turbulent  —  con-  group called People’s Rights,  offered  by  lottery  to  World
                                                                      ditions  that  help  the  fragile  a   far-right   organization  War II veterans.
                                                                      species.  The  fish  are  central  founded by anti-government
                                                                      to  the  diet  and  culture  of  activist Ammon Bundy.    The project turned the region
            (AP)  —  The  water  crisis  Calimlim  Touton,  calling  the Yurok Tribe, California’s                              into  an  agricultural  power-
            along  the  California-Or-   the decision one of “historic  largest  federally  recognized  Oregon  Gov.  Kate  Brown  house  —  some  of  its  potato
            egon  border  went  from  consequence.”  “Reclamation  tribe.                          and  California  Gov.  Gavin  farmers  supply  In  ’N  Out
            dire  to  catastrophic  this  is dedicated to working with                             Newsom,  both  Democrats,  burger  —  but  permanently
            week as federal regulators  our  water  users,  tribes  and  The tribe said this week that  have declared drought emer-  altered an intricate water sys-
            shut  off  irrigation  water  partners  to  get  through  this  low flows from drought and  gencies  in  the  region,  and  tem  that  spans  hundreds  of
            to  farmers  from  a  criti-  difficult year and developing  from  previous  mismanage-  the  Bureau  of  Reclamation  miles and from southern Or-
            cal reservoir and said they  long-term  solutions  for  the  ment of the river by the fed-  has  set  aside  $15  million  in  egon to Northern California.
            would not send extra wa-     basin.”                      eral agency was causing a die-  immediate  aid  for  irrigators.
            ter to dying salmon down-                                 off of juvenile salmon from a  Another  $10  million  will  be  In 1988, two species of sucker
            stream or to a half-dozen  The  canal,  a  major  compo-  disease  that  flourishes  when  available  for  drought  assis-  fish were listed as endangered
            wildlife  refuges  that  har-  nent of the federally operated  water  levels  are  low.  Yurok  tance from the U.S. Depart-  under  federal  law.  Less  than
            bor millions of migrating  Klamath  Reclamation  Proj-    fish biologists who have been  ment of Agriculture.       a  decade  later,  coho  salmon
            birds each year.             ect,  funnels  Klamath  River  testing  the  baby  salmon  in                          that spawn downstream from
                                         water from the Upper Klam-   the lower Klamath River are  Ben DuVal, president of the  the  reclamation  project,  in
            In  what  is  shaping  up  to  be  ath  Lake  just  north  of  the  finding  that  70%  of  the  fish  Klamath Water Users Associ-  the  lower  Klamath  River,
            the worst water crisis in gen-  Oregon-California   border  are already dead in the traps  ation, urged his members to  were listed as threatened.
            erations, the U.S. Bureau of  to  more  than  130,000  acres  used to collect them and 97%  remain  peaceful  and  not  let
            Reclamation  said  it  will  not  (52,600  hectares),  where  are  infected  by  the  parasite  the water crisis “be hijacked  The  water  necessary  to  sus-
            release water this season into  generations  of  ranchers  and  known as C. shasta.    for other causes.”           tain the coho salmon down-
            the main canal that feeds the  farmers  have  grown  hay,  al-                         The  seasonal  allocations  are  stream  comes  from  Upper
            bulk of the massive Klamath  falfa and potatoes and grazed  “Right  now,  the  Klamath  the  region’s  most  dramatic  Klamath  Lake  —  the  main
            Reclamation  Project,  mark-  cattle.                     River is full of dead and dy-  development since irrigation  holding  tank  for  the  farm-
            ing a first for the 114-year-old                          ing fish on the Yurok Reser-  water  was  all  but  cut  off  to  ers’ irrigation system. At the
            irrigation system. The agency  Only  one  irrigation  district  vation,”  said  Frankie  Myers,  hundreds of farmers in 2001  same  time,  the  sucker  fish
            announced  last  month  that  within   the   200,000-acre  vice  chairman  of  the  Yurok  amid another severe drought  in the lake need at least 1 to
            hundreds of irrigators would  (80,940-hectare)  project  will  Tribe.  “This  disease  will  kill  — the first time farmers’ in-  2 feet (30 to 60 centimeters)
            get  dramatically  less  water  receive  any  water  from  the  most  of  the  baby  salmon  in  terests took a backseat to fish  of  water  covering  the  gravel
            than  usual,  but  a  worsening  Klamath  River  system  this  the Klamath, which will im-  and tribes.             beds  they  use  as  spawning
            drought picture means water  growing  season,  and  it  will  pact fish runs for many years                         grounds.
            will  be  completely  shut  off  have  a  severely  limited  sup-  to come. For salmon people,  The  crisis  made  the  rural
            instead.                     ply, the Klamath Water Users  a juvenile fish kill is an abso-  farming  region  hundreds  of  The  drought  also  means
                                         Association  said  in  a  state-  lute worst-case scenario.”  miles  from  any  major  city  a  farmers  this  summer  will
            The  entire  region  is  in  ment.  Some  other  farmers                               national  political  flashpoint  not  flush  irrigation  water
            extreme    or    exceptional  rely on water from a different  Irrigators,  meanwhile,  re-  and became a touchstone for  into a network of six national
            drought,  according  to  fed-  river, and they will also have  acted  with  disbelief  as  the  Republicans  who  used  the  wildlife refuges that are col-
            eral monitoring reports, and  a limited supply.           news  of  a  water  shut-off  in  crisis to take aim at the En-  lectively  called  the  Klamath
            Oregon’s Klamath County is                                the canals spread. A newslet-  dangered  Species  Act,  with  National  Wildlife  Refuge
            experiencing its driest year in  “This   just   couldn’t   be  ter  published  by  the  Klam-  one  GOP  lawmaker  calling  Complex. The refuges, nick-
            127 years.                   worse,”  said  Klamath  Irri-  ath Water Users Association,  the irrigation shutoff a “post-  named the Everglades of the
                                         gation  District  president  Ty  which  represents  many  of  er  child”  for  why  changes  West,  support  up  to  80%  of
            “This  year’s  drought  condi-  Kliewer. “The impacts to our  the  region’s  farmers,  blared  were needed. A “bucket bri-  the birds that migrate on the
            tions  are  bringing  unprec-  family farms and these rural  the  headline,  “Worst  Day  in  gade” protest attracted 15,000  Pacific  Flyway.  The  refuges
            edented hardship to the com-  communities  will  be  off  the  the  History  of  the  Klamath  people  who  scooped  water  also support the largest con-
            munities of the Klamath Ba-  scale.”                      Project.”  Farmers  reported  from the Klamath River and  centrations of wintering Bald
            sin,”  said  Reclamation  Dep-                            already  seeing  dust  storms  passed it, hand over hand, to  Eagles in the lower 48 states.
            uty  Commissioner  Camille  At the same time, the agency  that obscured vision for 100  a parched irrigation canal.

                        New $1.7B Los Angeles International Airport concourse opens

            (AP) — A massive new $1.73 bil-     ture,” Mayor Eric Garcetti said dur-  Officials said it is based around a digi-  baggage  handling  and  boarding  sys-
            lion  concourse  with  15  gates  ing an opening ceremony.              tally based travel experience, includ-  tem as the most advanced in the U.S.
            opened  Monday  at  Los  Angeles  The  4½-year  construction  project  ing  biometric  boarding  gates,  thou-  The airport improvement project in-
            International Airport.              was  part  of  a  $14.5  billion  airport  sands of places to plug in and access  volves  all  of  the  airport’s  passenger
                                                modernization project.              wireless internet — with 5G later this  terminals.  New  facilities  include  an
            Known  as  West  Gates,  it  will  serve                                year — and touchscreen kiosks.      automated people mover train, a con-
            both  international  and  domestic  Located just west of the Tom Bradley  There are two nursing rooms, three  solidated rental car facility and a park-
            flights.                            International Terminal, the five-level,  play  areas  for  children  and  a  relief  ing structure for 4,300 vehicles.
                                                750,000-square-foot  (69,677-square-  area for service animals.         And a new metro station will at long
            “This is a big day in a big city that’s  meter) West Gates concourse is 1,700                               last connect the airport to Los Ange-
            building  out  a  big  new  infrastruc-  feet (518 meters) long.        The airport described the West Gates’  les County’s light rail system.
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