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A30    world news
                     Diaranson 26 Mei 2021

                              Withdrawal of pandemic welfare fuels poverty in Brazil

                                                                      cording  to  the  national  sta-  lo’s biggest favela.    short  of  vaccines,  but  Bra-
                                         Last  year,  Brazil’s  govern-  tistics  institute.  It  includes                      zil’s government in particular
                                         ment provided payments to-   14.4% unemployment, which  “I  wish  I  could  stay  home.  neglected to chase deals. In-
                                         taling almost 300 billion reais  Vale forecasts will climb fur-  We just can’t,” she added. “I  stead, it bet big on AstraZen-
                                         ($55  billion)  that  reached  ther still.                protect  myself  as  much  as  I  eca  and,  once  supply  prob-
                                         68  million  people,  about  a                            can. I know people who died  lems  emerged,  bought  only
                                         third of the population. The  Poverty — defined as house-  of COVID. But I can’t die of  one  backup,  the  Chinese-
                                         money  buoyed  economic  holds living on less than one  hunger.”                       manufactured    CoronaVac.
            (AP)  —  The  pandemic  activity as President Jair Bol-   minimum wage — spiked in                                  Local  production  of  both
            shantytown  sprang  up  sonaro  denounced  restric-       the first quarter of 2021 to its  COVID-19’s   spread   ac-  vaccines was temporarily sus-
            virtually  overnight  when  tions aimed at containing the  highest level in at least nine  celerated  this  year,  causing  pended last week amid fresh
            people  began  using  scav-  pandemic. Brazil’s recession,  years, after plunging last year,  more deaths in the first four  shortages.
            enged  wooden  boards  to  which  shrank  the  economy  according  to  Marcelo  Neri,  months  of  2021  than  in  all
            build  shacks  on  a  plot  of  by  4.1%,  was  smaller  than  director of the Getulio Vargas  of 2020. Nearly 2,000 people  Only  in  February  did  Bra-
            empty land  in Sao Paulo,  countries in the same region,  Foundation’s  social  policy  are still dying each day — a  zil’s government start signing
            Brazil’s biggest city.       where some economies sank  center.                        tally surpassed only by India.  deals with other providers —
                                         by twice as much.                                                                      too late to acquire significant
            Geovani  de  Souza  and  his                              Food  insecurity  for  people  Neighboring  countries  are  supply until the back half of
            pregnant  wife  were  among  But  the  federal  government  with  informal  jobs  is  qua-  reeling,  too.  The  world’s  2021. Just 8.9% of the popu-
            the 200 families who moved  withdrew the welfare lifeline  druple  that  of  salaried  em-  highest  weekly  death  tolls  lation is fully vaccinated.
            in  over  the  last  six  months  at  the  end  of  the  year,  pri-  ployees,  according  to  Tereza  on a per-capita basis are now
            amid  the  economic  turmoil  oritizing  beleaguered  public  Campello, a former minister  found in Brazil and five other    “The  best  economic  policy
            caused by COVID-19.          finances and failing to antici-  of social development.   Latin American and Caribbe-  today  is  mass  vaccination.
            The  Penha  Brasil  shanty-  pate  the  brutal  COVID-19  “That  showed  how  precari-  an nations, according to Our  We need to quickly vaccinate
            town’s rapid creation reflects  tsunami  that  materialized  in  ous  labor  has  become  since  World in Data, an online re-  the  population  to  guarantee
            a resurgence in poverty after  January.  Welfare  resumed  in  Brazil removed a lot of pro-  search site. The regional gross  safe return to work,” Adolfo
            the  government  limited  so-  April,  but  for  roughly  two-  tections,”  Campello  said.  domestic product contracted  Sachsida,  Brazil’s  economic
            cioeconomic turmoil in 2020  thirds as many people. They  “Even  those  who  do  some  7.4%  in  2020,  marking  the  policy secretary, said at a May
            with one of the world’s most  are  also  receiving  less  than  work  and  are  more  exposed  worst single year since 1821,  18 press conference.
            generous  welfare  programs.  half  the  previous  monthly  to the virus live in a situation  when countries were casting
            Now that flow of money has  amounts.                      almost as bad as being unem-  off colonial yokes, according  Vale said people have grown
            been  curtailed,  leaving  vul-                           ployed.”                     to the Inter-American Devel-  used to not doing what’s nec-
            nerable Brazilians exposed to  Brazil’s  job  market  has  cra-                        opment Bank.                 essary  to  contain  the  virus’
            soaring food prices and a still-  tered,  along  with  those  of  As  incomes  fall,  prices  are                   spread.  That  means  a  grow-
            worsening  job  market.  And  other  Latin  American  econ-  surging,  which  means  the  “In 2019, the region was fly-  ing  chance  of  another  CO-
            the  strain  comes  at  a  time  omies  with  many  informal  disadvantaged  are  doubly  ing with one broken engine.  VID-19  wave  in  the  third
            when  there  is  no  near-term  workers, according to an in-  squeezed. Inflation is climb-  In 2020, its other engine also  quarter, he said.
            hope  of  mass  vaccination  to  ternational comparison pub-  ing  at  its  fastest  pace  since  took  a  hit,”  the  bank’s  chief
            safeguard the labor force.   lished May 14 by the govern-  2016 — 6.8%. Over the past  economist,  Eric  Parrado,  Soon after, in early Septem-
                                         ment’s  economic  research  12 months, the cost of staple  wrote  in  a  March  report.  ber, the pared-down welfare
              “Government  welfare  will  institute.                  foods like manioc rose 18%,  “The challenge we now face  program  will  end  —  unless
            be  less,  and  a  recovery  pro-                         rice 57% and beans as much  is to fly this aircraft to safety,  the  government  bows  to
            cess is harder because of the  In the three months through  as 51%.                    rescue  the  passengers  and  pressure for its extension.
            pandemic  and  slow  vaccina-  February,  Brazil’s  underuti-                          prepare for the necessary re-
            tion,” said Sérgio Vale, chief  lization rate — comprised of  “Pedro likes to eat a lot in the  pairs.”             “Everything points to a wors-
            economist  at  Sao  Paulo-   unemployed workers, people  morning,  but  now  he’s  also                             ening of the social situation,”
            based  consultancy  MB  As-  working  few  hours  and  po-  trying to keep it to one bun  The region’s well-heeled are  said  Campello,  the  former
            sociates.  “People  are  poorer,  tential  workers  outside  the  instead of two so we can save  flying to the U.S. to get vac-  social development minister.
            have  more  expensive  bills  labor  force  —  climbed  to  a little for the end of the day,”  cines, leaving the poor at the  “Brazil will reach the end of
            and more expensive food. ...  29.2%,  the  highest  level  for  dos Reis said in a supermar-  mercy  of  local  vaccination  2021 with a level of inequal-
            It will be difficult to survive.”  that  period  since  2012,  ac-  ket near Heliopolis, Sao Pau-  schedules.  Most  nations  are  ity we had in the 1990s.”

                               Mali’s president and PM arrested by mutinous soldiers

            (AP) — Mutinous soldiers  Those who signed on to the  new  democratic  elections  as  order  for  him  to  stay  in  of-  the  move  suggested  mount-
            arrested Mali’s transition-  joint  statement  called  for  promised  by  next  February  fice.                     ing divisions within the tran-
            al  president  and  prime  Mali’s political transition “to  in  Mali,  where  the  U.N.  is                         sitional government.
            minister  Monday  hours  resume  its  course  and  con-   spending  $1.2  billion  a  year  The  soldiers  then  went  on
            after  a  government  re-    clude  within  the  established  on a peacekeeping mission.  state  television  hours  later  There  has  been  widespread
            shuffle left out two mem-    timeframe.”                                               calling  themselves  the  Na-  concern the upheaval in Mali
            bers of the junta that had                                The two leaders were sworn  tional  Committee  for  the  over the past year has further
            seized  power  in  a  coup  “The  international  commu-   in  last  September  after  the  Salvation  of  the  People  and  set back efforts to contain the
            nine  months  earlier,  the  nity rejects in advance any act  ruling  military  junta  agreed  promising  a  swift  return  to  militants  linked  to  al-Qaida
            African Union and United  of coercion, including forced  to hand over power to a civil-  civilian rule. However, Mon-  and the Islamic State groups.
            Nations said.                resignations,”  the  statement  ian  transitional  government  day’s developments appeared
                                         said.  “They  emphasize  that  under  growing  international  to  throw  that  promise  into  Islamic extremists took con-
            A joint statement issued along  the ill-considered action tak-  pressure.              question.                    trol of major towns in north-
            with the West African region-  en  today  carries  the  risk  of                                                    ern Mali after the 2012 coup.
            al  bloc  known  as  ECOWAS  weakening  the  mobilization  The junta had grabbed power  The arrests came just an hour  Only  a  2013  military  inter-
            and other members of the in-  of the international commu-  a  month  earlier  after  muti-  or so after a new government  vention led by the former co-
            ternational community called  nity in support of Mali.”   nous  soldiers  encircled  the  Cabinet was announced. No-  lonial  power  France  pushed
            for the immediate release of                              home  of  President  Ibrahim  tably it did not include Interi-  extremists out of those towns.
            President  Bah  N’Daw  and  The  developments  raised  Boubacar  Keita  and  fired  or Security Minister Modibo  France and a U.N. force have
            Prime Minister Moctar Oua-   new  alarm  about  whether  shots into the air. He later re-  Kone  or  Defense  Minister  continued  to  battle  the  ex-
            ne,  who  were  taken  to  the  the  transitional  government  signed on national television  Sadio  Camara,  both  junta  tremist  rebels,  who  operate
            Kati military headquarters.  would be able to move ahead  under  duress,  saying  he  did  supporters.  No  reason  was  in  rural  areas  and  regularly
                                         freely with plans to organize  not want blood to be shed in  given for their exclusion, but  attack roads and cities.
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