Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20210526 (1)
P. 31
sports Diaranson 26 Mei 2021
Japan says US travel warning for virus won't hurt Olympians
(AP) — The Japanese conference Tuesday that the
government Tuesday was warning does not prohibit
quick to deny a U.S. warn- essential travel and Japan be-
ing for Americans to avoid lieves the U.S. support for
traveling to Japan would Tokyo's effort to hold the
have an impact on Olym- Olympics is unchanged.
pians wanting to compete
in the postponed Tokyo "We believe there is no
Games. change to the U.S. position
supporting the Japanese gov-
U.S. officials cited a surge in ernment's determination to
coronavirus cases in Japan achieve the games," Kato said,
caused by virus variants that adding that Washington has
may even be risky to vac- told Tokyo the travel warning
cinated people. They didn't is not related to the partici-
ban Americans from visit- pation of the U.S. Olympic
ing Japan, but the warnings team.
could affect insurance rates
and whether Olympic ath- The United States Olympic
letes and other participants & Paralympic Committee
decide to join the games that said it still anticipates Ameri-
open on July 23. can athletes will be able to
Most metro areas in Japan are safely compete at the Tokyo
under a state of emergency Games.
and expected to remain so were banned from the To- Disease Control and Pre- 2022 Winter Olympics in
through mid-June because Seiko Hashimoto, the presi- kyo Olympics months ago, vention said: "Because of the Beijing, suggested caution in
of rising serious COVID-19 dent of the Tokyo Olym- but athletes, families, sport- current situation in Japan travel abroad.
cases that are putting pres- pic organizing committee, ing officials from around the even fully vaccinated travel-
sure on the country's medical echoed the remarks of the world and other stakeholders ers may be at risk for getting "At present, the world is still
care systems. That raises con- USOPC. still amount to a mass influx and spreading COVID-19 facing a grave situation of
cern about how the country of international travelers. In variants and should avoid all fighting COVID-19," for-
could cope with the arrival of "I'm aware the USOPC said opinion polls, the Japanese travel to Japan." eign minister spokesperson
tens of thousands of Olympic that the advisory wouldn't public has expressed opposi- Zhao Lijian said Tuesday at
participants if its hospitals re- affect the games," she said. tion to holding the games out The State Department's a daily briefing. "For protect-
main stressed and little of its "I think it's important for us of safety concerns while most warning was more blunt: ing people's health and safety,
population is vaccinated. to prepare well to accept ath- people will not be vaccinated. "Do not travel to Japan due to we advise Chinese citizens to
letes under such restrictions." COVID-19," it said. avoid unnecessary cross-bor-
Chief Cabinet Secretary Kat- The U.S. warning from the der travels."
sunobu Kato said at a news Fans coming from abroad Atlanta-based Centers for China, which is to host the
Solskjaer sees Europa League final as United stepping stone
(AP) — For Manchester son was the United manager ter a slumping to a 3-2 loss the team at some important
United manager Ole Gun- "These are big nights for that night and has traveled against Leipzig in the last moments of the season so we
nar Solskjaer, winning us. It might be the stepping with the team to Poland for game of the Champions know now we have a very,
the Europa League would stone for something better to Wednesday's final. League group stage. Solsk- very strong and robust team,"
mean more than avoiding come, a bright future because jaer's team rescued the season Emery said Tuesday. "Of
another trophyless season. this team is a young team," "I'm sure the players, if they with a second-place Premier course Manchester United
He's hoping Wednesday's Solskjaer said Tuesday. "It's a wonder about something, League finish, the best for can be (the) favorite, they
final will be the start of team that we've rebuilt over can ask him and he's always United since 2018. For them, are very good and if they play
something bigger. the last couple of years, so available for a chat because ideally Wednesday's game their best they can beat any-
hopefully this is the start of this is the club in his heart," will be the club's last in the one, but we will try and find
Up against Spanish team Vil- something more." Solskjaer said of Ferguson. Europa League for some time some responses against this
larreal and its Europa League to come. big team."
specialist coach Unai Emery, Solskjaer conceded that United hasn't won a tro-
Solskjaer's team is bidding to United will likely have to do phy of any kind since Jose Just being in the final is A win for Villarreal would
avoid a fourth consecutive without captain and center Mourinho's team comfort- groundbreaking for Villar- delight traveling Spanish fans
season without silverware. back Harry Maguire, who ably beat Ajax 2-0 in the 2017 real, which has never before — each club received 2,000
That would be the longest made the trip to Poland for Europa League final. Under played for a major Euro- tickets — at the game in Po-
drought for United since the game but didn't take part Solskjaer, the team reached pean trophy. Coach Emery land. It is being played with a
the 1980s, in the early days in pre-game training Tues- the semifinals of the same is heading into his fifth final reduced attendance of 9,500,
of Alex Ferguson's otherwise day with an ankle ligament competition last season be- in the competition after three or 25% of stadium capacity,
trophy-filled reign. injury. Striker Anthony Mar- fore giving up a 1-0 lead in consecutive wins with Sevilla because of the coronavirus
tial hasn't recovered from a 2-1 loss to eventual cham- from 2014 through 2016 and pandemic.
the knee injury which has pion Sevilla. being runner-up with Arse-
kept him out for the past two nal in 2019. A Villarreal victory would
months. Three runs to the latter stages also stop an English sweep of
of the Europa League in five Emery was fired by Arsenal in European soccer's top com-
The final will be 22 years to seasons would count as suc- November 2019 and joined petitions, with Chelsea play-
the day since Solskjaer scored cess for many clubs, but for Villarreal the following July. ing Manchester City in the
the winning goal for United United it's also a reminder of To reach the final, Emery had Champions League final in
to beat Bayern Munich in the club's failure to challenge to go back to Arsenal to wrap Porto on Saturday. Villarreal
the 1999 Champions League for the bigger prize in the up a 2-1 win on aggregate in is the only finalist in either
final. It was one of soccer's Champions League. the semifinals against his for- competition which wasn't
greatest-ever comebacks mer team. part of the failed attempt to
with both of United's goals This season, United ended create a breakaway European
scored in added time. Fergu- up in the Europa League af- "We have got answers from Super League this season.