P. 26

a26     condolencia
                   Diamars 13 maart 2018

                                                             God looked around the                           Ki alegría, ora nan a bisa mi:
                                                             garden and found an empty                       “Ban cas di Señor”  I awor
                                                             space. He then looked down                      ata mi aki para na bo porta
              “Señor ta mi wardador,                         upon the earth and saw your                     Señor.
              mi’n tin falta di nada                         tired face. He put his arms                     Salmo 122
              Den cunucu di yerba berde                      around you and lifted you to
              e ta ponemi sosega.                            rest. God’s garden must be                      Conforme cu boluntad
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                    beautiful for He only takes                     di Dios, nos ta anuncia
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       the best.                                       fayecimento di:
              Salmo: 23                                      ~ Anonymous  ~

              Cu inmenso tristesa na nos                     With deep sorrow we announce the passing               Sra. Vda. Fermina
              curazon pero comforme cu                       away of our beloved mother, grandmother,
              Dios su boluntad, nos ta anuncia fayecimento   great grandmother. sister, aunt, godmother &             Briceño-Romero
              cristianamente di :                            friend:                                               *10 Januari 1935 †08 Maart 2018

                                                                                                             Na nomber di su:
                                                              Florencia Hodge-Milton
                     Balbino Erasmus                                   Better known as Ms. Flo               Yiunan: Lola Briceño
                                                                                                                Francisco y Zoraida Briceño-Quandt
                                                                *   December 1, 1919  -  †  March 8, 2018
                Mihor conoci como : Chabin, Mochabin, of     Left to mourn are her:                             Vidal y Bivian Briceño-Obando
                                Padushi.                     Children:     Adora Hodge (USA)                    Sra. Vda. Prisca Alvarez-Briceño
                           *19- Februari 1920                                     Pedro Rumnit (USA)            Silvia y Luis Vingal-Briceño
                            + 07- maart 2018                             Olivio Rumnit & Velley Anselm (SXM)     Lydia y Marco Noguera-Briceño
              Vuido di: Martina Erasmus-Werleman                                                                Olivia y Victor Maduro-Briceño
                                                             Like daughter:       Viola Brown                   Mirla y Johnny Lue-Briceño
              Na nomber di su juinan:                        Stepchildren:         Julia Milton                 Sandra Briceño
                     Mario Erasmus                                                          Anselmo Milton
                                                             Sisters:                    Mary Simon (AUA)
              Bernadino (Benny) Erasmus y Johanna                                 Carmen Maison (Sto. Domingo)  30 Nieto(a)nan, 37 bisnieto(a)nan
              Kaersenhout                                    Brother:                  Roland Simon (St. Croix)  Rumannan: Sra.Vda. Rogelia Paesch y famia
              Filomena Erasmus y Carlos Hernandez y          Grandchildren:       Gladys & David Knight (USA)           Jose Romero y famia
              juinan na hulanda                                            Marlene & Swon Pennycooks (USA)            Juliana Romero y famia
                                                                           Randy Rumnit (St. Eustatia)
              Francisco Erasmus y Maria Erasmus-Giel y                                         Rolando Rumnit (SXM)           Crispin Romero y famia
              juinan                                                                           Reynaldo Rumnit (SXM)
              Rita y Henky Becker-Erasmus y juinan                          Giovanka Rumnit (The Netherlands)  Cuña: Sra. Vda. Francisca-Maduro
              Sylvia Erasmus                                                                   Nicole Rumnit (USA)
              Sra Vda. Marlin Boekhoudt-Erasmus y juinan                                       Tony Pantophlet (SXM)  Madrina: Nina Boekhoudt
                                                                                               Angela Pantophlet (SXM)
              Sra Vda. Swinda Croes-Erasmus y juinan         Great grands:         Keon, Kaelin, Rofina, Romigeo,   Ihanan: Pedro Vrolijk y Marlon van der Biezen
              Marisela y Ronald van Trigt-Erasmus y juinan   Raishelon, Raishanae, Ajoni,
              Caroline y Ronny Gomez-Erasmus y juinan                                          Rozaria, Marciano.  Comer y compernan, amigo y amiganan,
              Jacqueline y Emilio Schwengle-Erasmus y        Godchildren:          Pamela Milton             bisiñanan, ayudantenan Nashlyn Rasmijn y
              juinan                                                                          Humbert Flanders  Ethleen van den Berg.
                                                             In-laws:                    Silvia Milton       Demas famianan: Romero, Briceño,
                                                                                               Bernard Milton
              23 nieto y nietanan, 25 bisanieto y bisanieta                                    Ivan Milton   Yrausquin, Quandt, Obando, Maduro, Cheuz,
              Su Iha Grace Gil-Werleman                      Nieces & Nephews too numerous to mention in St.   Alvarez, Werleman, Croes, Inees, Moebin,
                                                                                                             Lue, Servania, Oduber, Croeze, Zimmerman,
              Swa y Cuñanan, Subrino y Subrinanan,           Maarten, Sto. Domingo, The Netherlands, USA,    Winterdal, Winklaar, Leito, van der Werk,
              amigo(nan) y tur e bon bisiñanan di Jaburibari.  St. Croix, St. Kitts & Curacao.               Ponson, Vrolijk, Kock, Ras, Jansen, Wilson,
                                                             She considered everyone in the neighborhood of
                                                             Mount William Hill St. Maarten as her children &   Schotborg, Rafini, Goedgedrag, Arendsz, Hatt
              Demas famia: Erasmus, Werleman,                family.                                         y Boekhoudt.
              Kaersenhout, Hernandez, Giel, Becker,          She was related to families:  Alvin Jack & family   Si en caso den nos tristeza nos por a lubida
              Boekhoudt, Croes, Van Trigt, Gomez,            (AUA), Linda Richardson & family (SXM), Jacklyn   algún persona of famia, nos ta pidi nos mas
                                                             Milton & family (SXM), Romero Baptist & family
              Schwengle, Ruiz, Maduro, Feliciana, Lampe,     (AUA), Reynold Simon & family (SXM), James      sincero disculpa.
              Delaney, Melfor, Da Silva, Geerman, Hill, Gil,   Henson & family (SXM), Marla Joseph & family   Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar Diahuebs 15
              Franken, Thiel, Tromp, Ridderstap, De Mey,     (SXM)                                           Maart 2018 pa 4or di atardi na Misa Santa
              Lacle, Arends.                                 Hodge, Milton, Rumnit, Maison, Simon, Brown,    Teresita na San Nicolas y despues saliendo
                                                             Arndel, Richardson, Wilson, Pantophlet, Gibbs,   pa Santana Central na Sabana Basora. Nos
                                                             Mardenborough, Scharborough, Pennycooks,
              Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa y dolor nos por   Martimdurgh, Baptist in the Netherlands, Belgium,   defunto stima lo ta reposa for di 2or di atardi
              a lubida algun famia.                          Dominica, USA, Curacao & St. Maarten.           na Misa. Di 11:00 am pa 1:30 pm e lo ta reposa
                                                                                                             na cas Weg Fontein 95 D.
              Ta invita Famianan, conocirnan, bisiñanan,     The funeral services will take place on Friday,   Adres pa condolencia: Weg Fontein 95 D
              amigonan pa asisti na acto di entierro cual lo   March 16, 2018 at 3 o’clock at the Christ Methodist                  Diamars 13 maart 2018 for di 7:00 pm
                                                             Church followed by the burial at the cemetery
              tuma lugar Diaranson 14 di maart  2018 pa 4or   in Sabana Basora. Her body will be laid out from   pa 9:00 pm
              di atardi, saliendo for di Misa Santa Filomena   1o’clock in the church.                                      Diaranson 14 maart 2018 for di 7:00
              y despues pa Santana Catolico na Paradera. For                                                 pm pa 9:00 pm
              di 2or di merdia e restonan mortal di Chabin,   There will be opportunity for condolences on
              Padushi, Mochabin lo ta reposa den Misa Santa   Thursday march 15, 2018 from 7-9pm at the Ad   Nos ta lamenta cu después di entiero nos no ta
                                                             Patres Funeral Home.
              Filomena na Paradera.                                                                          ricibi bishita di condolencia na cas
                                                             We regret that after the funeral services, we are not   Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta
              Adres pa condolencia ta Jaburibari 5, dialuna 12   able to accept condolences at home.         extende nos mas sincero condolencia na famia
              di maart di 7or pa 9or di anochi.                                                              di e fayecida
                                                             Accept our apologies if in our moments of grief &
                                                             sorrow, we have ommitted some names.            Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos
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