Page 15 - ATA APRIL 24,2015
P. 15
Friday 24 April 2015
Renaissance Marketplace marks International Jazz Day with free concert!
--Featuring 6 groups, 10
vocalists and 21 musicians
on one night only.
ORANJESTAD - Renais- and also those among our cades of international ac- corded with the biggest Stanley Cowell, Antonio
sance Marketplace Aruba dear visitors. claim. Ms. Helm has toured names in jazz. Hart, Andrew Hill, Dave Li-
joins the talented Carlos Lenora Zenzalai Helm is an with her group internation- Her discography includes ebman and Branford Mar-
Bislip Jazz Expo to pres- award winning jazz vocal ally, performed on presti- recordings of her own, and salis.
ent the public with a free musician, composer, lyricist gious jazz festivals and in as a featured guest with The special program put to-
concert in connection with and educator with two de- jazz concert halls, and re- Donald Brown, Ron Carter, gether for the International
the International Jazz Day. Jazz Day 2015 includes the
Everybody is welcome to musical acts of The Student
come on Thursday April Caribbean Jazz Combo,
30th, starting at 6 pm, to The Kross/Hart Project, The
enjoy the musical perfor- Lionel Scholten & Eduardo
mances by a number of Maya Tropical Jazz, The
groups and artists from the Aruba Vocal Ensemble
island and abroad. and also Jam Session.
This night will have as main These groups gather a long
attraction, the lovely pres- list of vocalists and musi-
ence and talent of Ameri- cians both foreign and lo-
can singer Lenora Zenzalai cal. To be seen together
Helm. at one place and totally
Renaissance Marketplace free of charge, without a
is well known for its won- doubt,
derful atmosphere. This this is an occasion not to
even more so during mu- be missed.
sical events when you can For more information on
listen from your table at the concert, please go
one of our cafes or get to our Facebook page
on your feet in front of our at Renaissance Mall &
main stage under the sky. Marketplace.q
Undoubtedly, the mall lo-
cated in Oranjestad, is the
perfect setting to receive
all the island’s jazz lovers
Friday 24 April 2015
Renaissance Marketplace marks International Jazz Day with free concert!
--Featuring 6 groups, 10
vocalists and 21 musicians
on one night only.
ORANJESTAD - Renais- and also those among our cades of international ac- corded with the biggest Stanley Cowell, Antonio
sance Marketplace Aruba dear visitors. claim. Ms. Helm has toured names in jazz. Hart, Andrew Hill, Dave Li-
joins the talented Carlos Lenora Zenzalai Helm is an with her group internation- Her discography includes ebman and Branford Mar-
Bislip Jazz Expo to pres- award winning jazz vocal ally, performed on presti- recordings of her own, and salis.
ent the public with a free musician, composer, lyricist gious jazz festivals and in as a featured guest with The special program put to-
concert in connection with and educator with two de- jazz concert halls, and re- Donald Brown, Ron Carter, gether for the International
the International Jazz Day. Jazz Day 2015 includes the
Everybody is welcome to musical acts of The Student
come on Thursday April Caribbean Jazz Combo,
30th, starting at 6 pm, to The Kross/Hart Project, The
enjoy the musical perfor- Lionel Scholten & Eduardo
mances by a number of Maya Tropical Jazz, The
groups and artists from the Aruba Vocal Ensemble
island and abroad. and also Jam Session.
This night will have as main These groups gather a long
attraction, the lovely pres- list of vocalists and musi-
ence and talent of Ameri- cians both foreign and lo-
can singer Lenora Zenzalai cal. To be seen together
Helm. at one place and totally
Renaissance Marketplace free of charge, without a
is well known for its won- doubt,
derful atmosphere. This this is an occasion not to
even more so during mu- be missed.
sical events when you can For more information on
listen from your table at the concert, please go
one of our cafes or get to our Facebook page
on your feet in front of our at Renaissance Mall &
main stage under the sky. Marketplace.q
Undoubtedly, the mall lo-
cated in Oranjestad, is the
perfect setting to receive
all the island’s jazz lovers