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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
A r u b a ’ s O N L Y E n g l i s h n e w s p a p e r
Courts stymie abortion bans in Iowa, other GOP-led states
By THOMAS BEAUMONT Supreme courts in a hand-
and DAVID PITT ful of states, including oth-
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — ers controlled by Republi-
With a staunch anti-abor- cans, have recognized the
tion Republican governor right to abortion. But in no
and large GOP legislative state is the issue more im-
majorities, Iowa would mediate than Iowa, where
seem poised to ban abor- Republicans are calling
tion if the U.S. Supreme for a state high court with
Court overturns Roe v. new, conservative justices
Wade. to reverse a decision made
There's just one catch: a just four years ago.
2018 Iowa Supreme Court The Iowa court’s decision,
ruling that established the due within weeks, is an ex-
right to abortion under the ample of the complexities
state constitution. that loom in states should
"I don't know if the people the U.S. Supreme Court
of Iowa know that things overturn its 1973 decision
aren't going to change im- that legalized abortion
mediately if Roe. v. Wade nationwide. Specifically,
is overturned," said state it highlights the inevitable
Rep. Sandy Salmon, a Re- confrontation between
publican and farm man- new abortion bans being
ager from northeast Iowa prepared in anticipation
who has made abortion of Roe’s reversal and state Marissa Messinger, of Lake View, Iowa, center, holds a sign during a rally to protest recent abor-
tion bans, May 21, 2019, at the Statehouse in Des Moines, Iowa.
restrictions a cornerstone constitutions. Associated Press
of her five legislative terms. Continued on next page