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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 25 May 2022
            Soul Beach Music Festival Hosted by Aruba Gears Up for

            Power-Packed Performances

            Mary J. Blige, New Edition, Mike Epps, Ari Lenox, Kevin Ross, Chase Anthony

            Memorial Day Weekend May 25-30                  Everything  is  better  by  the  water!  Amped-up
            Comedy Night and Live Music Performances by  festivalgoers will rise and shine to attend beach-
            an Array of Artists                             side day parties drenched in vitamin sea and
            Music  Concerts  Hosted  by  Chris  Spencer  &  emerge to unparalleled night festivities featur-
            Doug E. Fresh                                   ing the ultimate celebration lounges in multiple
                                                            locations  throughout  the  island.  Soul  Beach
            Oranjestad, Aruba -- May 25, 2022 Imagination  Music Festival Hosted by Aruba will enliven the
            takes flight at the 20th Edition of the iconic Soul  senses of partygoers with renowned Guest DJs
            Beach Music Festival Hosted by Aruba featuring  pumping up the airwaves: Kid Capri, DJ Trau-
            a luminescent lineup of world-renowned chart-   ma, DJ Aktive, DJ Envy, DJ Frank Ski, DJ E-Clazz,
            topping performers destined to delight the swell  DJ Outkast and DJ Diablo. The cool vibes catch
            of  concert-goers  set  to  witness  star-studded  a  wave  with  the  Frank  Ski  Broadcast,  Smooth
            shows including headliners Mary J. Blige, New  R&B WHUR – Washington, DC, and KISS 104.1 –
            Edition,  and  Mike  Epps  along  with  highly  re-  Atlanta,  GA  live  simulcast  at  the  Renaissance
            vered main stage performances by Ari Lenox,  Aruba Resort & Casino – Poolside.                  Ari Lenox hit the Billboard 200 chart at number
            Kevin Ross and Chase Anthony delivering lit en-                                                 104. Since then, she has issued a remix EP, ap-
            tertainment Memorial Day Weekend, May 25 –  Friday: May 27: Mike Epps & Chase Anthony           peared on numerous tracks as a featured art-
            30, 2022 in the harmonious paradise of Aruba.   Mike  Epps  -  Generating  an  extraordinary  ist,  and  scored  one  of  her  biggest  hit  singles
                                                            amount of buzz among his peers for being not  with 2021's "Pressure”. Like Lennox’s 2020 single,
            Friday:  May  27,  Comedy  Jam  Concert:  Mike  only one of the funniest comic actors in town  “Chocolate  Pomegranate,”  “Pressure”  is  a
            Epps & Chase Anthony – Featuring, DJ Outkast    but  also  for  his  burgeoning  dramatic  talent,  timeless  soul-stirring  groove  with  a  catchy  up-
            Saturday: May 28, Music Concert: Mary J. Blige  Mike Epps can be seen in the Netflix comedy  beat.  Lenox  embodies  the  lyrical  truth  serum
            & Kevin Ross – Host, Doug E. Fresh              “The UpShaws” in which he stars in and produc-  that will rock the mind and sway the crowd with
            Sunday: May 29, Music Concert: New Edition &  es. The show is based on his life of growing up  her heated performance on the main stage.
            Ari Lenox – Host, Chris Spencer                 in Indiana and taken from his 2018 Harper Col-
                                                            lins autobiography "Unsuccessful Thug." In 2022  Sunday, May 29: New Edition & Kevin Ross
            "We are thrilled to be kicking off the Soul Beach  Epps’ sixth stand-up special premiered on Netf-  New  Edition  -  Composed  of  members  Ronnie
            Musical Festival for its 20th Anniversary this year,"  lix. Indiana Mike aired globally and marks Epps’  DeVoe, Bobby Brown, Ricky Bell, Michael Bivins,
            said Ronella Croes, CEO of Aruba Tourism Au-    third Netflix special.                          Ralph Tresvant, and Johnny Gill, New Edition is
            thority (ATA). "The One happy island is buzzing                                                 a platinum, chart-topping, hitmaking teen pop
            with  energy  as  we  welcome  back  fans  from  Chase  Anthony  -  Multifaceted  American  ac-  group  that  evolved  into  a  mature  R&B  vocal
            around the world to see the star-studded line-  tor, comedian, Chase Anthony, made his act-     act and a cultural phenomenon. Wowing fans
            up. Aruba is the perfect destination for the festi-  ing debut as Tre in the feature film Holla II. He  with  their  biggest  hits,  “Cool  it  Now”,  “Candy
            val as we boast one of the world's top beaches,  has  put  in  notable  appearances  in  the  films  Girl”,  “Mr.  Telephone  Man”,  “If  It  Isn’t  Love”,
            friendly and vibrant culture, and stunning sun-  Journey of a Goddess, Love & Trust and Hidden  and “Can You Stand the Rain” just to name a
            sets you can't enjoy anywhere else."            Treasure as well as television shows Grey’s Anat-  few along with their famous dance moves, this
                                                            omy,  Lethal  Weapon,  TheBkdwn,  Deal  With  It,  highly anticipated performance will be sure to
            When  wanderlust  calls,  Aruba  answers.  A  cul-  Netflix  &  Chill  and  starred  in  the  web  series  A  set the stage on fire and keep the music play-
            tural crossroad of breathtaking beauty and un-  Whole New Irving, which won him the Best Male  ing in the hearts of concert-goers.
            rivaled hospitality, Aruba’s timeless charm is a  Performance from the International Academy
            sunshine daydream where luxury meets nature.  of Web Television award. He has been seen in  Kevin  Ross  -  In  2017  Kevin  released  his  long-
            Thousands of travelers are set to embark upon  commercials  for  Honda,  ESPN,  and  Taco  Bell,  awaited  debut  full-length  album,  The  Awak-
            the  adventure-ready  happy  island  featuring  among others. Currently, you can see Chase in  ening.  The  album’s  first  single,  “Long  Song
            sophisticated shopping escapades, savory cu-    a leading role on two seasons of the BET Net-   Away” peaked at #1 on Billboard's Adult R&B.
            linary indulgences, aquatic excursions, art gal-  work series Bigger, produced by Will Packer Pro-  Ross  continues  to  make  a  significant  mark  on
            leries, and nonstop festivities. Every vacationer  ductions.                                    the  contemporary  music  scene.  Ross'  current
            will  be  greeted  by  masterfully  blended  and                                                project "Drive 2" debuted at #1 on iTunes R&B
            well-designed  accommodations  and  invited  Saturday, May 28: Mary J. Blige & Ari Lenox        album  chart  with  the  lead  single  "Looking  for
            to  experience  the  uniquely  refined  amenities.  Mary J. Blige - Sensational Grammy-Award-win-  Love" cracking the Top 10 on Billboard's Adult
            Aruba  is  a  destination  that  recharges  and  in-  ning singer, songwriter, actress, producer, and  R&B Radio Play chart. Ross is ready to go be-
            spires, offering anything but ordinary. Why wait  philanthropist, Mary J. Blige is a figure of inspi-  yond expectation when he takes to the micro-
            for next when you can have now! Coupled with  ration.  Her  presence  center  stage  personifies  phone and will light up the stage.
            Soul  Beach  Music  Festival's  jammed-packed  a global super-star with a track record of eight
            events,  a  supernova  entertainment  line-up,  multi-platinum  albums,  nine  Grammy  Awards  For information about #SBMF22, ticket sales, ac-
            and  Aruba's  magnetic  epicenter,  there  is  no  (plus a staggering 32 nominations), two Acad-  commodations and the latest updates sign up
            other place than #SBMF22 to elevate the soul  emy  Award  nominations,  two  Golden  Globe  for  CLUB  SOUL  BEACH,  by  visiting  http://www.
            on Memorial Day weekend.                        nominations,  and  a  SAG  nomination,  among With the regard to the guide-
                                                            many other accolades. Blige’s release of Good  lines set in place, all Soul Beach events will follow
            “I’m so excited to finally return for the 20th edi-  Morning Gorgeous, the singer’s 14th studio al-  the  Aruban  government  protocols  for  health
            tion of Soul Beach. We are truly grateful for the  bum,  is  a  force  of  reckoning  and  laced  with  and safety: read the Travel Requirements.
            support and partnership with the Aruba Tourism  golden lyrics. It’s been said, “the sheer strength
            Authority and all the participating sponsors as  and breadth of her voice is like comfort food.”  Join  the  Soul  Beach  Music  Festival  commu-
            well  as  the  thousands  of  loyal  Soul  Beach  at-  Blige,  an  indispensable  voice  in  the  history  of  nity: follow us on Twitter and Instagram @Soul-
            tendees and esteemed artists. This year’s events  R&B and hip-hop and a 10-time Billboard Mu-   BeachMusic  and  become  a  fan  of  the  2022
            will be filled with the spirit of rejuvenation and  sic Award winner, was presented with the Icon  Soul  Beach  Music  Festival  on  Facebook.  Get
            a celebration of life,” said Mark Adkins, CEO &  Award at the 2022 BBMAs.                       real time features on the day parties, concert
            Executive Producer of Soul Beach Festival Pro-                                                  tickets, partner and sponsor offerings by down-
            ductions.                                       Ari Lenox - In 2016 with the Pho EP and followed  loading the Soul Beach Music Festival App on
                                                            up in 2019 with her first album, Shea Butter Baby,  GooglePlay and AppleStore.
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