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P. 5
CLASSIFIED Thursday 21 November 2019
Bei Bei, an HEALTH
panda, leaves DOCTOR ON DUTY
Washington for Sun Caribbean Realty Halley Time Travel Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
China HOME FOR SALE in kamay, Commercial property land Tel. 527 4000
Palm Beach
13,500 m2 at barcadera $60
San Nicolas
By ASHRAF KHALIL Newly constructed home with per m2 IMSAN 24 Hours
Associated Press pool, also great for daily rentals House for sale Tel.524 8833
WASHINGTON (AP) — A 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Tibushie (Noord) Women in Difficulties
specially equipped Boe- Price us$ 438.000 2 br, 2 bath 1 appartment , pool PHARMACY ON DUTY
ing 777 jet took off from __________________________ $260K
Dulles International Air- HOME FOR SALE in kamay, Oranjestad:
Eagle Tel. 587 9011
port on Tuesday carrying Palm Beach Aruba Divi Phoenix San Nicolas:
a true Washington celeb- Great Family home, also great 1 br week # 44 and 45 on 7 San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
rity: Bei Bei, a 4-year-old for daily rentals th floor tower with 33 weeks Women in Difficulties
giant panda. Visitors to 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms remain $10,000 each OTHER
Washington's National Zoo Price us$ 410.000 Dutch Village Dental Clinic 587 9850
have watched him grow __________________________ 1 br wk 46 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
up since Day One. But now Newly build Apartment Weeks remain 12/6 $6500 Urgent Care 586 0448
he's headed to China. complex 2 br wk 47 Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
+297 588 0539
Under terms of the zoo's with pool in Gasparito, Noord 17 weeks remain $ 7000 Women in Difficulties
agreement with the Chi- Great investment, great for for EMERGENCY
nese government, any daily rentals House for Sale Police 100
panda born here must Price us$ 786.000 Tierra del sol Oranjestad 527 3140
be sent to China when __________________________ 3 br, 2 bath $510K Noord 527 3200
they reach age 4. When Apartment complex of 7 units Sta. Cruz 527 2900
he reaches sexual matu- in Bubali, Noord Paradise Beach Villas San Nicolas 584 5000
rity after age 6, Bei Bei will super investment great for long 1 br wk 45 Police Tipline 11141
be entered into China's and short term rentals 3rd floor garden view $4500 Ambulancia 911
Fire Dept.
government-run breeding Price us$ 605.000 1 br wk 47 Red Cross 582 2219
program, seeking to ex- __________________________ 2sd floor garden view $4500
pand the vulnerable pan- Apartment complex of 5 units TAXI SERVICES
da population. Bei Bei was in Montana, Noord Eagle Resorts Taxi Tas 587 5900
born at the zoo on Aug. 22, super investment great for long 2 br wk 45 and 46 Prof. Taxi 588 0035
2015, the cub (via artificial and short term rentals Ground floor $6500 each Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
insemination) of National Price us$ 555.000 La Cabana Beach and casino Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
Zoo pandas Mei Xiang and __________________________ 1 br wk 47 A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
Tian Tian. His name, which HOME For sale in Alto Vista, 4th floor thursday check in Women in Difficulties
translates as "treasure" or Noord $4500 TRAVEL INFO
"precious" in Mandarin, super investment great vacation Aruba Airport 524 2424
was jointly selected by home Divi Village American Airlines 582 2700
former first lady Michelle 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms studio wk 47 and 48 Avianca 588 0059
Obama and Peng Liyuan, Price us$ 328.000 1 st building to your left Jet Blue 588 2244
the first lady of the People's __________________________ From the eagle beach Surinam 582 7896
Republic of China. There Home with pool in papaya, 30 weeks remain $6500 each
are an estimated 1,800 gi- Paradera Women in Difficulties
ant pandas in the wild, all under construction ready in Marriott Ocean Club CRUISES
of them in southwestern February 2020 Gold season
China.q 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 1 br ocean view $4500
Price us $ 345.000 2 br ocean view $7000
________________________________212049 1 br ocean Front $7500 2 br ocean Front $14,000 November 21
Carnival horizon
Call/whats'app 593-8082 Marriott Surf Club Celebrity edge
Gold season November 23
Women in Difficulties
2 br Garden view $5000 royal Clipper / Zuiderdam
2 br ocean view $7000 AID FOUNDATIONS
2 br ocean side $8500 FAVI- Visually Impaired
2 br ocean Front $14,000 Tel. 582 5051
Divi Timeshares Studios, 3 br ocean view $12,500
Below Market, For Sale Alcoholics Anonymous
by owner Call: 630 1307 Tel. 736 2952
divi Golf, rm 4201, wk 35, 26 Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
wks left, 8/31, $1800 facebookpage:resales&realty Women in Difficulties
divi dutch village, rm 128, wk Tel. 583 5400
35, 26 wks left, 8/31 $1800 Centre for Diabetes
divi village, rm 3205, wk 17, Tel. 524 8888
24 wks left, 4/25, $1700 Child Abuse Prevention
divi village, rm7302, wk44, 18 Tel. 582 4433
wks left, 10/31, $$1600 Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
email:, General Info
us #508-651-0016
Phone Directory Tel. 118