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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 4 November 2022
            Italy silent as ships with 1,000 rescued migrants seek help

            By  MASSIMO  di  NONNO                                                                                              "We are here on board with
            and COLLEEN BARRY Asso-                                                                                             572 people, some of them
            ciated Press                                                                                                        have been with us already
            ABOARD  THE  GEO  BAR-                                                                                              for  6  days,''  said  Caroline
            ENTS  (AP)  —  Humanitar-                                                                                           Willemen, MSF Coordinator
            ian groups caring for 1,000                                                                                         on the Geo Barents. "As you
            rescued  migrants  aboard                                                                                           can see, the situation here
            three  ships  in  the  central                                                                                      on  the  deck  is  extremely
            Mediterranean  are  sound-                                                                                          overcrowded.  People  do
            ing  an  alarm  about  dete-                                                                                        not  have  space  to  move.
            riorating  conditions,  but  so                                                                                     The  MSF  team  we  are  do-
            far  Italy's  new  far-right-led                                                                                    ing  everything  we  can  to
            government  has  not  re-                                                                                           take care of them.
            sponded  to  requests  for                                                                                          "It  is  absolutely  necessary
            a  safe  port  as  it  hardens                                                                                      that they can disembark as
            its  position  against  rescue                                                                                      soon as possible in a place
            boats.                                                                                                              of safety,'' she said.
            The  country's  new  interior                                                                                       The rescued migrants were
            minister, Matteo Piantedosi,                                                                                        struggling  with  the  crowd-
            has already set the ground-                                                                                         ed  conditions  and  the  un-
            work  to  ban  humanitarian                                                                                         certainty.
            ships from its ports, while ap-                                                                                     "We  don't  have  enough
            pealing to countries whose                                                                                          space  to  sleep.  We  are
            flags the rescue ships fly to   Part of the some 572 survivors rescued by the NGO Geo Barents rescue ship are packed on the   sleeping down on the floor
            take  on  the  migrants  and   deck of the ship cruising in the Mediterranean Sea, in this picture taken Sunday, Oct. 30, 2022.   and it's very cold at morning
            relieve the burden on Italy.                                                                                        and  at  night,''  said  Khaled
            The moves are reminiscent  tors  without  Borders'  Geo  1,000  people,  interior  min-  The  crew  of  the  Geo  Bar-  Mahmoud Mansour, a Pal-
            of  the  anti-NGO  posture  Barents with 572 people on  istry  figures  indicate  that  ents  is  struggling  to  ac-  estinian. "Actually the situa-
            taken  by  League  party  board,  SOS  Mediteranee's  6,383  others  have  been  commodate  the  migrants  tion is becoming day after
            leader Matteo Salvini, now  Ocean Viking with 234 peo-    brought to its shores by Ital-  picked up in seven opera-  day more difficult."
            the  deputy  premier,  who  ple on board and the SOS  ian authorities over the last  tions  starting  Oct.  22.  They  After  failing  to  get  a  re-
            prevented     humanitarian  Humanity's Humanity 1 with  week.                          include  more  than  60  un-  sponse  from  either  Italy  or
            ships  from  accessing  Italy's  179  rescued  people.  All  Migrant  arrivals  by  sea  to  accompanied  minors,  yet  Malta,  the  SOS  Meditera-
            ports  when  he  was  interior  were rescued over a week-  Italy  are  rising  this  year,  to  more families with children  nee  also  issued  requests
            minister from 2018-19.       long period beginning Oct.  85,991  so  far,  compared  and  pregnant  woman,  as  for  safe  ports  to  Greece,
            So far, Italy, along with Mal-  22.                       with 53,825 in the same pe-  well  as  the  elderly.  Many  Spain and France. "The 234
            ta,  have  remained  silent  Even while Italy is de facto  riod  last  year    but  still  well  are  sleeping  on  the  floors,  rescued  people  on  board
            in  response  to  requests  for  blocking  the  humanitarian  below peak arrivals in 2014-  and  supplies  were  running  must  be  disembarked  ur-
            a  safe  port  from  the  Doc-  ships from disembarking the  2016.                     low.                         gently,'' the group said.q

            Europe urged to save natural gas to avoid shortage next year

            By DAVID McHUGH              to act now to reduce use,  war  in  Ukraine  after  coun-  governments  need  to  be  strictions. That all means Eu-
            AP Business Writer           the  International  Energy  tries were able to build up  taking immediate action to  rope could face a shortfall
            FRANKFURT,  Germany  (AP)  Agency  said  in  a  report  storage of the fuel to heat  speed up improvements in  of 30 billion cubic meters of
            —  Europe  could  face  a  Thursday,  warning  against  homes and generate elec-       energy  efficiency  and  ac-  gas  next  summer,  the  key
            severe  natural  gas  short-  complacency in an energy  tricity this winter.           celerate  the  deployment  period  for  filling  supplies
            age  next  year  and  needs  crisis  triggered  by  Russia's  The  IEA  said  Europe  ben-  of  renewables  and  heat  ahead  of  the  winter  heat-
                                                                      efited  from  some  Russian  pumps  and other steps to  ing  season,  when  there  is
                                                                      gas supplies over the sum-   structurally reduce gas de-  stronger  demand  for  the
                                                                      mer  and  sharply  reduced  mand."                        fuel.
                                                                      competition  from  China  The  cutoff  of  most  Rus-       The  figure  represents  al-
                                                                      for  scarce  shiploads  of  liq-  sian  pipeline  gas  because  most half the gas required
                                                                      uefied natural gas, or LNG,  of  the  war  in  Ukraine  has  to fill storage facilities in Eu-
                                                                      and those factors could be  sparked  a  winter  energy  rope  to  95%  capacity  be-
                                                                      one-offs,  the  Paris-based  crisis in Europe. Russian de-  fore  the  2023-2024  winter
                                                                      organization  said.  Along  liveries  were  close  to  nor-  starts.
                                                                      with mild weather, that has  mal  for  the  first  half  of  the  Use  by  industry  has  fallen
                                                                      pushed  down  natural  gas  year. The country has since  as prices have grown, and
                                                                      prices from August highs.    turned off all but a trickle of  a  campaign  to  buy  LNG
                                                                      "With   the   recent   mild  gas,  and  even  that  could  that  comes  by  ship  from
                                                                      weather  and  lower  gas  be unavailable next year.       countries  like  the  U.S.  and
            A sticker reads "natural gas" on a pipe at the French company   prices,  there  is  a  danger  On  top  of  that,  if  China's  Qatar  succeeded  in  filling
            R-CUA  plant,  in  Strasbourg,  eastern  France,  Oct.  7,  2022.  The   of  complacency  creep-  imports  of  LNG  recover  to  storage  to  95%,  accord-
            International Energy Agency says Europe could face a severe   ing  into  the  conversation  2021 levels, that could con-  ing  to  figures  compiled  by
            natural gas shortage next year and needs to act now to conserve.   around  Europe's  gas  sup-  sume  over  85%  of  the  ex-  Gas  Infrastructure  Europe,
            In a report Thursday, Nov. 3 the Paris-based organization warned
            against complacency in an energy crisis triggered by Russia’s   plies,  but  we  are  by  no  pected  increase  in  global  an  association  of  compa-
            war in Ukraine after countries were able to build up storage of   means  out  of  the  woods  supply.  China's  economy  nies that operate pipelines,
            the fuel to heat homes and generate electricity this winter.  yet," IEA Executive Director  has  been  weakening  due  underground  storage  and
                                                                      Fatih  Birol  said.  "This  is  why  in part to strict COVID-19 re-  LNG facilities. q
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