Page 23 - Awe Mainta 9 jan,2016
P. 23
AWEMainta Diasabra, 9 Januari 2016 23
n any one location of tolerance, however, has caused many seeking work. These offerings are needs TOURISM AND MORE’S WIDE RANGE
ety levels around the people to fear informing law enforcement will be posted on our website: www. OF SPEECHES AND TRAINING
act that terrorism is of questionable actions by a particular If you need SEMINARS
henomena, an attack individual, out of a mistaken belief that a job or seek employee please send
acting on the motto: “see something/ your request to our webmaster For a complete listing of topics
means that visitors say something” may make the individual at Please and information, please check our
ingly fearful but that seem intolerant or bigoted. It behooves provide the following information: web page http://www.tourismandmore.
ause people to cease the tourism industry to help people com/contact or e-mail us at ptarlow@
less, thus impacting understand that it may be better to be Name and country
overcautious than overly sensitive.
cenarios. Terrorists Languages spoken/or needed Our trained professionals are ready
o use deadly force, -Invest in law enforcement and to meet with your board and you to
tourism crisis by private security professionals. In too Highest degree obtained/required discuss specific strategic planning in this
cks, social media or many locations police are over worked, most difficult of times.
mors that create fear under trained and under paid. The Salary range
g public. In today’s 19th century concept of law enforcement Please contact us at ptarlow@
ected world news being all muscle and few brains is no Email address. for more
ly rapid speeds and longer valid. Today we need men and information regarding costs and available
ancellations not only women who are professionals, highly Please tell us what topics you would like dates.
but across the globe. educated and specialists. All too often a to see in Tourism Tidbits. We want to
raise in rank means a change in position publish topics that interest you! Please All seminars and speeches can be
ew things that and the loss of a great deal of training feel free to write a guest column of about presented in English, Portuguese, or
nals can do to be and knowledge. Tourism communities 500-200 words Spanish.
without specifically trained TOPPs _________________________
ssionals need to (Tourism Oriented Police and Protection _ 1) Surviving Economically Challenging
ws from various Units) are putting their industry at The Art of the Assessment Study Times: Best Practice from Far and Wide.
m breeds confusion risk. The same is also true of private Assessment studies are to tourism what 2) How tourism can profit from currency
aller locales. It is security professionals and it is essential medical check-ups are to people. Every fluctuations, and the rising US dollar
ourism professional that members of both groups both know locale needs to have a full assessment 3) New forms of tourism: from agro-
ut of information and respect each other. study to determine both tourism tourism to dark tourism.
he does not allow __________________________________ strengths and weaknesses and to 4) Putting our best foot forward,
eelings to mix with build a better industry and to avoid Understanding the Chinese Tourism
ts. Terrorists want Want to win a free trip to Las Vegas????? future problems. Please contact T&M Market.
ry professionals to for full details. 5) How well can you survive a crisis?
and thus it is easer This year the Las Vegas International 6) Successful and failed tourism
he tourism industry. Tourism Safety and Security Conference _________________________ marketing strategies.
is offering a scholarship to 2016 7) Avoiding tourism crises by using good
rrorism task force in conference for a deserving person TOURISM AND MORE’S WIDE RANGE risk management techniques
rce should include from outside of the USA. OF SPEECHES AND TRAINING 8) Should the crisis occur, how to
savvy members of SEMINARS overcome it and go beyond it
but also medical The scholarship will cover: 9) Tourism Confronts Terrorism: What
pecialists, hoteliers 1) Economy class airfare to/from Las For a complete listing of topics You Need to Know to Maintain a Viable
s, transportation Vegas and information, please check our web Industry in the Face of Terrorism
rofessionals, and 2) Hotel for the nights of April 10-14 page http://www.tourismandmore. 10) Training Your Police: Tourism
al leadership. It is 3) Conference registration and com/contact or e-mail us at ptarlow@ Oriented Policing (TOPPs), how it works
e be collegial trust conference meals and why it is essential for a viable tourism
members. The better industry.
with each other the To win; you must write a 500 word (send Our trained professionals are ready 11) Generational Marketing: How to
handled or adverted. by email) essay on what tourism security to meet with your board and you to market tourism to diverse age groups
means for your community/country/ discuss specific strategic planning in this 12) The Health threat to tourism
or people to provide locale most difficult of times. 13) Something from Nothing: The Art of
ormation without Creating New Attractions.
goted. The last few Essays must be submitted no later than Please contact us at ptarlow@ 14) Tourism Ethics: Linking the Moral to
ourism centers to be January 15, 2016 and must be written in for more Your Tourism Product.
nsitive but also places English. information regarding costs and 15) Dealing with the Media: Transforming
sensitivity. Tourism _________________________ available dates. the Media into your friend
xenophobia and the 16) Selling to the Latin American Tourism
The Job Exchange: All seminars and speeches can be Market: No, they are not all the same!
judge each person Due to the economic situation around presented in English, Portuguese, or 17) Selling to the US Market: One
nd not by his or her the world, T&M is offering to post Spanish. country and lots of niche groups
religion. This sense job offerings and listings of those __________________________________