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Wednesday 3 May 2023
Staged Giant Boulders Episode CCIV– 204
Stay in touch with the rev- where they are located is
elations of “Island-Insights” not considered a distinct
about the ethnic heritage area unless it covers 40
of the island, which in each square miles.
weekly episode defends
the real identity of our be- Aruba has three basic
loved rock called Aruba. geological formations: a
limestone part, an undulat-
The values of the destina- ing part, and the central
tion, native heritage, and mountainous part, where
cultural authenticity are the highest elevations of
present in this cultural blog the island are found, in-
as a way to safeguard cluding the highest, known
more reasons to fall in love as Yamanota 189 m, and
with Aruba. the other hills, such as
Arikok 184 m.
“Island-Insight” shares
awareness, educates, and The limestone part em-
safeguards native heritage braces two other zones
by encouraging the reader of the island forming the be moved by the island’s authentic glimpse into the
to experience an islander’s coastline: some small The physical characteristics authentic heritage and island’s cultural legacy.
state of mind. ancient islands as coral of these large boulders experience exhibits of
plateaus and canyons of allowed our ancestors to archaeological artifacts,
Education breaks down dry rivers. use them as shelters and works of art, archaic and The colonial family heri-
the barriers to greater religious centers, using lithic artifacts, prehistoric tage of our columnist, an
human understanding, em- Some formations that will the smaller rocks as natu- tools, unique artifacts, and islander “Piache”, dates
pathy, and empowerment. sorely capture your atten- ral water containers and colonial furniture. back to 1640, when the
tion will be the rock forma- Metate’s to grind all types Dutch occupation began.
of cereals and materials for Etnia Nativa, since 1994,
daily use. has been a great trendset- Meet him and enjoy a
ter. genuine native encounter,
The hardness and homo- given that Etnia Nativa
geneous structure of the A living embodiment of comes to mind when an
rock made it the best blended cultures, and authentic destination ex-
raw material available for home to our “Island-In- perience is requested.
these artifacts. sight’s” acclaimed colum-
nist and native artist, who Appointment is required +
Aruba’s Indigenous Cultur- feels a passion. 297 592 2702 or etniana-
al Heritage is meticulously
researched, documented, He provides visitors an
presented, and preserved authentic glimpse of
by Etnia Nativa and associ- Aruba inside his exclusive
ates. museum that recreates
and introduces you to an
An exclusive collection is
part of its private museum
So today we want to keep tions made out of staked on permanent display.
you informed about one boulders recurring through- Many of the objects and
of the wonderful parts of out the island’s landscape, items in the collection
Aruba’s landscape, “the especially when you tour come from salvage ac-
batholith boulders.” through the Santa Cruz tivities and cover an era
district. beginning approximately
The term “batholith” 4,500 years ago and end-
comes from the Greek It is a rocky unit landscape ing in 1880.
bathos, meaning depth, named, in geological
and lithos, meaning rock. terms, the Aruba Lava For- Are you intrigued by the
Batholiths, simply put, are mation. It is a slightly “un- origins and cultural heri-
the result of molten materi- dulating” landscape with tage of Aruba?
al rising towards the earth’s large boulders that played
surface. This material hard- a very important role in the Do something completely
ens into granite, and some lives of our prehistoric and off the tourist grid by visit-
of this rock finds its way agro-ceramic ancestral ing a very special private
to the surface. The area inhabitants. museum where you will