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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 3 May 2023

              300 nabbed in global crackdown on dark web drug marketplace

            By MIKE CORDER and LIND-                                                                                            United  States,  followed  by
            SAY WHITEHURST                                                                                                      the United Kingdom with 55
            Associated Press                                                                                                    and Germany with 52, ac-
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands                                                                                            cording  to  the  European
            (AP)  —  Authorities  in  the                                                                                       Union  law  enforcement
            U.S.  and  Europe  arrested                                                                                         agency Europol, which co-
            nearly  300  people,  confis-                                                                                       ordinated  the  worldwide
            cated over $53 million, and                                                                                         operation.
            seized a dark web market-                                                                                           “Our  coalition  of  law  en-
            place as part of an interna-                                                                                        forcement       authorities
            tional crack down on drug                                                                                           across   three   continents
            trafficking  that  officials  say                                                                                   proves that we all do bet-
            was  the  largest  operation                                                                                        ter  when  we  work  togeth-
            of its kind.                                                                                                        er,” Europol’s executive di-
            The  worldwide  operation                                                                                           rector, Catherine De Bolle,
            targeting  the  “Monopoly                                                                                           said  in  a  statement.  “This
            Market”  is  the  latest  major                                                                                     operation  sends  a  strong
            takedown  of  sales  plat-                                                                                          message  to  criminals  on
            forms for drugs and other il-                                                                                       the dark web: International
            licit goods on the so-called                                                                                        law  enforcement  has  the
            dark  web,  a  part  of  the                                                                                        means  and  the  ability  to
            internet  hosted  within  an                                                                                        identify  and  hold  you  ac-
            encrypted  network  and                                                                                             countable  for  your  illegal
            accessible  only  through    This Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2018, file photo shows the sun bouncing off the Europol headquarters in   activities, even on the dark
            specialized anonymity-pro-   The Hague, Netherlands.                                               Associated Press   web.”
            viding tools.                                                                                                       It  seized  50.8  million  euros
            The  largest  number  of  ar-  you  accountable  for  your  thousands of people on the  purchased  off  the  dark  ($53.4  million)  in  cash  and
            rests were made in the U.S.,  crimes,”  said  U.S.  Attorney  dark web, he said.       net,” he said. “Because of  virtual  currencies,  850  ki-
            which  is  in  the  grips  of  an  General  Merrick  Garland.  Investigators also got leads  those drugs, that promising  lograms  of  drugs,  and  117
            overdose  crisis.  Synthetic  The  number  of  arrests  and  from  local  police  investi-  young  man  sadly  died  of  firearms were seized in a se-
            opioids,  mostly  fentanyl,  money seized was the high-   gating overdose deaths, in-  an overdose last year.”      ries of raids in several coun-
            kill  more  Americans  every  est  for  any  international  cluding a 19-year-old man  For the first time, FBI agents  tries.
            year than died in the Viet-  Justice    Department-led  in  Colorado  who  loved  from  all  the  bureau’s  field  In  the  Netherlands,  where
            nam, Iraq and Afghanistan  drug  trafficking  operation,  learning  languages  and  offices  also  visited  buyers  authorities   arrested   10
            wars combined.               he said.                     building  his  own  comput-  to tell them about the over-  suspects,  police  said  the
            “Our  message  to  criminals  One  defendant  in  Cali-   ers, said FBI Deputy Director  dose  danger  of  pills  sold  operation  was  made  up
            on the dark web is this: You  fornia  led  an  organiza-  Paul Abbate.                 online, which are often dis-  of  “separate  but  comple-
            can  try  to  hide  in  the  fur-  tion  that  bought  fentanyl  “But some of the packages  guised to look like prescrip-  mentary  actions  that  took
            thest  reaches  of  the  inter-  in  bulk,  pressed  it  into  pills  his family thought were full  tion drugs.     place in nine countries over
            net, but the Justice Depart-  with   methamphetamine  of  computer  parts  actu-       The  largest  number  of  ar-  the past 18 months.”q
            ment will find you and hold  and  sold  millions  of  pills  to  ally  contain  drugs  he  had  rests 153  were made in the

             Australian government cracks down on smoking and vaping

            CANBERRA,  Australia  (AP)  controls  on  their  importa-  of the same chemicals you  with  the  states  and  territo-  primary  schools.  This  must
            —  Australia’s  tobacco  tax  tion and packaging.         will find in nail polish remov-  ries to shut down the sale of  end.”
            will be increased by billions  “Vapes contain more than  er  and  weed  killer,”  Butler  vapes in retail and conve-  Butler  said  the  hard-won
            of dollars over the next four  200 chemicals that do not  said.                        nience  stores  and  make  it  gains  in  public  health  re-
            years  as  the  government  belong  in  the  lungs.  Some  The  government  will  work  easier to get a prescription  lating  to  the  reduction  in
            cracks  down  on  smoking                                                              for therapeutic use.         smoking  could  be  undone
            and vaping.                                                                            To tackle the growing black  by the “new threat.”
            Recreational vaping will be                                                            market,  the  government  Steve  Robson,  president
            banned as the government                                                               will  increase  the  product  of  the  Australian  Medical
            seeks  to  prevent  the  next                                                          standards  for  vapes,  in-  Association,  the  nation’s
            generation  from  becom-                                                               cluding by restricting flavors  leading   doctors   group,
            ing  addicted  to  nicotine,                                                           and  colors.  It  will  require  backed the move.
            Health  Minister  Mark  Butler                                                         pharmaceutical-like  pack-   “We  know  the  new  young
            said Tuesday.                                                                          aging,  a  reduction  in  the  generation  of  Australians
            The tobacco tax would be                                                               maximum allowed nicotine  are  being  hooked  on
            raised by 5% a year starting                                                           concentrations  and  vol-    vapes and this is a great ini-
            from September, Butler said                                                            umes and a ban on single-    tiative,” he said.
            a  total  increase  of  3.3  bil-                                                      use vapes.                   Alcohol  and  Drug  Foun-
            lion  Australian  dollars  ($2.2                                                       “This is a product targeted  dation  CEO  Erin  Lalor  said
            billion) over four years. This                                                         at  our  kids,”  Butler  said.  most people vaping in Aus-
            follows  an  AU$234-million                                                            “Vaping  has  become  the  tralia were using unregulat-
            ($157-million)   boost   for   A person poses for a photograph as they vape in Melbourne,   No.  1  behavioral  issue  in  ed  products,  with  no  idea
            tougher  regulation  of  e-  March 23, 2023. A person poses for a photograph as they vape   high  schools,  and  it’s  be-  what was in them.q
            cigarettes,  including  new   in Melbourne, March 23, 2023.                            coming    widespread     in
                                                                                  Associated Press
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