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P. 8
Wednesday 3 May 2023
For the 20th straight year at Playa Linda Beach Resort
Seeds for healthy lifestyles are planted during Green Week
PALM BEACH – Goals of a
healthy future for the Pla-
ya Linda Beach Resort as
well as its employees once
again received emphasis
during Green Week. For the
20th consecutive year, the
resort recently organized
an annual, week-long pro-
gram of activities and lec-
tures intended to involve
employees and educate
on best practices for real
life improvements.
from Kok Optica who em- lar check-ups and acting
Participation was high phasized the importance before symptoms appear.
among all resort depart- of taking care of one’s vi-
ments, and everyone sion and also, trailblazer Many of the speakers
proved motivated to make Lily Prins, from Wilhelmina spoke to specific Aruba cir-
use of teambuilding ac- Kankerfonds (WKF), who cumstances, such as in tak-
tivities. Organized lectures spoke about cancer pre- ing advantage of the good
offered valuable informa- vention, in particular of weather and access to the
tion provided by varied breast cancer and pros- sea in seeking to exercise Playa Linda has a long his- tations and emphasized the
speakers including Dr. John tate cancer. Lilly Prins, a pi- as well as using measures tory with seeking better central goal behind team
Croes who spoke on gen- oneer in raising awareness that protect eyes and skin ways to create healthier efforts as seeking a holistic
eral health and how to and of dispelling taboos, from the powerful sun, but environments for its guests approach that goes be-
take control of one’s own continues to promote the also of the universals in find- as well as its employees. yond clean-ups and recy-
wellbeing, speakers from importance of being pro- ing balance between work The resort early on sought cling efforts, and show how
EndTime, a representative active by scheduling regu- life and home life. environmental certification interrelated we are to each
and was the first hotel in other as well as our environ-
Spearheading efforts and Palm Beach to implement ment. “We have the power
organizing another infor- ISO-14001, and continues to create a more healthy,
mative Green Week is to meet ongoing, environ- sustainable environment
the Resort’s Green Team, mental management stan- for ourselves for long term
headed by Housekeeping dards. Green Week pro- goals. The investment in
Assistant Manager Nigaima vides another opportunity green efforts and healthy
‘Nigy’ Ascencion. “Green for the resort in promoting a attitudes come back to us
Week was a total success, healthy work environment ten fold,” she concludes.
well attended and with a as well as in fostering a sup-
lot of questions asked by portive network among
employees,” she remarks. employees.
“We always choose topical
subjects which are relevant Nigy spoke again at this
to our community.” year’s Green Week presen-