Page 28 - MIN VOS DEC 23,2015
P. 28
U.S. NEWSWednesday 23 December
American Living:
What 2016 will do to your checkbook: Rent, food, gas, raises
Sarah S. Sell good and layoffs have seems. cent in October, 5.3 per- at a year that is very simi-
Associated Press been low. But that’s been “I’m not convinced things lar to the year we are end-
Wondering how you will the case for a while, and are going to grow as much cent in September and 6.2 ing,” Kloza said.
fare financially in 2016? Be- wages haven’t taken off as I would like them to,” he
low are what experts think percent in August, accord- WHAT ABOUT FOOD?
next year will hold for finan- New year, same dish.
cialmatters close to home: ing to real estate data firm Food prices should rise at
Raises, rent, gas, food and a rate near the historical
health. Zillow. The median rental average, according to the
USDA’s forecasts.
WILL YOU GET A RAISE payment nationwide was The United States Depart-
NEXT YEAR? ment of Agriculture’s Eco-
Maybe. $1,382 in October, roughly nomic Research Service
Wage growth has been anticipates the price for
perhaps the job market’s 30 percent of the median food will be up 2 to 3 per-
biggest weakness since cent for 2016, same as
the recession ended. Pay U.S. family income and 2015 and in line with the 20-
increases have been both year historical average of
slow and uneven, highly high enough for the gov- 2.6 percent. That includes
dependent on your field food people consume at
of employment. And for ernment to consider it fi- home and out at restau-
many, it has not been rants.
enough to keep pace with nancially burdensome. Annemarie Kuhns, an
the cost of living. economist at the ERS, said
In November, average Over the past decade, that that certain food prices
hourly earnings climbed 2.3 were off this year due to
percent from a year ear- number of renters spend- unusual events, such as the
lier, according to the gov- avian influenza that led
ernment’s most recent re- ing over this threshold on to the death of millions of
port. But that is only about birds and sent egg prices
two-thirds the roughly 3.5 rent has jumped from 14.8 up roughly 15 percent.
percent typically seen in a Looking ahead, she and
strong economy. million to 21.3 million, or 49 fellow economists antici-
Many economists are opti- pate these prices may lev-
mistic Americans’ pay will percent of all renters. el off in 2016 — assuming
start growing faster soon cooperation from Mother
because hiring has been There are more rent in- Nature.
A customer, bottom, pays for goods while shopping at the creases anticipated WILL MY HEALTH INSUR-
Atlanta Farmers Market in Atlanta. Wage growth has been ANCE COST MORE?
perhaps the job market’s biggest weakness since the recession ahead. Probably.
ended. Pay increases have been both slow and uneven, highly People buying their own
dependent on your field of employment and, for many, not “Rents are expected to rise coverage through the
enough to keep pace even with a slow-rising cost of living. exchanges created by
in virtually all major cities in the Affordable Care Act
(AP Photo/David Goldman) should see premiums go
2016,” said Hessam Nadji, up faster in 2016 than in
previous years, said Cyn-
senior executive vice presi- thia Cox, associate direc-
tor of health reform and
dent with commercial real private insurance at the
Kaiser Family Foundation.
yet. said. estate services firm Marcus According to Kaiser re-
Joseph LaVorgna, chief search, if you do not shop
U.S. economist at Deutsche WILL MY RENT GO UP? & Millichap. around and let your plan
Bank, is not expecting ma- Yes, most likely. passively renew, the premi-
jor gains ahead. He notes It’s been a tough few years Some small consolation: ums for the lowest silver lev-
that measures that include for U.S. renters because el plan —the most popular
a broader mix of com- demand has outpaced While rents will still rise, the on the exchange — will
pensation beyond hourly supply, causing prices to increase 15 percent on av-
wages show there’s even rise. pace of rent growth will erage next year. If you are
less growth in pay than it Rents increased 4.5 per- willing to switch, premium
slow modestly from the ex- increases are expected to
be zero to 1 percent. This is
ceptional levels set in 2015 because the exchange is
set up to encourage shop-
as new construction cre- ping around.
These increases apply only
ates more housing compe- to people who are receiv-
ing subsidies to help pay
tition, Nadji says. for the insurance.q
Yes, most likely.
Oil prices have plummeted
over the last year, a result
of high global supplies and
weaker demand than ex-
pected. U.S. drivers are
paying less than $2 a gal-
lon on average for the first
time since the Great Re-
cession. Seasonal factors
and volatile oil prices will
push prices up and down
throughout the year, but
overall prices are expect-
ed to remain low com-
pared with recent years.
The Energy Department
forecasts an average of
$2.37 a gallon next year,
which would be the low-
est annual average since
2009. Tom Kloza, head of
energy analysis at the Oil
Price Information Service,
said drivers should expect
lower lows and higher highs
at the pump in the year
ahead, but he doesn’t ex-
pect the price of a gallon
of gasoline to go over $3 at
any time in 2016.
“Nationally we are looking