Page 33 - MIN VOS DEC 23,2015
P. 33

                                                                                                                            Wednesday 23 December

College Football Preview:

 UCLA squares off against Nebraska in the Foster Farms Bowl

JEFF BARTL                       than 10, and they hung        Colorado wide receiver Donovan Lee, left, is tackled by         Pac-12 title, even getting
Associated Press                 tough with then-No. 3 Iowa                                                                    some attention as a dark
(AP) - The FBS has been sat-     in the season finale before   UCLA linebacker Jayon Brown during the first half of an NCAA    horse for the CFP. Back-
urated with so many bowl         falling 28-20 at home.                                                                        to-back losses to Arizona
games that the eligibility       The Huskers won at least      college football game in Pasadena, Calif. UCLA will square off  State on Oct. 3 and then-
rules had to be altered in       nine games in each of the                                                                     No. 15 Stanford the follow-
order to fill them.              previous seven seasons        against Nebraska in the Foster Farms Bowl on Saturday night at  ing week derailed those
First-year Nebraska coach        under Bo Pelini, who was                                                                      hopes.
Mike Riley certainly isn’t       fired after 2014. Riley left  Levi’s Stadium.			             (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)       UCLA still had an oppor-
complaining after his            Oregon State to take the                                                                      tunity to clinch the South
squad suffered a number          Nebraska job.                 in the Big Ten in total of-    guys going into next year.”      Division and appear in the
of close defeats that have       “We’re really glad to be      fense at 442.5 yards per       This was supposed to be the      conference title game
the Cornhuskers believing        practicing football,” Riley   game and has the nation’s      year UCLA took the next          with a chance to make a
their 5-7 record is a misrep-    said. “We have a great op-    eighth-best run defense at     step after back-to-back          major bowl, but it lost 40-21
resentation of their season.     portunity. All of what we     113.4 yards allowed per        10-win seasons with Brett        to rival USC in the regular-
They’ll get a chance to          are doing is focused on       game.                          Hundley at quarterback.          season finale.
prove that against a UCLA        winning the game. This is     “I think it’s a great oppor-   Josh Rosen took over and         Instead, the Bruins were rel-
team that also fell short of     one more great opportu-       tunity for us to show that     was named Pac-12 offen-          egated to facing sub-.500
expectations in the Foster       nity. We’ve had a couple      we’re a better team than       sive freshman of the year        Nebraska, which they’ll be
Farms Bowl on Saturday           of them in the past month,    what our record says,”         while throwing for 3,349         playing for the third time
night at Levi’s Stadium.         and we have one more          offensive lineman Ryne         yards and 20 touchdowns,         in four years. UCLA beat
NCAA rules state that            coming up.”                   Reeves told the team’s         but the Bruins finished just     the Huskers 36-30 in 2012
teams must have at least         The Huskers do have a         official website. “For us se-  5-4 in the conference and        at home, then scored 38
six wins and a .500 record       quality victory on their re-  niors, it’s another opportu-   are 8-4 overall.                 unanswered points to win
to compete in a bowl, but        sume, beating Michigan        nity for us to go out on top   The Bruins began the year        41-21 the following year in
with a record 80 slots to fill,  State - which now is ranked   with a win and it would be     ranked 13th and were ex-         Lincoln.
three 5-7 teams are getting      third and headed to the       a good springboard for the     pected to contend for the        The advantage this year
a chance to play in the          College Football Playoff -                                                                    also appears to go to the
postseason.                      when Tommy Armstrong hit                                                                      Bruins, as Rosen will be go-
Nebraska was the first to        Brandon Reilly on a contro-                                                                   ing up against a Nebraska
be given the opportunity         versial 30-yard touchdown                                                                     defense that ranked 13th
based on the program’s           pass with 17 seconds re-                                                                      in the 14-team Big Ten in
Academic Progress Ratings        maining in a 39-38 win Nov.                                                                   passing defense allowing
for 2013-14. The situation is    7.                                                                                            an average of 288.2 yards
so uncommon that even            Nebraska ranks second                                                                         per game.q
the university isn’t acknowl-
edging the bowl appear-          Stanford RB Christian McCaffrey wins AP player of the year
ance in regard to Riley’s
contract, which calls for        RALPH D. RUSSO                years.                         and Clemson quarterback          Heisman winner was 2009.
bonus money to be paid           Associated Press              McCaffrey was the runner-      Deshaun Watson was third         That season Nebraska’s
to him and his assistants for    (AP) - Stanford running       up for the Heisman Trophy      with 11. Navy quarterback        Ndamukong Suh was the
reaching the postseason.         back Christian McCaffrey      to Derrick Henry, but re-      Keenan Reynolds and              AP voter’s choice while
It wouldn’t have been so         is The Associated Press col-  ceived 29 of 60 votes from     Oklahoma quarterback             the Heisman went to Ala-
complicated had the Husk-        lege football player of the   the AP Top 25 media panel      Baker Mayfield each re-          bama’s Mark Ingram.
ers pulled out some more         year, becoming the first      to edge the Alabama run-       ceived two votes.                McCaffrey is the first Stan-
close games. Five losses         non-Heisman Trophy win-       ning back.                     The last time the AP player      ford player to win the
were by five points or fewer     ner to earn the honor in six  Henry received 16 votes        of the year was not the          award.q
with none coming by more
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