Page 34 - MIN VOS DEC 23,2015
P. 34


HEALTHWednesday 23 December

	Blue-Grey (SAD)                                                  daylight because the light is  remaining physically active        Invest in full spectrum light-
                                                                  perceived to have the color    during the fall and winter         bulbs. Try acupuncture; stay
        By: Dr Carlos Viana                                       and brightness of daylight.    months. Try winter outdoor         active physically, mentally
                                                                  Daylight is a form of energy   activities such as skating,        and emotionally with sup-
We are blessed to live in         depression, most sufferers      that travels in various wave-  skiing. Jogging, walking           portive friends, family and
                                  show signs of a weakened        lengths. Daylight, because     the dog or playing outside         professionals. Of course, a
the land of endless sun-          immune system during the        it includes all wavelengths    with the kids can still be         winter getaway to a warm,
                                  winter and are more vulner-     that are visible to the hu-    enjoyed in winter, but the         sunny place could help
shine.  There’s nothing           able to infections and other    man eye, is considered full    right clothing and warming         you turn your grey skies to
                                  illnesses, while in spring and  spectrum.                      up is essential. Make sure         a brighter shade of blue. If
“SAD” about being able to         autumn they may have ex-        When SAD leads to depres-      you start earlier to catch         you’re visiting our island and
                                  treme mood changes and          sion, it can be treated with   the shorter daylight hours         would like more information,
go barefoot and enjoy blue        short periods of hypomania      standard antidepressant        for safety and enjoyment.          call us for an appointment.
                                  (overactivity). For some        drugs, or if these are inef-   If you can’t take the cold,        GIVE THE GIFT OF HEALTH:
skies every day. This time of     people, SAD produces            fective, natural relief may    switch to indoor stretches         Gift Certificates and Organ-
                                  symptoms severe enough          be found in 5HTP (hydroxy-     and exercises such as work-        ic Products available at Vi-
year though, we do have           to cause considerable stress    tryptophan), the precursor     ing out at a gym, yoga, or         ana Center
                                  and disrupt their lives. SAD    to serotonin, which plays an   try salsa lessons. These are       CARLOS VIANA, Ph. D. is
rain and life on our tiny is-     symptoms usually disappear      important role in regulating   excellent ways to maintain         an Oriental Medical Doctor
                                  automatically in spring or      mood, sleep, sexuality, ap-    a healthy mind and body.           (O.M.D.) having studied in
land can seem, tiny. Phyllis’     when affected individuals       petite, and vomiting. The      Getting enough quality rest        Shanghai, China; a Board
                                  travel to sunnier climates.     benefits of 5HTP, which, un-   and staying connected with         Cert. Clinical Nutritionist
antidote to “tiny” is to va-      A diagnosis of SAD can be       like other antidepressants,    friends and family or getting      (C.C.N.), a fellow member of
                                  made after three or more        affects only the brain, are    professional help is impor-        the Board Certified Associa-
cation in the big city. New       consecutive winters of          very similar to those of L-    tant for emotional support.        tion of Addiction Profession-
                                  symptoms, which include         tryptophan, such as aiding     As a clinical nutritionist, I can  als (C.Ad.), the Chairperson
York City, especially during      the following:                  sleep, alleviating age-re-     never say enough about             of the Latin American Com-
                                  •	 Desire to oversleep          lated depression, and mini-    eating healthy and staying         mittee of the International
the holidays energizes her.       and difficulty staying awake    mizing effects of alcohol      hydrated. In the cold you          Academy of Oral Medicine
                                  •	 Disturbed sleep              withdrawal. But 5HTP must      may not sweat and there-           and Toxicology (IAOMT), a
But after a week of nothing       •	 Feelings of fatigue          not be taken with other        fore not realize you are de-       Rejuvenating Cell Therapist
                                  and inability to handle daily   serotonin-enhancing drugs,     hydrated. However many             and specializes in Anti-Ag-
but grey skies, Phyllis begins    routine                         such as L-tryptophan or Pro-   indoor heating systems are         ing Medicine, has a weekly
                                  •	 Craving carbohy-             zac, without the guidance      drying, get a home humidi-         radio program, writes and
to feel what our friends up       drates and sweets               of a physician since this may  fier if necessary. Including       lectures extensively. For in-
                                  •	 Feelings of misery,          cause severe side effects,     immune supporting supple-          formation: VIANA NATURAL
north call the winter blue’s      guilt, apathy or loss of feel-  including mania, anxiety,      ments like vitamin C, Zinc,        HEALING CENTER NV, Kibai-
                                  ings                            and dermatitis.                Cats claw, Reishi, Shiitake        ma 7, Aruba, TEL: 585-1270
or Seasonal Affective Dis-        •	 Irritability                 In addition, depression        and Maitake Mushrooms              FAX: 585-4789, Web Sight:
                                  •	 Reduced self-es-             caused by SAD can be           can make a difference.    	
order (SAD). Luckily, even        teem                            treated with acupuncture.      Add B complex to your pro-         GIVE THE GIFT OF HEALTH
                                  •	 Desire to avoid so-          Traditional Chinese medi-      gram, to support strength          THIS HOLIDAY SEASON! *Gift
with the rain, it is warm and     cial contact                    cine, believes that heat,      and energy and 5HTP for            Certificates & Health Prod-
                                  •	 Tension and inability        cold, wind, dampness, dry-     “blue” feelings.                   ucts Available * Dr. Viana’s
our sun does shine bright be-     to tolerate stress              ness, and summer heat are      Get the Point. Don’t spend         BOOK: Prescriptions from
                                  •	 Decreased interest           six external climatic forces   another winter being SAD.          Paradise, Introduction to
tween showers and locals          in sex and physical contact     that can invade the hu-        With a little effort, you can      Biocompatible Medicine
                                  If relocating to a sunnier lo-  man organism and create        adjust your lifestyle to the       – Available at local Book-
and tourists run for some         cation is not possible, SAD     disharmony in body, mind,      seasons. Plan and shop             stores, Hotel Gift shops and
                                  can be treated in several       and spirit. Acupuncture        ahead for healthy meals.           Boticas. Signed copies at Vi-
beach time even in winter.        ways. First, individuals can    can help people who suffer     Stock up on immune system          ana Healing Center, EBook
                                  buy lightbulbs labeled, “full-  from SAD achieve a more        and mood supporting sup-           Holiday Special at www.
However, for those of you         spectrum”. Full-spectrum        balanced state.                plements. Schedule time  , check for
                                  bulbs are similar to natural    The effects of SAD can be      and find new ways to exer-         Events at:
who have had too much                                             prevented or minimized by      cise, with a friend if possible.   vianahealingcenterq

cold, snow or rain it can

cause more than a passing

moment of “sad” feelings.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

(SAD) is a type of depression

that often occurs in winter

throughout the Northern

and Southern Hemispheres

due to lack of light and sun-

shine. It is rare in people liv-

ing near the equator, where

daylight hours are long. In

individuals affected by this

disorder, the symptoms

usually recur each winter,

starting between Septem-

ber and November and

continuing until March or

April; and although SAD

may begin at any age, the

typical age of onset is be-

tween eighteen and thirty.

In addition to symptoms of
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