Page 35 - MIN VOS DEC 23,2015
P. 35
Wednesday 23 December
X-ray vision? New technology making it a reality for $300
SCOTT EISEN MIT researchers Emad Farag, left, and Fadel Adib walk through a room with chairs as a screen she also sees military and
Associated Press law enforcement possibili-
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — displays how RF-Capture is tracking their movements through the wall behind them, on the MIT ties — particularly in hos-
X-ray vision, a comic book tage situations.
fantasy for decades, is be- campus in Cambridge, Mass. RF-Capture is a technology being developed at MIT that uses WiFi “You don’t want to send
coming a reality in a lab at the police inside without
MIT. signals to see and sense through walls. (AP Photo/Scott Eisen) knowing where the people
A group of researchers led are standing or where the
by Massachusetts Institute nal on a screen, where the dividual’s breathing and Kabelac said. hostages are,” she said.
of Technology professor person’s movements can heart rate — and poten- “If something unfortunate “If there is someone with a
Dina Katabi has devel- be tracked in real time. It tially identify the person happens to them, like a gun, where they are stand-
oped software that uses depicts the target as a red based on the shape of his fall, the device will contact ing?” A company set up to
variations in radio signals dot moving around the or her skeleton, said re- the caregiver that they market the technology,
to recognize human silhou- room, occupying a chair searcher Zach Kabelac. chose to alert” by gener- now dubbed Emerald, will
ettes through walls and and speeding up or slow- “The person won’t be ating a text message or an spin out of the MIT lab next
track their movements. ing down. wearing anything on them, email, he added. year, with a goal of mar-
Researchers say the tech- The wireless signals used to and the person it’s track- That makes health care keting the device early in
nology will be able to help track a person’s motions ing doesn’t even need to applications especially in- 2017, and it’s expected to
health care providers and also can measure the in- know the device is there,” teresting, Katabi said. But sell for $250 to $300, Adib
families keep closer tabs said. The team is working
on toddlers and the el- to make the device small-
derly, and it could be a er and to develop an inter-
new strategic tool for law face that will let users con-
enforcement and the mili- figure it through a smart-
tary. phone app, Katabi add-
“Think of it just like cam- ed. The technology raises
eras, except that it’s not a questions about privacy
camera,” said Fadel Adib, rights and intrusion, and
a researcher on the MIT Adib said the team gave
team developing the de- serious thought to those
vice. implications. “The user
“It’s a sensor that can interface will be friendly
monitor people and allow for setting it up and using
you to control devices just it at home, but it will be
by pointing at them,” he very hard to use it to track
said. someone just by pointing it
Work began in 2012 to at their wall,” he said.q
determine how wireless
signals could be used to Facebook to enable viewing of Apple’s animated photos
“see” what’s happening in
another room, said Katabi, ANICK JESDANUN weeks. Facebook’s sup- you do nothing. When you available to third parties,
who directs the MIT Wire- AP Technology Writer port follows a similar move snap a shot, the phone sharing can now be done
less Center. NEW YORK (AP) — The lat- by Yahoo’s Tumblr service. saves a second and a half through Facebook and
“At first we were just inter- est iPhones come with the With Live Photos on the of video leading to that Tumblr, too. Your friend
ested ... can you at all use ability to turn still images iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, ev- shot and continues re- merely needs to tap and
wireless signals to detect into video — just like mag- ery still shot is accompa- cording until you get three hold the photo to watch
what’s happening in oc- ic — but sharing options nied by a three-second seconds in all. the image animate. The
cluded spaces, behind a had been limited to other video, with sound. For in- Why not just take vid- iPhone 6s models are re-
wall, couch, something Apple apps. stance, you can snap a eo? You might not know quired for creating Live
like that,” Katabi said. That’s changing as Face- shot of your kid blowing ahead of time when you’ll Photos, but viewing can
“It turned out that we book, one of the leading out birthday candles — encounter a scene lend- also be done on older
were able to detect that. forums for photo sharing, and get video showing ing itself to video. With Live iPhones and iPads with
And when we figured out adds Apple’s Live Photos the flame going out as ev- Photos, you always get the the latest operating sys-
we could detect that, we feature to Facebook’s eryone sings “Happy Birth- video option — unless you tem. On Android and Web
started asking more ad- iPhone and iPad app. day.” turn the feature off. browsers, you get only the
vanced questions: Could Facebook started offer- The phone automatically But sharing had been lim- still images.
we use it to detect exactly ing it Monday to a limited records video in the back- ited to certain Apple apps Besides Facebook and
how people are moving in number of users initially, ground when the camera — such as the texting app Tumblr, Getty Images is
a space if they are behind with a broader rollout app is open. The recording Messages, but not Mail. also offering a selection of
a wall?” planned in the coming is immediately discarded if With tools Apple is making Live Photos thq
The device displays the sig-