Page 30 - MIN VOS DEC 23,2015
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SPORTSWednesday 23 December

On the Green:

Major moments and major shots in Golf for 2015 

DOUG FERGUSON                   In this April 11, 2015, file photo, Jordan Spieth chips from the gal-             down.” Not so obvious was       option was this 3-iron I was
AP Golf Writer                  lery on the 18th hole during the third round of the Masters golf                  the 5-iron on the par-5 13th.   carrying, but it was off an
Jason Day’s drive. Jordan       tournament in Augusta, Ga. In a wire-to-wire win, the biggest                     He had about 190 yards to       up slope. I hit 3-wood and
Spieth’s flop shot. Zach        moment for Spieth was on the 18th hole in the third round. In a                   the front from the left side    cut it. As long as I hit a fade,
Johnson’s putt.                 risky move, he hit a flop shot that helped him save par and set                   of the fairway, but the ball    nothing could go wrong, so
Major championships pro-        the tone for the final round.                                                     was nearly knee-high be-        ultimately I ended up in a
duce shots that can be                                                                                            cause of the slope. He was      perfect yardage. I could
more memorable than the                                                                 (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)  coming off a three-putt bo-     miss it really bad and carry
winner holding the trophy.                                                                                        gey on No. 12. The danger       the front.”
Zach Johnson with a claret      lead only 20 minutes ear-     said. “You could pitch it 15                        comes from ball above his       It bounded to the back of
jug? The more lasting im-       lier was down to four shots,  feet in front and hit it hard                       feet because the swing is       the green and rolled back
age from the British Open       and it looked certain to      enough to at least be on                            flatter with less speed, and    to about 10 feet for a two-
was Johnson holding his         shrink even more when he      the green. But given the se-                        the ball won’t go as far.       putt birdie.
crouch and slowly clench-       missed the 18th green well    verity of that slope, it’s go-                      Spieth provided his own         Lost in a wild final hour was
ing his fist on the 18th green  to the right behind the bun-  ing to roll out. A good shot                        commentary: “Go hard!           a simple par that really
at St. Andrews.                 ker. In a risky move, Spieth  would be 15 feet. I decided                         GO HARD! GO HARD!               wasn’t that simple. Spieth’s
And then there are shots        hit a flop shot that helped   to hit a higher one and spin                        GO!” It narrowly cleared        tee shot on the par-3 15th
that stand out only to the      him save par and set the      it. That shot is certainly one                      the creek and set up a          rolled back off the front,
player.                         tone for the final round.     I don’t want over again. It                         two-putt birdie. Asked how      and the slope was much
The three major champi-         “That was the key shot,” he   was 1 in 5 getting it up and                        many times he barked in-        like the elevation at Augus-
ons were asked what they                                                                                          structions to his golf ball,    ta National — you have to
thought was the signa-                                                                                            Spieth said, “Less out loud     see it to believe it.
ture shot from their victory,                                                                                     than what was in my head.       “That slope was taller than
along with a shot that was                                                                                        But still enough.”              me,” he said. “You had to
particularly pleasing to                                                                                                                          judge the speed the right
them because of the cir-                                                                                                      U.S. OPEN           way. I had to cast it out to
cumstances or the quality                                                                                         The winning shot for Spieth     the right, but if I hit it too
of the shot.                                                                                                      turned out to be a 3-wood       hard it goes 12 feet by. I
                                                                                                                  on the par-5 18th at Cham-      can’t be short or I’m re-hit-
             MASTERS                                                                                              bers Bay, and he felt he        ting. It was perfect speed
In a wire-to-wire win, the                                                                                        couldn’t miss.                  and went to 4 or 5 feet for
biggest moment for Spieth                                                                                         “I had 281 (yards), but I only  a manageable second
was on the 18th hole in the                                                                                       had 238 to cover the front,”    putt.”q
third round. A seven-shot                                                                                         he said. “The only other
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