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LOCALSaturday 9 January 2016

Win Big at Trop Club & Casino and the Double Down Sports Bar!

EAGLE BEACH - The Trop          Trop Advantage members
Club & Casino and the           who buy a bingo card will
Double Down Sports Bar,         receive complimentary
Aruba’s favorite adult          breakfast at the popular
playgrounds, presented          Double Down Bar & Grill.
themselves in a new and         Wednesday is a strong fa-
exciting jacket just recent-    vorite among regulars with
ly, when both underwent         the FREE $700 slot tourna-
extensive renovations.          ment, starting at 7pm. The
The cozy casino, adjacent       tournament is open to all
to the Tropicana Resort,        Trop Advantage members.
which now opens every           Best of all, the Double
day at 10am, has been           Down Sports Bar & Grill also
totally redone at the cost
of just over one million dol-   underwent a complete           The casino restaurant, a          get meals to go, as take-      and snacking, late-night
lars and painted a most at-                                    casual eatery with an invit-      out, for beach picnics or      cravings, and workday
tractive Ultra Marine Blue      facelift. The restaurant with  ing neighborhood atmo-            beach tennis practice on       lunches, the Double Down
on the outside. The interior                                   sphere, features besides          the adjacent Beach Tennis      Sports Bar & Grill is espe-
also received a modern,         a spacious bar delivers a      the multi-media system, a         courts.                        cially popular in the morn-
industrial look, with many                                     full bar in an open layout,       Patrons rave about the in-     ing when chef’s choices
contemporary features.          variety of boldly flavored,    which appeals to sports           viting atmosphere, and         such as Steak & Eggs, Eggs
Wilfred Trimon, Casino Di-                                     fans and families alike.          are especially enthusias-      Benedict, Smoked Salmon,
rector at the Tropicana         made-to-order  menu            The restaurant concept of         tic about the customized       and breakfast sandwiches
Aruba Resort & Casino re-                                      the Double Down Sports            dining experience, com-        can be ordered in addition
ports that the slots floor en-  items, and on Saturday be-     Bar & Grill offers flexible din-  ing back again and again       to waffles, pancakes, and
joyed a 20% increase and                                       ing options as patrons may        for the juicy hand-formed      other classic breakfast fa-
with it the casino staffing     comes the NFL headquar-        eat at the bar and enjoy          burgers, salads and inter-     vorites.
had increased by as much                                       quick casual counter ser-         national entrees. The res-     The restaurant is looking
as 50%.                         ters showing football, all     vice. They may sit down           taurant’s Build Your Own       forward to feed and enter-
Over the years, Trop Club                                      in the friendly dining room       Burger is a crowd pleaser,     tain multiple generational
& Casino members have           day with 50% off food, for     and enjoy casual dining           driving guest visits and loy-  guests, and the casino
grown to expect a great                                        table service. Resort guests      alty.                          keeps the excitement go-
deal more from their Trop       all Trop Advantage mem-        may call in for room service      Open for breakfast lunch       ing, which you don’t want
Advantage® card.                                               and locals and visitors may       and dinner, all day dining     to miss!q
The Trop Advantage Club         bers. The Double Down
offers more awards and
more choices, having de-        Sports Bar & Grill really ca-
veloped a complete pro-
motional calendar, guar-        ters to sports enthusiast, as
anteed to entertain and
reward players, every day       they watch the big game
of the week. Players may
apply for the fun card          on numerous TV screens, or
at the Trop Advantage®
Center at no charge, if         watch their favorite sport-
they are 18 and up, certain
restrictions apply.             ing events on their own TV,
With more fun, value and
variety Bingo is played in      as each of the restaurant
three weekly sessions every
Sunday, Monday at 11am,         booth table is outfitted
while the Tuesday bingo
starts at 4:00pm, with a to-    with one.
tal of $1,700 in prizes each
time, including the pro-
gressive jackpot and the
lucrative powerball. Play-
ers are reminded that the
coming Sunday, the first 50
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