Page 8 - ATA- JAN9
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22 AWEMainta Diasabra, 9 Januari 2016

“TOURISM                                    out to thousands of tourism                       realities that tourism professionals need     terrorist attack in
TIDBITS”                                    professionals at a very                           to consider.  Among these are:                raises traveler anxie
FROM                                        low rate.  For information                        -Tourism is often a magnet for terrorists.    world.  Due to the fa
TOURISM &                                   contact Dr. Peter Tarlow at                       Not only does tourism provide                 now a worldwide ph
MORE, Inc.                                  <ptarlow@tourismandmore.                          many “weak targets: but tourism values        in any one location
                                            com>                                              are the antithesis of terrorists’ values.     are not only increasi
                                            _________________________                         Furthermore the tourism industry is           these attacks may ca
                                            _________                                         to large and diverse that it provides         to travel or to travel
                                                                                              multiple targets for those seeking to         the entire industry.
                                            TOURISM & MORE’S                                  create economic chaos.                         
                                                                                                                                            Think of unlikely sc
                                            “TOURISM TIDBITS”                                 - The fear factor combined with               do not only need to
                                            January 2016                                      terrorism’s unpredictability, may well        they can create a
                                                                                              impact world tourism and the world’s          means of cyber attac
THE GOAL of “Tourism Tidbits”                            Terrorism’s Aggressive and           economy.  Terrorists to do not need           simply creating rum
                                                         Passive War on Tourism               to carry out a successful attack, they        within the traveling
is to provide travel professionals with                                                       merely need to create a sense of fear.        media interconne
a monthly, easy-to-read overview                                                              Although business people will continue        spreads at extremel
of creative ideas. With proper              The multiple recent terrorist attacks in          to travel, the leisure passenger may well     can cause fear and ca
referencing, we invite you to quote or      diverse places such as London, England;           pull back.  People well may become afraid     at a particular locale
reproduce “Tourism Tidbits” and to pass     Istanbul, Turkey; San Bernardino,                 not only to travel to major tourism centers    
it along to a friend.                       California; Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt,               such as London and Paris, but also to less    Here are a fe
                                            and Tel Aviv, Israel along with the               famous or popular destinations.               tourism professio
“Tourism Tidbits” is published monthly      major tourism threats in places such                                                            prepared.
in English and Spanish, and                 as Ankara, Brussels and Munich and                -Despite the publicity and the                 
Portuguese.  Maria José Zorilla de          New York, ought to be a warning to the            media, statistically terrorism still          -Tourism profes
Alcalá of Mexico provides the               tourism industry that it is entering into         strikes relatively few people and even        obtain their new
Spanish translation; Dr. Manuel David       a new and dangerous age.  In the past,            fewer tourists.  The death of anyone is       sources. Terrorism
Masseno, of Beja, Portugal, provides the    most tourism centers assumed that                 tragic, but a visitor is more likely to die   especially in sma
Portuguese translation/                     either they would not be targets of a             from a road accident of a safety hazard       essential that the to
__________________________________          terrorism attack or that the attack would         then from an act of terrorism.  On the        have a wide gamu
                                            be against a highly specific and well-            other hand, it is rare for the media          and that he or sh
From                                        known target.  Classically it was assumed         to spend a great deal of time on road         personal political fe
The Tourism & More Team,                    that we could almost predict which                accidents. Tourism centers need to            hard news and fact
Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy         areas would be most prone to terrorism            develop good media plans and have them        the tourism indust
2016.                                       attacks.  The prevailing paradigm argued          in reserve so that if an incident should      become politicized,
May it be a Successful and Peaceful Year!   that terrorists were most likely to strike        occur they are not developing a plan at       for them to destroy th
__________________________________          locations that were high on the following         the last minute.                               
                                            scales:                                                                                         -Have a tourism-ter
Social Media                                ·      They were centers where a great            -Attacks against non-tourist                  place. This task for
Connect with us at twitter through @        deal of economic damage would occur.              specific locations still act as passive       not only tourism s
ptarlow. We are also starting a facebook    ·        T h e y w e r e c e n t e r s c o u l d  attacks on tourism.  Terrorism is based       law enforcement,
page and invite you to become a Tourism     generate mass casualties                          on fear and the greater the public            personnel, media sp
& More Friend.                              ·      They were places that had                  fears being away from home, the more          and restaurateur
                                            some form of iconic significance                  precarious is the tourism industry’s          specialists and pr
See our new Youtube on “Security for        ·      They were places that were most            situation.  Terrorists do not need to         community politica
Special Events and the World Cup” at        likely to be covered by the media.                target a tourism industry actively to do      essential that there                                                                   it damage, a passive attack or a failed, but  between the teem m
                                            Scholars and security specialists based           publicized attack is still a success from     your ability to work
An online video course on travel            this paradigm on attacks such as those            the terrorists’ perspective.                  better a crisis can be h
safety when going abroad                    in New York, London, and Madrid.  The                                                            
                                            security and tourism industries however           -Terrorism is no longer confined to           -Create new ways fo
A practical “how to” guide for getting the  did not consider locations such as in             major tourism centers.  The California        insights and info
most out of traveling while staying safe.   the Middle East as being relevant to              terrorism incident demonstrates that          appearing to be big
 _________________________                  tourism.  Both the multiple incidents in          terrorism can occur in what may have          years have shown to
                                            Europe and the United States creates              previously been considered unlikely           not only culturally sen
Please visit our new website.  The          enough anomalies to cause tourism                 locales.  This means that areas that were     that stress cultural s
website is now capable of                   scholars and practitioners to question            considered “safe” need to also develop        is the antithesis of x
accepting advertising.  Get your message    if the former paradigm does not need              counter terrorism plans.                      industry strives to
                                            revisions and updating.  Tourism Tidbits                                                        as an individual an
                                            presents this month some of the new               -Due to high levels of publicity a            ethnicity, race, or r
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