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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 25 augustus 2022

                                 Columbus teachers strike on first day back to school

            (AP) — A strike by teach-    union  resumed  bargaining  The Ohio Education Associ-
            ers in Ohio’s largest school  Wednesday  afternoon.  The  ation said more than 94% of
            district  entered  its  third  school board said its offer to  the Columbus Education As-
            day Wednesday — the first  the union put children first.  sociation  members  voted  to
            day  of  school  for  some                                reject the school board’s final
            47,000 students, with some  “We offered a generous com-   offer late Sunday. The union
            of those students and their  pensation package for teach-  represents  more  than  4,000
            parents  rallying  to  their  ers and provisions that would  teachers,  librarians,  nurses
            sides.                       have  a  positive  impact  on  and other employees, though
                                         classrooms,”  the  board  said  it  isn’t  clear  how  many  of
            Parents,   students,   teach-  in a statement.            those  4,000  members  were
            ers  and  other  employees                                not on the job Wednesday.
            gathered  at  schools  across  Eva  Tweneboagh,  a  senior
            the  Columbus  School  Dis-  at  Whetstone  High  School,  The tens of thousands of stu-
            trict with plans to picket for  picketed alongside her teach-  dents in the district are now
            hours,  advocating  for  safer  ers,  her  friends  and  friends’  starting the school year with  The centers began operating  in school.
            buildings, better heating and  parents on the sunny Wednes-  remote  education,  made  up  Wednesday and are providing
            air  conditioning,  smaller  day  morning.  She  said  it’s  of  lesson  plans  and  videos  spaces for students to access  Price showed up at the Lin-
            class sizes, and a more well-  strange  to  start  off  with  an-  they can access through their  online lessons, however, they  den  Community  Center
            rounded curriculum that in-  other  disrupted  school  year,  schools without a teacher to  are “not intended to serve as a  with  her  son,  seeking  inter-
            cludes art, music and physi-  especially  since  she  “hasn’t  guide  them.  It’s  a  start  that  substitute for in-person aca-  net and meals for his first day
            cal education. It’s the union’s  had  a  normal  school  year”  has some parents concerned.  demic instruction.”    of school.
            first strike in the district since  through high school.  Remote  learning  has  con-
            1975.                                                     tributed  to  students  falling  Starting   Thursday,   some  Price, a restaurant server, said
                                         While she’s worried about the  behind  academically  and  to  school  locations,  recreation  the idea of continuing to be a
            Picketers  blasted  music  on  strike continuing and affect-  mental health and behavioral  centers  and  nonprofits  will  mom and worker, as well as
            the  sidewalks  outside  Whet-  ing things like college schol-  challenges.            provide meals.               a  teacher  and  counselor  af-
            stone  High  School  in  Co-  arships  and  her  grades,  she                                                       ter  effectively  doing  so  dur-
            lumbus and waved to honk-    said,  her  teachers  shouldn’t  Mayor  Andrew  J.  Ginther  Whitney Price, mom to a first  ing the pandemic, makes her
            ing  drivers.  Some  held  up  be backing down.           announced in a news release  grader at Columbus Spanish  anxious.
            signs  reading,  “Columbus                                that  the  city  is  partnering  Immersion School, said that
            schools deserve working air,”  “What  they’re  asking  is  rea-  with  recreation  centers  and  while  she  supports  teach-  “But  we  just  roll  with  the
            “a history lesson in progress”  sonable,”  Tweneboagh  said.  area  nonprofit  organizations  ers,  she  wished  these  nego-  punches,”  said  Price,  giving
            and  “my  feet  hurt  but  I’ll  The school district and teach-  to  open  “support  centers”  tiations between the teachers  her  6-year-old  a  squeeze  in
            walk as long as it takes.”   ers “should be able to come  with reliable internet service  and  the  school  district  had  the  recreation  center  lobby.
                                         together,” she said.         for  students  affected  by  the  gotten  done  earlier,  when  it  “Whatever  I  have  to  be,  I’ll
            The  school  district  and  the                           teacher strike.              wouldn’t  have  affected  kids  do it.”

                         Company pledges to reduce Puerto Rico outages amid anger

            (AP)  —  Persistent  power  to  analyze  the  government’s  Rico’s representative in Con-  — and increase aerial inspec-  them find alternatives to keep
            outages  and  threats  from  contract  with  Luma  Energy  gress  and  a  member  of  the  tions of remote transmission  life-saving medication cold as
            Puerto Rico’s government  — a consortium made up of  governor’s  party,  who  said  lines.                          Puerto Rico’s Energy Bureau
            prompted     a    company  Calgary,  Alberta-based  Atco  power  outages  have  become                              has  approved  seven  electric-
            that  operates  the  island’s  and  Quanta  Services  Inc.  of  “our daily bread.”     “We have made mistakes. We  ity  rate  increases  so  far  this
            transmission and distribu-   Houston  —  amid  calls  to                               recognize  our  faults,”  said  year at Luma’s request.
            tion  system  to  announce  cancel it.                    Luma  said  Wednesday  that  Duke  Austin,  president  and
            Wednesday  that  it  would                                it  would  increase  response  CEO of Quanta Services.    A day before Luma made the
            dedicate  more  resources  Among  the  top  officials  de-  brigades by 25% in the next                             announcement,  Gov.  Pedro
            and crews to improve ser-    manding  that  the  govern-  month,  remove  vegetation  He  said  Luma  has  reduced  Pierluisi  said  the  company
            vice.                        ment  revoke  the  contract  is  covering 20 of the most criti-  the  duration  of  outages  by  would  face  consequences  if
                                         Puerto  Rico’s  Senate  Presi-  cal  transmission  lines,  in-  one-third, but added that the  it  doesn’t  improve  its  ser-
            The  move  came  just  hours  dent José Luis Dalmau, of the  crease inspections of substa-  company can do better.  vice, although he didn’t pro-
            after  the  U.S.  territory’s  main  opposition  party,  and  tions — eight of which have                           vide details of what action he
            Senate  launched  a  hearing  Jenniffer  González,  Puerto  caught on fire in the past year  “I’m  not  asking  for  forgive-  would take.
                                                                                                   ness or patience,” he said. “I
                                                                                                   am out of both myself.”      “Time  is  going  by,  and  my
                                                                                                                                patience is running out,” he
                                                                                                   Luma has stressed it is deal-  said. “Basically, they have to
                                                                                                   ing with a power grid whose  act,  and  act  with  a  sense  of
                                                                                                   maintenance  the  local  gov-  urgency.”
                                                                                                   ernment  neglected  for  de-
                                                                                                   cades  and  that  was  razed  by  Pierluisi  first  spoke  out
                                                                                                   Hurricane Maria in Septem-   against  Luma  last  Thursday,
                                                                                                   ber  2017,  with  reconstruc-  a turnaround for a governor
                                                                                                   tion  efforts  having  started  who had persistently defend-
                                                                                                   just  months  ago.  Prior  to  ed the company ever since its
                                                                                                   Luma, Puerto Rico’s Electric  contract began in June 2021.
                                                                                                   Power  Authority,  which  is  He said he became upset last
                                                                                                   more than $9 billion in debt,  week after learning that one
                                                                                                   managed the grid’s transmis-  recent  outage  was  a  result
                                                                                                   sion and distribution.       of  not  pruning  vegetation
                                                                                                                                around  a  main  transmission
                                                                                                   The  ongoing  outages  have  line.
                                                                                                   angered many who note that
                                                                                                   power fluctuations have fried  “That  is  completely  unac-
                                                                                                   costly  appliances  and  forced  ceptable,” he said.
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