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A32 sports
Diahuebs 25 augustus 2022
Manning throws 6 scoreless, Tigers beat Giants 6-1 for split
Victor Reyes and Willi Castro each rolling against a guy like Webb, no
drove in two runs while Kody Clem- matter how they come, you'll take
ens and Harold Castro each drove in them," Tigers catcher Tucker Barn-
one with two out in the bottom of the hart said. "Big win for us, take it into
fifth. All six runs were charged to Lo- the off day tomorrow."
gan Webb (11-7), who was pulled af-
ter Harold Castro's single made it 4-0. GREEN LIGHT
Willi Castro greeted reliever Thomas Yastrzemski swiped second base in
Szapucki with a two-run double. the fifth inning, the Giants' 28th
"I think when Logan is ahead in the straight successful steal.
count he's getting more swings and
misses," Giants manager Gabe Kapler ROSTER MOVES
said. "So there was some contact in The Giants placed infielder Bran-
that inning. Some of it was unfortu- don Belt (right knee) on the 10-day
nate, some of it was hard. I think if injured list and recalled outfielder
Logan could have that inning back, Bryce Johnson from Triple-A Sacra-
he'd probably get ahead of the bottom mento.
of the lineup."
Reyes' hit was the 300th of his ca- Tigers: SS Javier Báez was a late
reer and extended his hitting streak scratch with back spasms. Clemens
to nine games. The ball took a tough batted third in Báez's spot in the line-
hop on shortstop Brandon Crawford. up but played second base. Willi Cas-
(AP) — Matt Manning threw six Manning (1-1) allowed five hits, "It hopped up kind of higher than tro, originally in the lineup at second,
scoreless innings and the Detroit walked none and struck out a career- I thought it was going to so it kind moved to shortstop. ... RHP Michael
Tigers scored all six of their runs high eight, including his final three of got my wrist, heel of the glove," Pineda (right tricep tightness) had a
in the fifth to beat the San Fran- batters, in his first win since last Sept. Crawford said. "Obviously that was a good rehab start Tuesday, allowing
cisco Giants 6-1 on Wednesday 15 against Milwaukee. turning point in the game so I wish one run on three hits while striking
and split a two-game series. "I think I just made pitches when I I could have been able to make that out six in four innings. Hinch said
had to," Manning said. "I didn't come play or get in front of it, knock it Pineda will make a final rehab start
"He escaped the issues early and re- out of the gate super sharp but as the down and get an out somewhere." on Sunday. ... RHP Jackson Jobe, the
ally finished strong," Tigers manager game went on, I had a good second Tigers' first-round pick, third overall,
A.J. Hinch said. "It's about as good a inning, and then after that I was just Tommy La Stella drove in Mike Yas- in the 2021 draft, was scratched from
finish as you can have. It's just nice to trying to put some good at-bats to- trzemski for the Giants' lone run in his start with High-A West Michigan
see him walk off the mound with a gether, make sure I didn't walk any the seventh inning. because he woke up with a sore back.
lot of confidence." people and try to get as many first- He is expected to start over the week-
pitch strikes as I could." "Anytime you can get some things end.
Andretti effort to join F1 the most vocal of many inquiries
(AP) – Formula One has will be other people because champion; Michael Andretti pals. is in place.
multiple inquiries from Andretti was quite vocal spent one unremarkable sea-
potential team owners about his request. son driving in the series. "Mario, I know him very, "Mario is very vocal, Michael
who have taken a more be- very well, and he is trying is, too. We need to respect
hind-the-scenes approach "But there are others that And even though Andretti has to present his idea in a way that we may have a difference
than Michael Andretti, have done the same in a dif- had discussions with Renault that he thought is the right of opinions, but at the end of
who has been "quite vo- ferent way. So we will listen about entering F1, Wolff has way to do that," Domenicali the day it is a matter of fol-
cal" in his desire to expand not only to Andretti, but to only been supportive of a po- said. "But I do believe there lowing the protocol and there
the current grid, F1's CEO others that are respecting the tential Audi-backed effort. is a governance in place and is someone that is to make
said Wednesday. silence on trying to be more the decision has to follow the the final decision."
productive on proving who "Andretti is a great name, and process and the protocol that
Andretti has petitioned to ex- they are and respecting the I think they have done ex-
pand the current F1 grid to protocol." ceptional things in the US,"
22 cars to accommodate An- Wolff recently said. "But this
dretti Global, which he's bill- At issue is what value — if is sport and this is business
ing as a true American team. any — comes with expanding and we need to understand
Andretti has taken that route the current 20-car grid. what is it that you can pro-
after attempts to purchase an vide to the sport."
existing F1 team fell apart late Mercedes head Toto Wolff
last year. has been vehemently against The resistance has irritated
expansion and argued it will Mario Andretti, who on
He said this week he's build- only decrease profits as the Twitter responded to a ques-
ing a 575,000 square-foot pot would be split between tion asking if Wolff is too
facility on roughly 90 acres 11 teams instead of 10. But powerful for F1 with: "This
in Fishers, Indiana, to house McLaren boss Zak Brown needed to be said; it's about
Andretti Global. But he's still has argued adding the An- time."
no closer to landing an F1 dretti name would increase
team and Domenicali offered North American interest and Domenicali on Wednesday
very little update specific to signing U.S.-based sponsors said that Wolff has earned his
Andretti. based on Andretti's participa- respect in F1 and is a credible
tion would compensate for voice in the series. He also
"The status of Formula One, any dilution to the purse. indicated all the back-and-
it is not a problem of quan- forth on the Andretti issue is
tity," Domenicali said. "It's a Wolff has dismissed the no- a moot point because the de-
matter of understanding not tion the Andretti name brings cision will be made by a gov-
only the ones who have a big- any value to F1. Mario An- erning body and not Wolff
ger, louder voice, but there dretti is the 1978 F1 world and the current team princi-