Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220825
P. 30

A30    world news
                Diahuebs 25 augustus 2022

                            Germany exports power to France, urges savings at home

                                                                      prices have hit record highs,                             night.
                                                                      with power costs ballooning  Government      spokesman
                                                                      as Russia reduces gas flows to  Steffen Hebestreit said there  France,  Spain,  the  Nether-
                                                                      Germany and other countries  were  no  plans  to  stop  this  lands and other countries also
                                                                      and  renewables  and  nuclear  practice,  citing  the  need  for  have passed similar measures
                                                                      contributing less to the pow-  European solidarity.       to conserve natural gas.
                                                                      er mix lately, analysts at Rys-  "That's the way the European
                                                                      tad Energy said. High energy  electricity  market  is  set  up  Germany supplying electric-
                                                                      prices  are  driving  inflation  and  it  could  equally  be  the  ity  to  neighboring  countries
                                                                      and fueling the prospect of a  case,  if  we  look  to  autumn  is part of a "stress test" study
                                                                      recession in Europe.         and winter, that we might be  due  to  be  published  next
                                                                                                   grateful if others can help us  week  that  could  determine
                                                                      Even  precious  natural  gas,  out," he said.             whether the government de-
                                                                      which  Germany  is  trying  to                            cides to extend the operating
                                                                      conserve for the winter heat-  Meanwhile,  the  German  licenses for Germany's three
                                                                      ing season in case Russia cuts  Cabinet  approved  a  series  remaining  nuclear  power
                                                                      of  supplies  entirely,  is  being  of  measures  Wednesday  de-  plants. This would defer the
            (AP)  —  Germany  will  plants  have  driven  up  elec-   burned  in  large  volumes  to  signed  to  reduce  energy  country's long-standing plans
            keep  exporting  electric-   tricity  prices  there  in  recent  produce electricity for export  consumption,  including  re-  to  end  the  use  of  nuclear
            ity to neighboring France  months,  prompting  power  to France.                       strictions  on  heating  private  power this year.
            despite  calling  on  people  companies  in  neighboring  "We  can't  say  that  our  gas  pools and a cap of 19 C (66  "In  principle,  the  nuclear
            to  help  fend  off  winter  countries  to  sell  excess  en-  power  plants  in  Germany  F)  in  public  offices.  Shops  power plants could suck a bit
            shortages  by  saving  ener-  ergy to France.             won't  export  to  France  any-  will  also  have  to  close  their  more out of their fuel rods, so
            gy  at  home,  officials  said                            more unless we want to bring  doors  in  winter  to  conserve  to speak, in January, February
            Wednesday.                   It's another sign of the energy  their  entire  European  elec-  heat,  while  illumination  on  and  March,"  Graichen  said.
                                         crisis gripping Europe. Both  tricity market to a standstill,"  advertising and public build-  "But after that there won't be
            Problems  at  French  nuclear  natural  gas  and  electricity  Graichen said.          ings has to be switched off at  much more left."

                            22 reported killed in Independence Day attack in Ukraine

            (AP)  —  Russian  forces  Wednes-   serious attack apparently at the train  and  sent  shock  waves  through  the  On  the  battlefield,  Russian  forces
            day launched a rocket attack on a  station.                             world economy.                      struck  several  towns  and  villages  in
            Ukrainian train station on the em-                                                                          Donetsk province in the east over 24
            battled  country's  Independence  Outgoing British Prime Minister Bo-   Russian  Defense  Minister  Sergei  hours,  killing  one  person,  authori-
            Day, killing 22 people, President  ris Johnson marked the holiday with  Shoigu,  speaking  Wednesday  at  a  ties said. A building materials super-
            Volodymyr  Zelenskyy  said  after  a visit to Kyiv — his third since the  meeting  of  his  counterparts  from  a  store in the city of Donetsk was hit
            warning  for  days  that  Moscow  war broke out — and other European  security  organization  dominated  by  by a shell and erupted in flames, the
            might  attempt  "something  par-    leaders  used  the  occasion  to  pledge  Russia and China, claimed the slow  mayor said. There were no immedi-
            ticularly cruel" this week.         unwavering  support  for  Ukraine,  pace of Moscow's military action was  ate reports of any injuries.
                                                locked in a battle that was widely ex-  due to what he said was an effort to
            The lethal attack took place in Chap-  pected to be a lightning conquest by  spare civilians.               In  the  Dnipropetrovsk  region,  the
            lyne, a town of about 3,500 people in  Moscow but has turned into a grind-                                  Russians  again  shelled  the  cities  of
            the  central  Dnipropetrovsk  region,  ing  war  of  attrition.  U.S.  President  Russian  forces  have  repeatedly  tar-  Nikopol  and  Marhanets,  damaging
            Ukrainian news agencies quoted Zel-  Joe Biden announced a new military  geted civilian areas in cities, includ-  several buildings and wounding peo-
            enskyy  as  telling  the  U.N.  Security  aid  package  of  nearly  $3  billion  to  ing hospitals and a Mariupol theater  ple,  authorities  said.  Russian  troops
            Council via video. The president's of-  help Ukrainian forces fight for years  where hundreds of people were tak-  also shelled the city of Zaporizhzhia,
            fice also reported that an 11-year-old  to come.                        ing shelter.                        but no casualties were reported.
            child was killed by rocket fire earlier
            in the day in the settlement.       Nevertheless,  a  festive  atmosphere  But  Shoigu  said  Russia  is  carrying  In  addition,  Russian  rockets  struck
                                                prevailed  during  the  day  at  Kyiv's  out  strikes  with  precision  weapons  unspecified  targets  in  the  Khmel-
            At  one  point,  Zelenskyy  put  the  Maidan square as thousands of resi-  against  Ukrainian  military  targets,  nytskyi region, about 300 kilometers
            number of wounded at about 50. The  dents  posed  for  pictures  next  to  and "everything is done to avoid civil-  (180 miles) west of Kyiv, the regional
            deputy  head  of  Zelenskyy's  office  burned-out Russian tanks put on dis-  ian casualties."               governor  said.  Attacks  there  have
            later  said  22  people  were  wounded  play.  Folk  singers  set  up,  and  many                           been infrequent.
            in the attack, which hit five passenger  revelers  —  ignoring  the  sirens  —
            rail cars.                          were  out  and  about  in  traditionally
                                                embroidered dresses and shirts.
            Ukraine  had  been  bracing  for  es-  Others were fearful.
            pecially  heavy  attacks  around  the
            national  holiday  that  commemo-   A car bombing outside Moscow that
            rates  Ukraine's  declaration  of  inde-  killed  the  29-year-old  daughter  of
            pendence from the Soviet Union in  right-wing  Russian  political  theorist
            1991. Wednesday also marked the six-  Alexander  Dugin  on  Saturday  also
            month point in the war.             heightened  fears  that  Russia  might
                                                intensify  attacks  on  Ukraine  this
            Days  ahead  of  Independence  Day,  week.  Russian  officials  have  blamed
            Kyiv authorities banned large gather-  Ukraine for the death of Darya Dugi-
            ings in the capital through Thursday  na, a pro-Kremlin TV commentator.
            for fear of missile strikes.        Ukraine has denied any involvement.

            Residents  of  Kyiv,  which  has  been  Russian  President  Vladimir  Putin's
            largely spared in recent months, woke  forces  have  encountered  unexpect-
            up Wednesday to air raid sirens, but  edly stiff Ukrainian resistance in their
            no  immediate  strikes  followed.  As  invasion  and  abandoned  their  effort
            the day wore on, Russian bombard-   to storm the capital in the spring. The
            ments were reported in the country's  fighting  has  turned  into  a  slog  that
            east, west and center, with the most  has reduced neighborhoods to rubble
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