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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 21 May 2024

            Adriaan Laclé                                                            Peter Scholing Receives Recognition

            One of Aruba’s richest men in the                                        as “Caribbean Information
            twentieth century                                                        Professional of the Year”

                                                of the famous La Quinta Carmen
                                                manor—now a restaurant. Though
                                                he himself never lived in the beautiful
                                                manor, his own house also reflected
                                                his success and good taste. Today
                                                his house still stands in good condi-
                                                tion and can be found in the back
                                                streets of main street Oranjestad.
                                                Regarding  his  personal  life,  it  has
                                                been  said  that  he  was  married
                                                twice  during  his  lifetime.  He  had
                                                his first daughter during his first mar-
                                                riage but lost his wife soon after her
                                                birth. During his second marriage,
                                                he fathered 16 children. However, it
                                                has been said that only 11 of those   Mr. Peter Scholing from the National  close collaborations followed with
                                                                                     Library of Aruba and the driving force  the first partners: the National Ar-
                                                17 made it past 18 years of age.
                                                Perhaps two of his most well-known   behind, was named  chives of Aruba, UNOCA, the Na-
                                                                                     the 'Caribbean Information Profes-
                                                                                                                        tional Archaeological Museum of
                                                daughters are Maria Monica Laclé
            (Oranjestad)—The  name  Adriaan     and Maria Veneranda Laclé, who       sional of the Year' during the 53rd  Aruba, the Monuments Fund Foun-
            Laclé may ring a bell to locals as one   went on to marry successful brothers   Acuril conference held in Guyana.  dation of Aruba, and Plantage Zorg
            of the bigger roads on the island, but   Eloy Arends and Maximilian Arends,                                 en Hoop. In this way, the Coleccion
            about a century ago, Adriaan Laclé   respectively.  Their  houses  are  still   Acuril is an association of libraries,  Aruba platform grew to become the
            was a rich businessman, well-known   standing; Eloy and Maria Monica’s   museums, and archives in the Ca-   largest digital archive with informa-
            for his generosity, wealth, and taste.   mansion  functions  as  a  townhall,   ribbean region. During their annual  tion about Aruba in Papiamento.
                                                used to host civil marriages, while   conference, a special recognition
            Adriaan was born in 1866 and was    Maximilian and Maria Veneranda’s     is given to an information specialist  Besides being part of the Coleccion
            the eldest of six children. Not much   house stands on the opposite side   for their excellence in their work. This  Aruba platform, Mr. Peter Scholing
            is known about his childhood up-    of the road to them—though cur-      time, Mr. Peter Scholing from Aruba  represents Aruba as the President of
            bringing or any of his earlier busi-  rently under renovation after years   received this honor and recognition  Memory of the World for Latin Amer-
            ness ordeals, but during his hay day   left in ruin.q                    from Acuril for his pioneering work in  ica and the Caribbean (MOWLAC),
            he often helped people get loans,                                        establishing “Coleccion Aruba”, a  which is a United Nations program
            was a well-established trader, and     Source: De Kolibrie op de Rots (en   unique platform in our region.  to preserve the history of countries
            owned several plots of land. In fact,   meer over de geschiedenis van Aru-                                  as  the  memory  of  our  world.  Mr.
            he commissioned the construction                  ba) by Evert Bongers.  Thanks to the pioneering work of Mr.  Scholing is also a member of the
                                                                                     Peter Scholing, the Coleccion Aruba  National Commission of UNESCO
                                                                                     platform, available at coleccion.  in Aruba.q
                                                                                     aw, was created. This innovation
                                                                                     in culture in Aruba is the result of
                                                                                     a close collaboration between 11
                                                                                     institutions containing information
                                                                                     about Aruba's history and culture.
                                                                                     This collaboration became possible
                                                                                     when, at the National Library of Aru-
                                                                                     ba, Mr. Scholing began digitizing the
                                                                                     library's collection, gradually making
                                                                                     this information accessible via their
                                                                                     website and also via, a
                                                                                     digital archive that provides universal
                                                                                     access to information. Subsequently,
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