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a4   local
                  Thursday 9 January 2025

            Experience the modern twist of tradition at L’Avenue Belgian Bistro Aruba!

                                                              scene;  being  the  only  Bel-
                                                              gian-owned, Belgian restau-
                                                              rant  on  the  island.  This  win-
                                                              ning  hand  is  not  obtained
                                                              by  many,  and  L’Avenue’s
                                                              delicious  menu  and  wide
                                                              selection  of  Belgian  beer,
                                                              and  European  and  New
                                                              World  wine  emphasizes  the
                                                              bistro’s unique vision to bring
                                                              Europe into the palm of your

                                                              Once  part  of  the  famous
                                                              Taste of Belgium restaurant,
                                                              L’Avenue offers a new point
                                                              of view and brings a fresh life
                                                              to what was once beloved
                                                              by  both  locals  and  tour-
                                                              ists.  Crafted  by  Chef  Juan   joy  your  meal  under  warm,   Cove  Mall  in  Palm  Beach
             (Oranjestad)—Nuzzled up in a cozy nook of        Ludeña and his team, enjoy      starry  lights  accompanied     and is open every day from
             The Cove Mall in the sun-kissed paradise of      a  superb  variety  of  classic   by live music performances    11am to 10pm for lunch and
             Palm Beach, L’Avenue takes you on a jour-        Belgian  and  French  dishes    every  day,  seated  either  in   dinner.  To  book  a  reserva-
             ney to experience the true flavors of Belgium.   served with a touch of inno-    a  relaxing  and  cool  interior   tion or ask for more informa-
             Offering a selection of traditional Belgian and   vation for lunch and dinner,   area  of  the  restaurant,  or   tion,  please  contact  their
             French cuisine, this bistro brings the old into   including stews, steak-house   outside against a backdrop      phone line at +297 6996400,
             the  new  against  a  backdrop  of  laid-back    quality  meat  and  their  fa-  of  the  bright,  colorful  lights   send  an  e-mail  info@lave-
             luxury.                                          mous  Moules-frites,  served    of the Palm Beach strip!,  or  visit  their
                                                              with  a  variety  of  delicious                                 website  at  lavenuearuba.
             The new kid on the block, L’Avenue currently     and rich broth.                 More information                com
             holds a unique position in the island’s culinary   As if that wasn’t enough, en-  L’Avenue  is  situated  at  The

                                         Ayo & Casibari: Aruba’s famous rock formations

                                         that hold a rich history of our  indigenous  ancestors.  The  of the island, much closer—  ing your off-road adventure!
                                         culture and of our ancestors.  Ayo Rock formation contains  and  more  accessible—to
                                                                      stairs that lead you to the top  the general public. Just like  Both sites are open free to
                                                    Ayo               of the highest boulder, offer-  Ayo,  Casibari  is  a  fenced  the public, 24 hours a day.
                                         The Ayo Rock Formation is lo-  ing a breath-taking view of  area  containing  several  However,  unless  you  are
                                         cated in the northern part of  the  Aruban  backyard.  The  boulders that lay on top or  taking a trip with a profes-
                                         the island, right on the road  Ayo is usually quiet, as it is  lean on each other. The best  sional tour guide, there are
                                         that leads you to the Black  situated farther away from  aspect of the Casibari Rock  no guides at the sites to help
                                         Stone  Beach,  and  close  the busier parts of the island.  Formation is the accompa-  you climb the rock. So, do
                                         to  the  Natural  Bridge.  The  However, this is just another  nying view when you climb  be  careful  when  trudging
                                         Ayo is a fenced terrain that  charm  of  the  site:  the  qui-  up the top of the round, flat  on the boulders, and make
            (Oranjestad)—The Ayo and  consists of several giant boul-  et area and the refreshing  bolder. For this position, you  sure to befriend any roam-
            Casibari  Rock  Formations  ders, resting neatly on top of  breeze offer a sense of com-  can see the majority of the  ing goats you see along the
            are  known  locally  as  one  or side by side each other,  fort and peace.             island and the ocean in the  way!
            of the crucial sites to have  adding gorgeous natural ar-                              south.  Right  in  front  of  the
            in your “off-road” trip itiner-  chitecture to the surround-       Casibari            entrance, there is the Casi-  *Mondi:  what  we  call  our
            ary. These naturally formed  ing “mondi”*. This is also one  Probably  the  busier  rock  bari Café and Grill, a great  Aruban wilderness. We don’t
            rock formations as just one of  of  the  few  sites  to  contain  formation site, the Casibari  place  to  get  refreshments  have forests, or deserts, but
            the few places on the island  prehistoric  markings  of  our  is situated more in the center  and snack before continu-  we do have mondi! q
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