Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9

                                                                                                           local Thursday 9 January 2025

            Exploring the Mainstreet of San Nicolas

                                                                      beginning  to  grow.  This  is  the world. Thanks to the ef-  ing,  jewelry  you  name  it.
                                                                      the  new  San  Nicolas,  a  forts of various art organiza-  Arts  &  crafts  by  Cosecha
                                                                      place that is starting to be-  tions  in  Aruba,  such  as  Art  store & Creative Center, a
                                                                      come a magnet for all that  Rules Aruba and Aruba Art  design  store  in  which  you
                                                                      is  young,  cool  and  hip  in  Fair,  San  Nicolas  has  had  can immerse yourself in dis-
                                                                      Aruba. Indeed, San Nicolas  quite  the  aesthetic  make-  covering  genuine  and  lo-
                                                                      has all of the ingredients of  over with regards to vibrant  cally made arts and crafts
                                                                      an  emerging  cultural  hub  street  art.  Each  year  more  which  reflect  the  diversifi-
                                                                      —  varied  history,  interest-  and  more  stunning  mu-  cation of the Aruban craft
                                                                      ing architecture, and, per-  rals  are  replacing  broken  heritage  and  the  artistic
                                                                      haps  most  importantly,  an  down  buildings  with  col-  supply  of  artisans.  Don’t
                                                                      urban  layout  that  makes  orful  art  pieces  that  keep  miss  out  on  trying  the  ex-
                                                                      it  walkable.  As  you  walk  brightening  up  SunriseCity.  quisite food offered by the
                                                                      around,  the  streets  are  si-                           cafes and restaurants or just
            SAN  NICOLAS—  At  Just  The  Museum  of  Industry  is    lent but the walls are loud,   Must See, Do, Buy & Eat    enjoy a peaceful walk ad-
            11  miles  southeast  from  situated in the Water Tower   filled  with  bright,  colorful  A little bit of everything can  miring  the  murals,  mosaic
            Oranjestad  you  will  enter  in San Nicolas and narrates   murals painted by a collec-  be found in the main street.  benches and all the history
            the  city  San  Nicolas,  also  Aruba's  industrial  history   tion  of  artists  from  around  Stores  selling  shoes,  cloth-  San  Nicolas  has  to  offer.q
            known  as  Sunrise  City  or  which  began  in  the  19th
            Chocolate City. A city that  century. Here you will learn
            is  rich  in  authentic  culture  about  gold,  aloe,  phos-
            and  island  charm.  San  phate,  oil  and  the  tourism
            Nicolas  is  Aruba’s  second  industries which made San
            largest  city  and  was  once  Nicolas  once  a  bustling
            a  bustling  company  town  business center. Experience
            dominated by the oil indus-  the touching stories of those
            try  since  the  early  1930’s.  who were part of this history.
                                         Nicolaas Store built in 1940
            Over the course of four de-  and renovated in 2014 is the
            cades,  its  demographics  home  of  the  Community
            had  changed  immensely  Museum.  The  collection  is
            due to a stream of Afro-Ca-  remarkable and spans mil-
            ribbean  and  South  Ameri-  lennia. Ancient fossils stand
            can workers who came to  next to tableaus of an au-
            fill the jobs in the oil refinery  thentically recreated colo-
            between the 1920’s until the  nial  kitchen  and  bedroom
            1960’s. To this day traces of  and  19th-century  barber-
            the multicultural influences  shop, just to name a few of
            in  culinary  offerings  and  the items of old-time Aruba
            customs, housing and pop-    that has been preserved. A
            ulation  are  clearly  visible  collection  of  artifacts  and
            in San Nicolas - more than  other  objects  of  artistic,
            anywhere else on the island.  cultural,  historical,  or  sci-
                                         entific importance can be
                   Flow of history       found here for the purpose
            if  you  are  looking  for  his-  of education or enjoyment.
            tory San Nicolas has it. Here  Carnival  Euphoria  is  show-
            you will find three amazing  casing Aruba’s Carnival. See
            museums,  The  Museum  of  how are Carnival has devel-
            Industry,  the  Community  oped over the past 65 years.
            Museum  and  the  Carnival  The    new    San   Nicolas
            Euphoria, all within walking  In the shadow of the refin-
            distance from one another.  ery, an art capital is quietly
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