P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 8 March 2018
            Lawyer: Porn star sues to clarify record on Trump affair

            By MICHAEL BALSAMO and  Asked         about   Avenatti's  a  party  to  the  transaction
            CATHERINE LUCEY              claims  Wednesday,  White  with  Ms.  Clifford,  and  nei-
            Associated Press             House spokeswoman Sarah  ther reimbursed me for the
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  A  Huckabee  Sanders  said:  payment, either directly or
            porn star who has said she  "We've addressed our feel-    indirectly."
            had sex with Donald Trump  ings on that situation, and I  The lawsuit charges that the
            filed  a  lawsuit  seeking  to  don't have anything else to  Oct. 28, 2016 "hush agree-
            invalidate  a  nondisclosure  add."                       ment"  is  legally  invalid  be-
            agreement  and  "set  the  Clifford  alleges  that  she  cause  it  was  only  signed
            record straight," her lawyer  began  an  "intimate  rela-  by Clifford and Cohen. The
            said Wednesday.              tionship" with Trump in 2006  agreement refers to Trump
            Adult  film  actress  Stormy  and that it continued "well  as David Dennison and Clif-
            Daniels,  whose  real  name  into the year 2007," accord-  ford as Peggy Peterson, but
            is  Stephanie  Clifford,  filed  ing to the lawsuit. She said  an attached exhibit details
            a  lawsuit  in  Los  Angeles  the  relationship  included  their true identities.
            County  Superior  Court  on  encounters  in  Lake  Tahoe,  Clifford's  lawsuit  also  al-
            Tuesday.  She  alleges  that  Nevada,  and  Beverly  Hills,  leges  that  Trump  and  Co-  In this Feb. 11, 2007, file photo, adult film actress Stormy Daniels
            the agreement she signed  California.  Trump  married  hen "aggressively sought to     arrives for the 49th Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.
            days before the 2016 presi-  his  current  wife,  Melania  silence  Ms.  Clifford  as  part                                     Associated Press
            dential election, which pre-  Trump, in 2005.             of  an  effort  to  avoid  her
            vented her from discussing  Clifford claims she had sex  telling  the  truth,  thus  help-  up'  in  order  to  'protect  an  arbitration  proceeding
            the alleged sexual encoun-   with Trump once and then  ing  to  ensure  he  won  the   Mr.  Trump'  continue  un-   against her.
            ters, is "null and void and of  carried  on  a  subsequent  Presidential Election."    abated,"  the  lawsuit  said.  Cohen  did  not  respond  to
            no consequence" because  yearslong platonic relation-     "To  be  clear,  the  attempts   Clifford  alleges  that  as  re-  requests  for  comment  on
            Trump didn't personally sign  ship.                       to  intimidate  Ms.  Clifford   cently as last week, Trump's  Tuesday  and  Wednesday.
            it.                          Previously,  through  a  law-  into  silence  and  'shut  her   attorney  tried  to  initiate  q
            Her  lawyer,  Michael  Av-   yer, Clifford denied the two
            enatti,  said  on  morning  had an affair, but Avenatti
            news  shows  Wednesday  said  Wednesday  that  was
            that  she  wants  "to  set  the  to  meet  the  terms  of  the
            record straight." He said on  nondisclosure  agreement.
            NBC  there  was  "no  ques-  Trump's  attorney  Michael
            tion" Trump knew about the  Cohen  has  denied  there
            agreement, though he did  was ever an affair.
            not offer any proof.         Cohen  has  said  he  paid
            Avenatti    said    Daniels  the  porn  actress  $130,000
            wasn't looking to profit from  out  of  his  own  pocket  as
            her story. But he told CBS: "I  part of the agreement. He
            don't  know  whether  she's  has  also  said  that  "neither
            going  to  ultimately  seek  the Trump Organization nor
            payment or not."             the  Trump  campaign  was

            New York Times

            doc to close

            Tribeca Film Festival

            By JAKE COYLE                Donald  Trump's  inaugura-
            NEW YORK (AP) — Forty-six  tion. It debuts on Showtime
            percent of the 96 films pre-  in May.
            miering at this year's Tribe-  The  festival's  centerpiece
            ca  Film  Festival  are  direct-  will  be  the  sci-fi  romance
            ed by women — a record  "Zoe,"  from  director  Drake
            for  Tribeca  —  including  Doremus and starring Ewan
            the  festival's  closing  night  McGregor  and  Lea  Sey-
            selection:  Liz  Garbus'  New  doux.  Making  a  stop  at
            York  Times  documentary  Tribeca  after  earlier  festi-
            "The Fourth Estate."         val premieres are Susanna
            The annual New York festi-   White’s   “Woman     Walks
            val announced the feature  Ahead,” with Jessica Chas-
            film  lineup  for  its  17th  edi-  tain,  and  Haifaa  Al  Man-
            tion  on  Wednesday.  Clos-  sour’s  “Mary  Shelley,”  with
            ing the festival will be "The  Elle Fanning.
            Fourth  Estate,"  for  which  Tribeca, which runs April 18-
            Garbus  spent  months  in  29,  previously  announced
            the Times newsroom docu-     the  Gilda  Radner  docu-
            menting the paper's inner-   mentary  “Love,  Gilda”  as
            workings  after  President  its opener.q
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