P. 32

                  Thursday 8 March 2018
            Nature's pageantry on display during Dutch tulip season

            By COLLEEN BARRY                                                                                                    Amsterdam's  Dam  Square,
            LISSE,  Netherlands  (AP)  —                                                                                        which  can  be  picked  for
            Nothing says springtime like                                                                                        free. The Netherlands is the
            the tulip season in the Neth-                                                                                       largest  tulip  producer  in
            erlands. The vast Dutch sky                                                                                         the world, producing more
            hangs  low  against  rectan-                                                                                        than  2  billion  tulip  bulbs  a
            gles of color— majestic pur-                                                                                        year.  According  to  Dutch
            ples, regal reds, bright yel-                                                                                       trade  figures,  77  percent
            lows, eye-popping whites.                                                                                           of  all  flower  bulbs  traded
            Tulip  fields  dot  the  coun-                                                                                      worldwide  come  from  the
            tryside  from  Haarlem  to                                                                                          Netherlands,  the  majority
            The  Hague.  But  the  cen-                                                                                         of which are tulips.
            terpiece  of  tulip-watching                                                                                        The  outdoor  bloom  begins
            is Keukenhof park, located                                                                                          closer to mid-March — and
            in  Lisse,  some  30  kilome-                                                                                       with  it  come  more  folksy
            ters (20 miles) southeast of                                                                                        tributes,  with  residents  in
            Amsterdam. Here, the tulip                                                                                          small  towns  creating  floral
            hunter is rewarded with ar-                                                                                         sculptures  from  tulips  and
            tistic  compositions  of  tulips                                                                                    hyacinths,  showing  them
            with  their  seasonal  breth-                                                                                       off  along  roadsides.  Once
            ren,  hyacinths,  daffodils,                                                                                        a year, there is a 42-kilome-
            crocuses and other spring-                                                                                          ter (26-mile) parade of tulip
            time varieties.              This April 14, 2017 photo provided by Martino Masotto shows a closeup of tulips in the in the Keu-  floats  and  decorated  cars
            Gardeners  begin  planting   kenhof park in Lisse, Netherlands.                                                     from Noordwijk to Haarlem.
            the  32  hectares  (nearly  80                                                                     Associated Press   The thrill of the tulip bloom
            acres)  with  over  7  million                                                                                      has  inspired  one  intrepid
            tulips,  daffodils  and  hya-  More than a million tourists
            cinths  in  mid-September  visit the gardens each year,
            to  prepare  for  the  eight-  and compete for close-up
            week  spectacle  that  runs  shots  of  tulip  gardens,  no
            for a period spanning from  less frenetic than a red car-
            mid-March  through  mid-     pet shoot.
            May. The hand-planting by  The full grandeur of the bulb
            40  gardeners  takes  three  imported  from  Turkey  in
            months.                      the 16th century becomes
            The color combinations are  clear  on  close  inspection.
            the  envy  of  any  fashion  The  exotic-looking  crown
            runway.  Gardeners  show  imperial  tulip  resembles
            off  their  fancy,  placing  a  a  pineapple  with  tufts  of
            carpet of tiny blue Siberian  leaves  above  umber-col-
            squill  against  the  ruffled  ored flowers. That the tulip
            blossoms  of  pinkish  foxtrot  is a member of the lily fam-
            tulip  variety.  Elsewhere,  ily  becomes  abundantly
            they  contrast  the  deep  clear  when  gazing  upon
            hue  of  unopened  red  tu-  the Madalyn, with its sharp-  This April 14, 2017 photo provided by Martino Masotto shows show a field of spring-flowering bulbs
            lips against a backdrop of  tipped petals.                near Lisse, Netherlands.
            yellow daffodils. White daf-  Keukenhof can make for a                                                                          Associated Press
            fodils pop against a bed of  full-day outing, offering also
            whiter hyacinths.            flower  shows,  a  walk  up  a  typical  windmill  for  a  view  or by car.
                                                                      of adjacent flower fields, a  It is not uncommon to find  Dutch  business  man  to
                                                                      canal  boat  ride,  children's  clusters  of  amateur  pho-  plant  fields  abroad.  Last
                                                                      playground,     restaurants  tographers  at  the  edges  spring,  he  drew  thousands
                                                                      and food trucks, which give  of  vast  tulip  fields  trying  to  of  tourists  to  a  field  of
                                                                      the whole place a relaxed,  capture the intensity of the  250,000 tulips near Milan —
                                                                      festival atmosphere.         fiery  red  tulip,  or  the  stria-  exporting  their  fascination
                                                                      Exhibits  offer  information  tions of contrasting hues —  and making a business sell-
                                                                      on  topics  like  the  Tulipma-  once the purview of some  ing the cut flowers.
                                                                      nia bulb bubble of the 17th  of Europe's most renowned  But  perhaps  the  reason  so
                                                                      century, when a single bulb  painters.                    many  people  flock  to  see
                                                                      could  fetch  as  much  as  a  Today,  the  tulip  is  a  major  the Dutch tulip fields in the
                                                                      canal-side house in Amster-  part  of  the  Dutch  horticul-  Netherlands isn't just a trib-
                                                                      dam.  The  overblown  tulip  ture economy — while also  ute  to  nature's  pageantry,
                                                                      market is often cited as an  being  celebrated  as  part  but the fact that the easy-
                                                                      example by economists of  of the culture.                 to-grow  tulip  bulb  can  be
                                                                      irrational  investment  men-  Tulip season officially opens  transported  to  any  yard
                                                                      tality.  For  the  modern-day  on  Jan.  20,  signaling  the  and  garden,  transforming
                                                                      tulip  hunter,  nothing  quite  start of seasonal exports of  them with a flash of spring-
            This April 14, 2017 photo provided by Martino Masotto shows a   matches  the  sight  of  the  cut  tulips  from  the  nation's  time color.
            closeup of the Fritillaria imperialis 'Rubra Maxima' tulip resem-  colorful  tulip  fields  coming  vast  network  of  green-  When  wandering  Keuken-
            bling a pineapple against the backdrop of daffodils in the Keu-  into  focus  in  the  distance  houses.  To  celebrate  the  hof,  inspirations  abound,
            kenhof park in Lisse, Netherlands.                        while  traversing  the  Dutch  day,  Dutch  tulip  growers  and there is the clear edict:
                                                     Associated Press
                                                                      countryside, either on bike  bring over 200,000 tulips to  Do try this at home.q
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