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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 28 June 2023

            Canadian wildfires are causing unhealthy air quality again in

            Chicago and other parts of the U.S.

            By MELINA WALLING,                                                                     to avoid breathing in these  eryone because it denotes
            MELISSA WINDER and                                                                     particles.                   high  levels  of  fine  particle
            TRISHA AHMED                                                                           Fires  in  northern  Quebec  pollution,  or  PM2.5  par-
            Associated Press                                                                       and  low  pressure  over  the  ticles.
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Drifting                                                             eastern  Great  Lakes  are  In early June, U.S. President
            smoke  from  the  ongoing                                                              sending  smoke  through  Joe  Biden  said  in  a  state-
            wildfires  across  Canada  is                                                          northern  Michigan,  and  ment  that  hundreds  of
            creating  curtains  of  haze                                                           across  southern  Wisconsin  American  firefighters  and
            and raising air quality con-                                                           and  Chicago,  said  Bryan  support  personnel  have
            cerns throughout the Great                                                             Jackson,  a  meteorologist  been  in  Canada  since
            Lakes  region,  and  in  parts                                                         with  the  National  Weather  May,  and  called  attention
            of the central and eastern                                                             Service.                     to  the  fires  as  a  reminder
            United States.                                                                         Jackson  added  that  a  of  the  impacts  of  climate
            In  Minnesota,  a  record                                                              north wind would push the  change.
            23rd air quality alert was is-  The  Marriott  Marquis,  left,  and  the  Hyatt  Regency  McCormick   smoke  further  south,  mov-  The  warming  planet  will
            sued Tuesday through late    Place, center, stand above The McCormick Place Convention   ing into Illinois, Indiana and  produce  hotter  and  lon-
            Wednesday  night  across     Center in a veil of haze from Canadian wildfires obscuring the   Kentucky  later  Tuesday  ger  heat  waves,  making
            much of the state, as smoky   majestic  Chicago  skyline,  as  seen  from  the  city’s  Bronzeville   and overnight.  for bigger, smokier fires, ac-
            skies obscure the skylines of   neighborhood Tuesday, June 27, 2023, in Chicago.       Southwestern     Michigan  cording  to  Joel  Thornton,
            Minneapolis and St. Paul.                                             Associated Press   has a high air quality index,  professor  and  chair  of  the
            On  Tuesday,  Michigan's  Forest Fire Centre reported     Health  officials  say  it's  im-  over 200 on a 500-point in-  department of atmospher-
            Department  of  Environ-     Monday that 76,129 square    portant to limit outdoor ac-  dex,  he  noted.  That's  con-  ic sciences at the University
            ment,  Great  Lakes,  and  kilometers  (29,393  square    tivities as much as possible  sidered  unhealthy  for  ev-  of Washington.q
            Energy  issued  an  air  qual-  miles)  of  land  including
            ity alert for the entire state.  forests  has  burned  across
            Wisconsin's  Department  of  Canada since Jan. 1. That
            Natural  Resources  also  is-  exceeds  the  previous  re-
            sued an air quality advisory  cord  set  in  1989  of  75,596
            for the state.               square  kilometers  (29,187
            In  Chicago  —  where  the  square miles), according to
            air  quality  has  been  cat-  the National Forestry Data-
            egorized  "unhealthy"  by  base.
            the U.S. Environmental Pro-  Nationally,  there  are  cur-
            tection Agency — officials  rently 490 fires burning, with
            are  urging  young  people,  255 of them considered to
            older  adults  and  residents  be out of control.
            with health issues to spend  Even recent rainfall in Que-
            more time indoors.           bec likely won't be enough
            "Just driving into the zoo ...  to  extinguish  the  wildfires
            you  could  just  see  around  ravaging the northern part
            the  buildings,  kind  of  just  of  that  province,  but  the
            haze," said Shelly Woinows-  wet  weather  could  give
            ki, who was visiting the Lin-  firefighters a chance to get
            coln Park Zoo in Chicago.    ahead  of  the  flames,  offi-
            Some  day  care  centers  in  cials said Tuesday.
            the  Chicago  area  have  Nearly a quarter of the fires
            told parents that their chil-  burning  in  Canada  are
            dren  will  remain  indoors  in  Quebec.  Environment
            Tuesday  due  to  the  poor  Canada  meteorologist  Si-
            air quality, while one youth  mon  Legault  said  he  ex-
            sports club says it adjusted  pects rain to stop falling by
            its  activities  to  add  more  Wednesday morning in the
            time indoors.                regions  most  affected  by
            "We  recommend  children,  forest fires.
            teens, seniors, people with  Earlier  this  month,  massive
            heart or lung disease, and  fires  burning  stretches  of
            individuals  who  are  preg-  Canadian  forests  blanket-
            nant  avoid  strenuous  ac-  ed the northeastern United
            tivities  and  limit  their  time  States and the Great Lakes
            outdoors,"  Mayor  Brandon  region,  turning  the  air  yel-
            Johnson  said  in  a  release.  lowish gray, and prompting
            "As these unsafe conditions  warnings for people to stay
            continue, the city will con-  inside  and  keep  windows
            tinue  to  provide  updates  closed.
            and  take  swift  action  to  The  small  particles  in  wild-
            ensure that vulnerable indi-  fire  smoke  can  irritate  the
            viduals have the resources  eyes, nose and throat, and
            they need to protect them-   can  affect  the  heart  and
            selves and their families."  lungs,  making  it  harder  to
            The Canadian Interagency  breathe.
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