Page 7 - aruba-today-20230628
P. 7
local Wednesday 28 June 2023
Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!
(Oranjestad)—If you’ve faculty at the University of
been to the northern coast Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio
of Aruba already, you’ve Rovere from the Ca' Fosc-
probably noticed how the ari University of Venice and
ground differs entirely from Prof. dr. Gianfranco Scic-
the sandy beaches on the chitano, from the University
southern part of the island. of Bari Aldo Moro, present-
These hard surfaces, with ed their research on these
sharp bumps and holes fossilized coral reefs at the
are actually fossilized coral University of Aruba. Their
reefs, of which its growth focus for their research in-
and changes can be cluded studying the health
traced back to the last gla- and formation patterns of
cial period. these coral reefs, and to
investigate how these reefs
On May 30 2023, geosci- have responded and can
entists, Dr. Patrick Boyden respond to fluctuating sea
from the Marum research levels or extreme weather,
like hurricanes and tsuna- put things into perspective. This research is also im-
mis. Through underwater The ground on which we portant for the future of
and land surveillance, and have walked many times coral reefs on the island.
3D models of the reefs, they on the northern part of the By studying rising sea lev-
were able to narrow down island hold such rich history, els and climate impact on
when these formations history that dates back to these coral reefs, we are
started to take place. They a time that most of us can- able to take concrete ac-
were also able to track the not even imagine. As the tion in protecting and pre-
fluctuation of sea levels scientists themselves have serve our coral reefs. So, if
during the past hundred or pointed out, these fossilized you are ever visiting one of
even thousands of years, reefs on the windward side the bocas or driving along
and the effects that this are truly an incredible and the northern part of the is-
fluctuation has had on the rare remnant of geologi- land, please be conscious
coral reefs of the windward cal history, as they provide to help protect our natural
side of Aruba. a clear view of how these historical remnant. Oh, and
reefs have formed. wear (coral-friendly) sun-
These findings can certainly screen!
Ayo & Casibari: Aruba’s famous rock formations
(Oranjestad)—The Ayo and boulders, resting neatly on comfort and peace.
Casibari Rock Formations top of or side by side each
are known locally as one other, adding gorgeous Casibari
of the crucial sites to have natural architecture to the Probably the busier rock
in your “off-road” trip itiner- surrounding “mondi”*. This formation site, the Casi-
ary. These naturally formed is also one of the few sites bari is situated more in the
rock formations as just one to contain prehistoric mark- center of the island, much
of the few places on the is- ings of our indigenous an- closer—and more acces- The Ayo Rock Formation
land that hold a rich history cestors. The Ayo Rock for- sible—to the general pub-
of our culture and of our mation contains stairs that lic. Just like Ayo, Casibari south. Right in front of the no guides at the sites to
ancestors. lead you to the top of the is a fenced area contain- entrance, there is the Casi- help you climb the rock.
highest boulder, offering a ing several boulders that bari Café and Grill, a great So, do be careful when
Ayo breath-taking view of the lay on top or lean on each place to get refreshments trudging on the boulders,
The Ayo Rock Formation Aruban backyard. The Ayo other. The best aspect of and snack before continu- and make sure to befriend
is located in the northern is usually quiet, as it is situ- the Casibari Rock Forma- ing your off-road adven- any roaming goats you see
part of the island, right on ated farther away from the tion is the accompanying ture! along the way!
the road that leads you to busier parts of the island. view when you climb up Both sites are open free to *Mondi: what we call
the Black Stone Beach, and However, this is just anoth- the top of the round, flat the public, 24 hours a day. our Aruban wilderness.
close to the Natural Bridge. er charm of the site: the bolder. For this position, you However, unless you are We don’t have forests, or
The Ayo is a fenced terrain quiet area and the refresh- can see the majority of the taking a trip with a profes- deserts, but we do have
that consists of several giant ing breeze offer a sense of island and the ocean in the sional tour guide, there are mondi!q
The Ayo Rock Formation The Casibari Rock Formation