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6 ZATERDAG                                                                                                                                                                                                                                AMIGOE
       22 AUGUSTUS 2015

  vents                               Art in unexpected places:

NIGHTLIFE                       Garrick Marchena at The Courthouse

The Loading Band                A courthouse seems an unusual place                      a boy pulling a chain apart. The boy’s hands are
August 22, 5 PM                 to enjoy an art exposition, but Cura-                    in front of his mouth. “This is based on a book by
Zanzibar                        çao wouldn’t be Curaçao if art wasn’t                    Don Miguel Ruitz. The message is that your words
Levi Silvanie Unplugged         everywhere around us. Vanessa Abad                       can make your life and the life of people around
August 22, 11 PM                and her team use art to create a                         you a hell or heaven. You need to choose every
27                              beautiful balance between the daily                      word carefully.”
Dolce Gentz                     weight of trials and the creativity the
August 22                       island offers. Artist Garrick Marchena                   Garrick started painting for fun, but the last years
Spoonz                          fits this image perfectly. The artist is                 he became one of the best known artist of the
La Pampa en Parasasa            known for his remarkable work in the                     island, mainly because of his huge wall paint-
August 25, 7 PM                 most diverse places.                                     ings. One of these paintings is an angel he made
El Gaucho                                                                                in Hanchi Punda. “The alley was dark and dirty.
Tuesdays are Bluesdays           By Elisa Koek                                           There was nothing beautiful there, but I saw one
August 25, 8 PM                                                                          big white wall and started painting.” On January
27                               “The idea is to show what Curaçao involves: not         1st 2012 the wall turned into a beautiful angel with
Wesu Trio                        only trials and negativity, but also art and creativ-   eyes that keep following you. However, not every-
August 26, 7.30 PM               ity.” Vanessa explains. “Above that, we want to of-     body appreciated the painting. One day Garrick
Zanzibar                         fer our local artist a place to exhibit in a public,    came back and noticed that somebody had thrown
Dinner in the Dark               monumental building.” This exposition is not the        rocks at the wall and damaged some parts. “At first
August 27, 7 PM                  first one at the Court. Every once in a while the       I got mad: who would throw rocks at an angel?
Fundashon Pro Bista              corridor turns into a little gallery. “As long as the   Then I realized this was what I was aiming for. I
Student Night                    style fits the framework of the Court, we’re open       want to touch people, connect them with their feel-
August 27, 9 PM                  to everything. We even did a theatre show here.”        ings. I hope I helped this person in a certain way.”
Amsterdam City
Joel Dasilva & The Midnight     While the lawyers rush to trial or their lunch break,    Like the eyes of the angel on the wall in Punda,
Howl                            most of them do take a second to reflect on the          in most of Garrick’s work eyes play a big role.
August 28, 11 PM                paintings. Some even take pictures or selfies to         The eyes always feel real, like they look right into
27                              show off their workplace or discuss the art with         your soul. “Eyes inspire me, because they show
Welcome to South Beach          colleagues. “It creates a conversation besides tri-      the soul of people. Eventually people drive me
August 28, 11 PM                als and convictions. It’s a little distraction from our  to drawing.” Like people inspire him, he wants to
Spoonz                          work and we hope it feels the same for our people        return this favor and inspire people: with a story,
Jamming Jazz                    on trial.”                                               with the painting itself, but sometimes with a little
August 28, 6 PM                                                                          detail he never payed attention to. “Sometimes I
BLVD                            Artist Garrick Marchena doesn’t usually make             don’t mean to affect somebody, but it does hap-
Dance Classics                  paintings for expositions: he rather uses walls          pen. A color, a stripe or an extra dot can already
August 28, 8.30 PM              all around the island. Luckily he had some work          change the way they think and create a positive
Cabana Beach                    that was movable and could be displayed at the           thought. Even if it’s just for a split second, my goal
Mr Kal El - The Reunion         Courthouse. “The story behind my paintings actu-         is reached.”
August 29, 10 PM                ally makes the painting,” Garrick tells. “Once I start
Blue Marlin                     drawing the story kind of flows into the painting.”      The exposition of Garrick Marchena is now on dis-
Energi Band                     One special story is translated into a painting of       play at the courthouse and is open to the public.
August 29, 5 PM
Zanzibar                        IN tShPeOT LIGHT                                                                                                                                                  The Goldilocks
Edsel Juliet & La Banda Loca
August 29, 9 PM                 Mercée…&Tv Producer Presentator                                                                                       (AP) — Too close!                           syndrome persists for
Mundo Bizarro                                                                                                                                           Too far back!
August 29, 11 PM                                                                                                                                      Middle? No way, choosing movie seats
Spoonz                                                                                                                                                       aisle.
Curaçao North Sea Jamzz
August 29, 4.30 PM - 12.30 AM   By Francis Koolman                                                                                                    When it comes to where you
Renaissance Mall & Riffort                                                                                                                                      plant yourself in a movie
I Love Hiphop and R&B                                                                                                                                           theater, you’re either a seat-
August 29, 11 PM - 4 AM                                                                                                                               specific Goldilocks or you’re with one.
After Buzon Happy Hour          “In every conceivable manner, the                                                                                     And if, by some miracle, you and
August 30, 5 PM - 10 PM         family is the link to our past and                                                                                    your date, spouse, friend or gang
Fundashon Pro Bista             bridge to our future.” We all know                                                                                    from work DO agree on where to sit,
Latin Sunday                    Mercée Doran as the lively, pas-                                                                                      chances are you’ve been privy to an
August 30, 8 PM                 sionate, and spiritual personality                                                                                    angsty pre-show spat or two among
Bikini’s                        we see on TV, but her family is the                                                                                   the seat-selecting stressed.
Jazz week                       foundation that keeps it all togeth-
August 31-September 6           er and going strong. Growing up        Mercée’s TV career began at             idea, planning and proper execution.   Are movie-seat beefs legit, in the          used in theaters today.                 say, ‘It’s only two hours’ and I’m,
Pietermaai District             around talented and skillful family    the age of 6 where she did plenty       For a single hour of Mercée qual-      scheme of not-hugely-important prob-                                                like, ‘I know. I’m not doing it on pur-
AWE- Caresse Isings One         members helped Mercée become           of singing and presenting. Being        ity programming takes on average       lems, or have we lost our minds to the      So where is his sweet spot?             pose! This way I can just hop over
Woman Show                      the accomplished media figure she      on TV was a constant during her         between 12-16 hours of work. The       point where not even assigned seat-                                                 the rail without kicking popcorn all
September 1                     is today.                              childhood and adolescent phase.         fuel needed to persevere through       ing can save us?                            “For at least the past 15 to 20 years,  over the floor or stepping on some
Moonlight Magic                 She draws from the deep well of        Mercée also shared her love and         the tiredness and sleepiness is Mer-                                               I have very persistently insisted       old person’s shoes.”
September 1, 6:30 PM            her past experiences, including        passion for music and performing        cée’s love and passion for what she    “My best friend has very strict rules on    that those with whom I see movies
Avila Hotel                     her time as a school teacher, to       with her students; she worked as a      does. When the camera is on and        movie theater seating and it drives me      in a theater join me smack dab in       But inevitable conflicts arise for
Candy Dufler & Band             lead the way in putting her shows      kindergarten teacher for a number       it’s showtime, there is nowhere else   insane,” said Gina Mazzone. “Origi-         the middle of the aisle somewhere       prime real estate-seeking Onyema,
September 1, 7 PM               together. Along with a great sup-      of years. Throughout her time as a      she would rather be.                   nally, she would make us change our         between 10, but no more than 13,        who goes to three or four movies a
Hemingway Beach                 port system that she has assem-        teacher, Mercée continued to create                                            seats multiple times until she was          rows away from the movie screen,”       month.
The Blind Boys Of Alabama       bled, Mercée plans to expand her       and perform in numerous TV pro-         Mercée has come a long way from        happy.”                                     Pomes said.                             “There are some friends who want
September 2, 8.30 PM            vision in the media-sphere and         ductions. At a certain point, she was   the young girl featured on TV for a                                                Irene Myers, 34, isn’t having it. She   to be in the middle and they worry
Landhuis Brakkeput Mei Mei      spread her message of positivity,      faced with the dilemma of choosing      few brief moments. Now she has         But wait. Said best friend, Caitlin Qua-    goes to a movie most weeks, about       that if we’re on the aisle people are
Nine dot Five                   hard work, and perseverance to         between her TV career and teaching      grown into an elegant lady with a      gliato, has her reasons.                    60 percent of the time by herself to    going to be bothering us to get out.
September 2, 9.30 PM            more and more people.                  career. In the end, Mercée followed     grand vision for herself and her                                                   avoid the “where-are-we-sitting con-    It’s definitely a give and take,” he
Cabana Beach                                                           her heart and chose a career in TV.     show. The message of positivity,       “I’m just super picky. I try to avoid dis-  versation.”                             said. “If it’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ length
Oscar d’Leon & Juanes           Mercée’s childhood was not a                                                   spirituality, and a strong work ethic  tractions. I don’t like to sit too close                                            or something like that, I’m going to
September 3                     typical one as we might imagine.       Mercée created a number of pro-         is firmly placed throughout her show   because my neck strains. I don’t like       It’s all about control when grouped     push to be on the aisle or the railing.
WTC                             It was an artistic household for       grams early in her career while         and for the future she plans to share  to sit too far away because I can’t         with a huge theater full of strangers,  If it’s a shorter movie, I’ll say ‘OK, I’ll
6th Curaçao North Sea Jazz      Mercée and her siblings; music         working for one of Curaҫao’s most       her vision and message with more       see,” she said. “It drives my sister        she surmised.                           let you have this one.’”
Festival Day 1                  was always being played and            well known television stations. For     people. Plans on expanding the         crazy, too. I get headaches and no-
September 4                     provided the family with a differ-     a single hour of TV programming,        show to more markets are underway      body wants to deal with me during mi-       Afam Onyema, 36, has other things       Daniel Collins and his wife don’t get
WTC                             ent soundtrack every day – either      many long hours are spent to bring      and if her past experiences and ac-    graines. That could be what started it.”    on his mind. He’s a big guy, a for-     to the movies all that frequently, but
6th Curaçao North Sea Jazz      someone playing an instrument          the show to fruition. Shows like “Be-   complishments are any indication,                                                  mer college linebacker, with a wee      with his long legs, the distinct possi-
Festival Day 2                  or a favorite song being played        fore and After” (one of Mercée’s orig-  her dream will eventually become       The two 24-year-olds who met in col-        movie-going bathroom issue. He          bility of a work call he can’t miss and
September 5                     on the radio. Much of the artistic     inal creations) require a fully formed  a reality.                             lege about four years ago remain reg-       can’t make it through one without a     some prostate issues at 52, he’s
WTC                             influence can be traced back to                                                                                       ular movie companions, but they now         pit stop mid-movie and finds himself    an aisle man. Getting there early
                                Mercée father; his artistic side was                                                                                  stick mostly to a theater that allows for   in seating negotiations all the time.   enough to nab a good one isn’t fun.
ART & CULTURE                   expressed through music - writing                                                                                     assigned seating, though — Mazzone
                                or playing - acting, and writing sto-                                                                                 said — “she still complains.”               The seats he seeks from friends and     “My wife, who should be teaching
Exposition : Color Play         ries. Music was a huge influence                                                                                                                                  surreptitiously angles for with dates   master’s courses in procrastina-
Till August 29, 5.30 PM - 7 PM  on Mercée and some her brothers,                                                                                      Anthony Pomes, 43, doesn’t com-             are on an aisle or front row, second    tion, can be a challenge to get out
Landhuis Bloemhof               who went on to pursue music well                                                                                      plain so much as feel very, very pas-       tier behind the rail in theaters that   the door,” said Collin, in suburban
Art Exposition                  into their adult lives. Gibi Doran                                                                                    sionately about the subject. And he         have raised sections separated by a     Baltimore. “But she’s working hard
Alexander Thielman              and Rasta Lele went on to form                                                                                        doesn’t routinely have the benefit of       wide walking aisle.                     at improving, and I’m working hard
Till August 27                  one of Curaҫao most well known                                                                                        assigned seating.                                                                   at not being so, ‘If we’re not 15 min-
National Library                bands; Gio. Mercée also followed                                                                                                                                  “It’s embarrassing. My friends will     utes early we’re late.’”
Kids Happy Hour                 her own musical path as a singer;                                                                                     It’s all about “maximum movie-ness,”
August 28, 5 PM                 later becoming the first female vo-                                                                                   he said, noting in particular the im-
Landhuis Bloemhof               calist for The Happy Peanuts.                                                                                         portance of center screen viewing
Casting for Angel Voices                                                                                                                              and sound balance for digital systems
August 29, 11 AM - 1 PM
Kwartier Church
Blue Bay off road Triathlons
September 19, 2 PM
Blue Bay
Kampionato di Korsou 2015
September 19, 4 PM
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