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Wednesday, 22 November 2023                                                                        INTERNATIONAL                            5

                                               Avoiding a $15 Million Trial in Spain

                     Shakira Agrees to

       Settle Tax Fraud Case

       COLOMBIAN music sensation Shakira
       has reached a settlement with Spanish
       prosecutors to resolve her tax fraud
       case, avoiding a trial that could have

       entailed a $15 million legal battle. The
       agreement, disclosed at the anticipated
       commencement  of the trial, requires
       Shakira to pay fines totaling 7.3 million

       euros ($7.98  million) and  accept a
       three-year suspended sentence.

       The tax fraud charges accused Shakira

       of defrauding the Spanish state of
       14.5 million euros ($15.7 million) for
       income earned between 2012  and
       2014. The global pop icon had consis-

       tently denied the allegations, asserting
       that she only established full-time resi-
       dency in Spain in 2015.

       Wearing a pink  suit and sunglasses,
       Shakira remained silent as she entered
       and exited the Barcelona courthouse.
       However, she released  a statement

       expressing her decision to settle for
       the well-being of her two sons, Milan
       and Sasha. The 46-year-old artist                that her permanent move to Barcelona              former partner  Gerard Pique faced
       emphasized the need to move beyond               occurred just before the birth of her             tax fraud charges in 2016, Shakira’s

       the stress of the past years and focus           second son in January 2015.                       settlement  marks a resolution  to the
       on her family and career, including an                                                             high-profile case without the need for
       upcoming world tour and a new album.             The trial, initially scheduled to run until       a protracted trial.
                                                        December  14, would have  involved

       The crux of the case revolved around             nearly  120 witnesses and exam-                   Despite the legal challenges,  Shakira
       Shakira’s presence  in  Spain between            ined various aspects of Shakira’s                 recently  received three awards at the
       2012  and  2014.  Spanish authori-               life, including social media images,              Latin Grammy Awards, underscoring
       ties contended  that she spent more              payments at hairdressers, and health              her  continued success  in  the  music

       than half of that period in the country,         clinic visits during her pregnancy.               industry. The artist, who was  named
       necessitating tax payments. Shakira’s            Spain, known for cracking down on                 in the “Pandora Papers” leak in 2021,
       legal team argued that until 2014, she           tax  evasion by celebrities, previously           remains a prominent figure despite the
       led a “nomadic life,” primarily earning          targeted football stars Lionel Messi              legal  scrutiny  surrounding  her  finan-

       from international tours. They asserted          and Cristiano Ronaldo. While Shakira’s            cial affairs.
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