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6      INTERNATIONAL                                                                          Wednesday, 22 November 2023

       French Senator Suspended Amidst Shocking

            Allegations of Drugging Female Colleague

       A startling turn of events, French Senator Joel Guerriau, 66,              During a search of Guerriau’s office and home, ecstasy was
       has been suspended from the Horizons party, led by former                  discovered, prompting investigators to confirm its presence
       Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, following his arrest for                  in Josso’s system. This discovery led to her filing a criminal
       allegedly spiking a female MP’s drink with a date-rape drug                complaint.

       as part of a sexual assault plot. Guerriau, a senator since
       2011 and a banker, was formally charged on Friday and is                   In the first formal questioning on Friday, Guerriau denied
       currently in detention.                                                    any sexual assault plot. A source close to the investigation
                                                                                  revealed that Guerriau claimed he believed he had procured

       The victim, 48-year-old Sandrine Josso, a member of the                    a substance to induce euphoria, not ecstasy, from another
       centrist MoDem party, fell ill after accepting a glass of cham-            senate member to help him with personal troubles.
       pagne at Guerriau’s Paris home on Tuesday night. Although
       the two have known each other for about a decade, they are                 Guerriau’s lawyer, Remi-Pierre Drai, asserted that his client

       not in an intimate relationship, according to prosecutors.                 would  fight  to  prove  he  never  intended  to  administer  a
                                                                                  substance  to  abuse  Josso.  Drai described Guerriau  as an
       The shocking revelations prompted the Horizons party and                   honest and respected man, challenging the characterization
       the Independents caucus in the French Senate to suspend                    of him as a predator.

       Guerriau, with the possibility of expulsion. Horizons stated
       it would not tolerate any complacency towards sexual and                   The scandal has sent shockwaves through Guerriau’s long-
       sexist violence.                                                           time political and local circles, with Saint-Sébastien-sur-
       Josso’s lawyer, Julia Minkowski, revealed that Josso                       Loire,  the  town where  he  served as  mayor  for 22 years,

       observed Guerriau grabbing a small plastic bag containing a                expressing disbelief. Local lawmakers described Guerriau
       white substance from a drawer in his kitchen, leading to her               as an “affable” man with a certain aura but acknowledged
       sudden illness. Minkowski described Josso’s escape from                    his  occasionally  unpleasant  interactions  with opposition
       the situation as requiring “monumental physical and intel-                 lawmakers. The scandal is anticipated to have repercussions

       lectual forces.”                                                           on public perceptions of elected officials.
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