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8      INTERNATIONAL                                                                          Wednesday, 22 November 2023

        Political Upheaval in Argentina as Outsider

           Javier Milei Clinches Presidential Victory

       A surprising turn of events, Argentina has elected libertarian             controls.

       outsider Javier Milei as its new president, opting for a radical           Despite concerns about the potential pain of Milei’s economic
       change to address the country’s economic woes marked by                    remedies, many voters, particularly the youth, see him as
       triple-digit  inflation,  a  looming  recession,  and  increasing          a beacon of change. Milei’s promises have resonated with
       poverty. Official results reveal Milei securing nearly 56% of              those who have witnessed Argentina grapple with succes-

       the votes, while his rival, Peronist Economy Minister Sergio               sive crises.
       Massa, conceded with 44%.
                                                                                  The win signifies a break from the traditional political forces,
       In the heart of Buenos Aires, the jubilation of hundreds of                disrupting the dominance of the Peronists and the main

       Milei supporters echoed through the streets as they cele-                  conservative bloc. Milei’s victory could reshape Argentina’s
       brated  the  victory  of  an  anti-establishment  figure.  The             economic policies, with potential impacts on trade in grains,
       rallying cry “out with all of them” resounded, accompanied                 lithium, and  hydrocarbons. He has expressed skepticism
       by rock music and fireworks.                                               towards China and Brazil, favoring stronger ties with the

                                                                                  United States.
       Milei’s victory represents a seismic shift in Argentina’s polit-           While Milei’s win has received congratulations from figures
       ical landscape, with his plans for economic shock therapy                  like former U.S. President Donald Trump, it has raised
       gaining traction among voters frustrated with the prevailing               concerns in the region, with Colombian President Gustavo

       economic  challenges.  His proposed reforms include shut-                  Petro describing it as a “sad day.”
       ting down the central bank, abandoning the peso, and imple-
       menting significant spending cuts, all aimed at addressing                 As Argentina embarks on this uncharted political journey,
       the economic malaise.                                                      Milei faces the task of translating his radical proposals into

                                                                                  tangible actions while navigating a fragmented Congress
       The challenges  ahead for Milei  are substantial, including                that lacks a clear majority. The success of his presidency will
       dealing with depleted government and central bank coffers,                 likely hinge on his ability to garner support for his transfor-
       a hefty  $44 billion  debt program with the  International                 mative agenda and address the pressing issues facing the

       Monetary Fund, inflation nearing 150%, and complex capital                 nation.
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