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                    Friday 24 January 2020

              To our reader and clients;

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             Saturday, January 25th, 2019. We will resume our pub-
             lication on Monday, January 27th, 2019.

                                                                       In this Aug. 1, 2018, file photo, Cody Wilson, with Defense Distributed, holds a 3D-printed gun
                                                                      called the Liberator at his shop in Austin, Texas.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

                                                                      Coalition of states sue over rules

                                                                      governing 3D-printed guns
                  Born: January 25, 1938 - Died: November 26, 1986

                                                                      By MICHAEL BALSAMO and  ing  the  accessibility  of  the  tion numbers that could be
                                                                      CHRIS GRYGIEL                blueprints.                  used to trace them.
                                                                      WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  At-     Proponents  have  argued  A federal judge in Novem-
                                                                      torneys general in 20 states  there  is  a  constitutional  ber  blocked  an  earlier  at-
                                                                      and  the  District  of  Colum-  right  to  publish  the  mate-  tempt by the Trump admin-
                                                                      bia  filed  a  lawsuit  Thurs-  rial, but critics counter that  istration to allow the files to
                                                                      day  challenging  a  federal  making the blueprints read-  be released online, arguing
                                                                      regulation that could allow  ily  accessible  online  could  that  the  government  had
                                                                      blueprints  for  making  guns  lead to an increase in gun  violated  the  law  on  pro-
                                                                      on 3D printers to be posted  violence and put weapons  cedural  grounds.  But  the
                                                                      on the internet.             in  the  hands  of  criminals  administration   published
                                                                      New York Attorney General  who  are  legally  prohibited  formal  rules  on  Thursday
                                                                      Tish  James,  who  helped  from owning them.              that transfer the regulation
                                                                      lead  the  coalition  of  state  Washington  state's  attor-  of 3D-printed guns from the
                                                                      attorneys  general,  argued  ney  general  Bob  Ferguson  State  Department  to  the
                                                                      that  posting  the  blueprints  said  a  previous  multi-state  Commerce   Department,
                                                                      would allow anyone to go  lawsuit led a federal judge  which could open the door
                                                                      online  and  use  the  down-  last year to strike down the  to  making  the  blueprints
                                                                      loadable  files  to  create  administration's  earlier  at-  available  online.  The  state
                                                                      unregistered  and  untrace-  tempt  to  allow  the  files  to  attorneys  general  argue
                                                                      able assault-style weapons  be distributed.               the  government  is  break-
                                                                      that  could  be  difficult  to  "Why is the Trump adminis-  ing  the  law  and  say  such
                                                                      detect.                      tration  working  so  hard  to  deregulation  will  "make  it
                                                                      The lawsuit, joined by Cali-  allow  domestic  abusers,  far easier for individuals in-
                                                                      fornia,  Washington  and  17  felons and terrorists access  eligible  to  possess  firearms
                                                                      other  states,  was  filed  in  to  untraceable,  undetect-  under  state  or  federal  law
                                                                      U.S. District Court in Seattle.  able 3D-printed guns?" Fer-  to  obtain  a  deadly  weap-
                                                                      It is likely to reignite a fierce  guson said in a statement.  on  without  undergoing  a
                                                                      debate over the use of 3D-   For  years,  law  enforce-   background  check,"  ac-
                                                                      printed  firearms  and  is  the  ment  officials  have  been  cording to the lawsuit. They
                                                                      latest in a series of attempts  trying  to  draw  attention  also  argue  that  the  Com-
                                                                      by  state  law  enforcement  to  the  dangers  posed  by  merce  Department  lacks
                                                                      officials to block the Trump  the  so-called  ghost  guns,  the power to properly regu-
                                                                      administration  from  eas-   which  contain  no  registra-  late 3D-printed guns. q
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