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P. 10
LOCAL Friday 15 November 2024
Service Anniversaries celebrated at the Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino
Palm Beach – The Hilton Aruba Ca- of which was spent at the resort,
ribbean Resort & Casino honored where he served guests with grace,
a truly remarkable group of team professionalism, commitment and
members, just recently, in the pres- a dedication to the spirit of Aru-
ence of General Manager Law- ban hospitality. Tomas began his
rence Tuck, Owners’ Representa- journey with the resort in 1986 as a
tive, businessman Rene Kan, the Captain/Waiter and most currently
Minister of Tourism Danguillaume serves as the Assistant F&B Super-
Oduber, members of the executive visor before embarking on a well-
committee, and members of the deserved retirement.
HR department.
In his address, General Manager
Glenn Farro, Director of HR, en- Lawrence Tuck reported that in his
joyed the privilege of conducting travels as a hotelier around many
the official part of the evening. international properties, he had
During the event, the resort hon- never met such long-term dedi-
ored 19 individuals who have cation and the type of passion
shown remarkable commitment much enjoyment, rest from hard ing. for hospitality he encountered at
and have helped build the foun- work, and an easy transition into Honored for twenty-five years of the Hilton Aruba Caribbean Re-
dation of the resort’s success, since the next chapter of their lives after service were Aquilino Gadia, Ron- sort, where team members deliver
opening day, in 1959. These hon- years of uninterrupted service. aldo German, Carolyn Santos, consistent high-quality results, build
orees stand for a combined 576 Anastacia “Tasha” Agana, Liliana strong relationships and strive to
years of valuable work experience. The evening was dedicated to the Angela Garcia, Roque Martinez, grow.
“This milestone,” said Farro, in his honorees, as each one appeared and Germaine-Geerman Wever.
opening remarks, “speaks volumes on stage to accept their certifi- Honored for thirty years of ser- Just before the award ceremony,
about dedication, and the kind of cates, pins and gifts. As they did, vice were Maria Ureña, Angeline the Minister of Tourism Danguillau-
passion that makes the team at their personal stories of growth and Dijkhoff, Jairo Maduro, Ramon me Oduber, took to the stage to
the Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort achievement were shared. Weindal, and Maikel Ras. thank honorees from the bottom
& Casino extraordinary.” Honored for thirty-five years of ser- of his heart, acknowledging their
The evening traced their personal vice were Hubert Rozenberg, Thel- contributions to tourism and to the
Among the evening honorees were journeys and their career high- ma Franken, Edeltrudis “Betico” economy of Aruba. “Our work is to
two remarkable, long-serving team lights, and achievement, received Flanegin, Jessica Robert, and Lu- bring guests to your doorstep, and
members who have excelled in with loud rounds of applause. The cretia Minerva Pantophlet. yours is to make sure they are treat-
their roles and inspired generations common thread of the evening’s Honored for thirty-eight years of ed well and love every unique min-
of colleagues. As they prepare to stories was the realization that ca- service were Bibi Ohab and Tomas ute they spend on the island, leave
retire at the ages of 75 and 73 re- reers built on passion and enthusi- Giel. some money behind to fuel our
spectively the resort wishes them asm, are rewarding and long last- Bibi Ohab has been Director of economy, and take some memo-
Housekeeping for many years. She ries, along. Thank you for your out-
was first hired as night senior super- standing product delivery.”
visor in 1986, and has shown strong
leadership and organizational skills, The culinary and banquet teams
which led to her almost immediate served an excellent three course
promotion as the executive house- dinner with a choice of appetiz-
keeper, then to her current position ers and main courses. For dessert,
as director. Bibi leads a multicul- event guests appreciated their
tural team ensuring high standards choice of sweet potato pump-
of cleaning and aesthetic appeal kin pie with crème anglaise or an
throughout the resort. Her com- individual baked Alaska with va-
mitment to providing exceptional nilla and chocolate ice cream
guests’ experiences is unmatched. topped with toasted marshmal-
low. The evening concluded with
Tomas Giel has enjoyed a 56-year a group and individual picture
career in hospitality, the majority opportunities.q