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                  Friday 15 November 2024
            Create museum memories

            ORANJESTAD — Museums are  in San Nicolas and narrates  Museum of Industry Aruba.
            an integral part of conserving  Aruba's  industrial  history,
            and honoring cultures, and  which  began  in  the  19th  Archaeological Museum of
            Aruba is no exception. Our  century.  The  Water  Tower             Aruba
            Island has a wide selection  was built in 1939 and con-   The  Archaeological  Muse-
            of various museums for our  sists  of  three  sections:  the  um  of  Aruba  is  located  at
            locals  and  visitors  to  see.  substructure, the high-rising  Schelpstraat 42 in downtown
            Take this opportunity to learn  vertical shaft, and the tank  Oranjestad. The renovated
            about our island and experi-  at the top. The Water Tow-  historic Ecury complex in the
            ence a different day beyond  er  was  purchased  by  the  area has been transformed
            the beach. Let us introduce  Monuments Fund in 2003 so  from  a  family  home  to  a
            to you these museums.        it can be restored and pre-  modern  museum  that  pre-
                                         served  as  one  of  Aruba's  serves  Aruba’s  Amerindian
             Museum of Industry Aruba    monuments.  The  Museum  cultural  heritage.  This  21st                               Museum Aruba disposes of
            The Museum of Industry is lo-  of Industry is part of Aruba  century museum is especially   In 1997, the Aruban Govern-  approximately 500 m2 for its
            cated in San Nicolas—better  Museum Foundation (Funda-    designed to preserve valu-   ment bought the complex  permanent exhibit. This ex-
            known as the art capital of  cion Museo Aruban), which  able  artifacts  dating  back   for the National Archaeologi-  hibit conveys information on
            Aruba. This museum exhibits  is a foundation set to main-  to  the  Pre-Ceramic  period   cal Museum project. In 2004,  the origin and culture of the
            the industrial history of gold,  tain, preserve, and protect  of 2500 BC.              a financial agreement was  first inhabitants of the island
            aloe,  phosphate,  oil  and  the Aruban cultural sector,                               signed with the European De-  through archaeological ob-
            tourism through elaborated  history, and nature. The mu-  In the late 1980’s, AMA identi-  velopment Fund and in 2006,  jects and modern exhibition
            displays and multimedia in-  seum of Industry is open daily  fied its need for an adequate   restoration and construction  techniques. The new perma-
            stallations.                 from 9 am till 6 pm.         housing for its collection and   work began on the monu-  nent exhibit gives the visitor
            The  Museum  of  Industry  is  For more information, check  activities. After studying vari-  mental  buildings  and  the  an  insight  into  the  cultures
            situated in the Water Tower  out  their  Facebook  page  ous options, a project pro-   soon-to-be exhibition space.  that inhabited the island in
                                                                      posal was drawn up, includ-  In December 2007, the key to  Pre-Historical and Early His-
                                                                      ing the acquisition and resto-  the complex was delivered  torical  times.  The  museum
                                                                      ration of historical buildings in   and the museum’s employ-  also hosts attractive public
                                                                      downtown Oranjestad.         ees  moved  to  the  new  lo-  programs, including lectures,
                                                                                                   cation. The final design for  educational projects, tem-
                                                                      These  historical  buildings   the exhibit was completed in  porary  exhibits  and  work-
                                                                      were formerly the property of   November 2007 and the per-  shops.
                                                                      the Ecury family. The “Ecury   manent exhibit, financed by
                                                                      Complex”,  is  a  cluster  of   the Aruban Government and  The  museum  is  open  daily
                                                                      single and two-story historic   the Union of Cultural Orga-  from 9:30 am till 4:30 pm. For
                                                                      buildings, mainly Dutch co-  nizations (UNOCA), opened  more information check out
                                                                      lonial architecture from the   in July 2009.              the Facebook page Museo
                                                                      late 19th and 20th century                                Arqueologico     Nacional
                                                                      on a plot of approximately   At  the  new  location,  the  Aruba.q
                                                                      1.700 m2.                    National   Archaeological

            A quick snack for the road: Learn how to make the Aruban Pastechi!

            (Oranjestad)—If you ever been to  your dough into the bowl you are  and roll it flat with a rolling pin. The  cheese that melts well when frying
            Aruba before, you probably heard  using  or  on  a  clean  surface  with  thickness of the pastechi depends  the pastry.
            of  (and  even  tried)  the  Aruban  some  flour  lightly  dusted  until  its  on  your  taste,  but  the  average
            Pastechi.  Beloved  by  young  and  surface is smooth. You'll know your  thinness  would  be  around  ¼  inch  Place the filling on your rolled out
            old,  this  tasty  treat  is  a  staple  for  dough  is  ready  when  it  doesn’t  or so.                   piece of dough, fold it in half and
            party  snacks,  a  quick  lunch  or  stick to your hands or the surface                                     pinch the sides shut with a fork. If
            even breakfast!                     on  which  you’re  kneading  it.  Let  Filling  for  the  pastechis  varies  you have a folding tool, feel free to
                                                your dough rest covered for 15-20  according to your taste. The easiest  use it for this process. Your pastechi
            Here’s  how  to  make  the  Pastechi  minutes.                          and most common filling you’ll find  is ready for the fryer!
            dough.                                                                  in Aruba is a simple cheese filling.
                                                After  resting,  divide  your  dough  For  this,  we  usually  use  shredded  If you want to store some pastechis
            Ingredients:                        into approximately 100 gram balls  Gouda,  but  feel  free  to  use  any  for later use, you can freeze them.
            4 cups of wheat flour                                                                                       A  good  tip  is  to  place  a  piece
            1 tbsp baking powder (if using self-                                                                        of  wax  paper  in  between  each
            rising flour, omit baking powder)                                                                           pastechi  if  you  are  to  store  them
            1 tsp salt                                                                                                  on top of one another. This way the
            1 tbsp sugar                                                                                                pastechis don’t stick to each other
            0.5 cup of melted butter                                                                                    when defrosting.
            1 cup water
            1 egg                                                                                                       Here  in  Aruba  we  enjoy  pastechi
                                                                                                                        at  any  time  of  the  day,  but  it
            Directions:                                                                                                 has  become  almost  tradition  to
            Sift your flour into a bowl and add                                                                         eat  pastechis  for  breakfast  on
            all the dry ingredients before giving                                                                       the  way  to  work.  Many  roadside
            it a quick mix. Next add the butter,                                                                        snack  trucks  sell  pastechi  from
            water  and  egg  and  mix  until                                                                            early morning to noon, and offer a
            thoroughly combined. At this point,                                                                         variety  of  fillings  like  cheese;  ham
            your dough will start to get sticky;                                                                        and  cheese;  ground  beef  and
            time  for  an  arm  workout.  Knead                                                                         pulled chicken to name a few.q
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