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local Friday 15 November 2024
Aruba: The island of Aloes
ORANJESTAD – Aloe vera, a succu- Under Commander Jan Helenus
lent plant species, is renowned for Ferguson (1866-1871), aloe experi-
its incredible properties for the skin. enced a boom, which is why there
It is widely distributed and usually is a road named after him, which
grows in tropical, semi-tropical and goes through the aloe fields. In the
arid climates on the planet. But this 19th century, Aruba was the main
plant also had a very prominent role supplier of aloin for laxative, which
in the history of Aruba, and its sig- was imported abroad to the United
nificance to the island’s economy States and Europe. The aloin from
endures to this day. Aruba and Curaçao was known to
be one of the best in the world and
The leaves of Aloe vera contain a was more expensive, which meant
good amount of gel which when tive, and it is also the origin of the that at the time, it had significant
used topically, is great for the skin. industry of aloe in Aruba. economic impact, particularly for
Traditionally, Arubans use this gel the local farmers.
to treat minor burns and other skin According to the website of Royal The impact and relevance of aloe is
ailments, or just to keep skin supple Aruba Aloe, Aloe vera was intro- However, by the time the oil industry visible all around Aruba. While most
and looking bright and nourished. duced in Aruba around 1840, when arrived on Aruba, it changed the homes will have a few plants for per-
Aside from the gel, aloe contains a most of the island’s inhabitants were labor market on Aruba, shifting away sonal use and decoration, houses are
bitter, yellow substance (called aloin) farmers of little means. Dutch Gover- from agriculture. It would be after also decorated with aloe motifs, and
which is a gentle but powerful laxa- nor Van Raders introduced the plant World War II that aloe would make at some point, aloe even featured
after it had been introduced in other a comeback. And eventually, as sci- on post stamps. Around 1920, about
islands of the Caribbean to cultivate ence learned about the amazing two-thirds of Aruba was aloe fields,
and harvest the aloe to produce the properties of aloe gel, the industry earning our island the nickname
laxative. shifted from producing laxative to “The Island of Aloes.” And in 1955,
producing skin care. An interesting the aloe became a part of Aruba’s
Around 1920, about two-thirds of fact is that in 1951, the production of coat of arms, symbolizing prosperity
Aruba was aloe fields, earning our Aruban aloe amounted to around for the island.
island the nickname “The Island of 30 percent of the total global pro-
Aloes.” duction! Images from the archive of the Na-
tional Library of Aruba.
Visit the island’s hidden natural pools
(Oranjestad)—Amongst the count- by foot if you’re up for a long hike. calm. It’s also relatively deep, and
less beaches surrounding the island However, since it is part of the Na- you can climb up the rocks and
that are well-known and frequently tional Park, you must first get per- jump in!
visited, there are an additional two mission from park management to
“hidden” natural pools that are sit- enter. You would have to purchase Cave Pool
uated in the northern coast of the a day pass, and receive a wrist- This relatively new pool appeared
island, two ideal stops in your tour band as proof of payment. Once just a few years ago, when a part
itinerary. you’ve completed that, you are of the dried up coral floor broke off
set! and created a partition between ably notice the moon-shaped la-
Conchi (Natural Pool) the ocean and what is now the goon where wild northern waves
For many years, Conchi was the If you decide to hike from the en- natural pool that is hidden there. crash into each other. Sounds
only natural pool that we had on trance of the Arikok National Park, Because it’s still so new, there is no scary, but if you look down on
the island. Located in the Arikok this is also possible: do bring plenty official name for it, but most peo- your right, you’ll see a calm, crys-
National Park, near Boca Keto of protective clothing and enough ple just call it the cave pool. tal blue little pool in the corner. To
and the Daimari Ranch, Conchi— water and food—it could take you get there, you have to climb down
also known “Cura di Turtuga (Tur- up to three hours to hike there! Just like the Conchi, the new nat- some stairs. Be careful when climb-
tle’s Cove) or just Natural Pool—is ural pool is situated on the north- ing down and follow the instruc-
reachable with any 4x4 vehicle or However, when you eventually do ern coast of Aruba. However, this tions of your tour guide if you have
get there, you will be greeted with pool is much easier to reach with one.
crystal blue water surrounded by any type of vehicle, and there is no
a natural rock formation that pro- hiking needed. This spot has also And just like Conchi, this pool also
tects you from the wild waves on become a regular stop for touring has a jumping spot, and a rope to
the other side. Though the pool visitors. climb back up the boulder.
is located on the northern side of
the island (where the sea is largely When you get there, maybe you Picture of cave pool is credited to
rough and largely no suitable for won’t be able to spot the pool im- RockaBeach Tours
swimming), the pool itself is very mediately, because you will prob-