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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 31 augustus 2022

                         Abortion ban faces exceptions fight in South Carolina House

            COLUMBIA,  S.C.  (AP)                                                                                               end a pregnancy in June.
            —  South  Carolina  House
            members  began  a  debate                                                                                           South  Carolina  leaders  have
            Tuesday  on  a  new  total                                                                                          watched those developments
            ban  on  abortion  with  no                                                                                         carefully,  as  well  as  events
            exceptions  for  pregnan-                                                                                           several weeks ago in Kansas,
            cies caused by rape or in-                                                                                          where  nearly  60%  of  vot-
            cest even as some Repub-                                                                                            ers rejected a ballot measure
            licans  in  the  GOP-domi-                                                                                          that would have allowed the
            nated  chamber  suggested                                                                                           state's  conservative  Legisla-
            they can't vote for the bill                                                                                        ture to ban abortion. Repub-
            as written.                                                                                                         lican Donald Trump received
                                                                                                                                56% of the 2020 presidential
            But if the exceptions are put                                                                                       vote  in  Kansas.  Trump  won
            into  the  bill,  the  chamber's                                                                                    55% in South Carolina.
            most  conservative  members
            could join with Democrats to                                                                                        Republican  leaders  in  the
            kill the bill, too.                                                                                                 South  Carolina  House  al-
                                                                                                                                lowed for the speaker to call
            On the day before the debate,                                                                                       the  special  session  after  the
            one of the most conservative                                                                                        leak  of  a  draft  opinion  in-
            House  lawmakers  said  20                                                                                          dicating  the  U.S.  Supreme
            Republicans signed his letter                                                                                       Court  would  allow  states  to
            saying they would not com-                                                                                          ban  abortion.  Lawmakers
            mit  to  voting  for  the  total                                                                                    started  working  on  the  total
            ban with the rape and incest  could come back later in the  abortion."                 in  South  Carolina  want  ban  after  Roe  v.  Wade  was
            exceptions,  which  with  the  debate, but it was an indica-                           to  follow  the  lead  of  Indi-  overturned in June.
            43  Democrats'  votes  against  tion Democrats want to force  South  Carolina  currently  ana, which earlier in August
            would be enough to kill the  Republicans  to  have  to  vote  has  a  six-week  ban  but  the  passed a total ban to go into  The  bill  currently  allows
            bill.                        on  an  extreme  form  of  the  South  Carolina  Supreme  effect  on  Sept.  15  with  ex-  abortions  if  a  mother's  life
                                         legislation.                 Court  suspended  the  law  ceptions for rape, incest and  is  in  danger  and  then  lists  a
            Less  than  an  hour  after  de-                          earlier this month while the  if the mother's life is in dan-  number of different medical
            bate began, lawmakers voted  Other  changes  voted  down  justices decide on a Planned  ger.  West  Virginia's  House  emergencies  that  would  fit
            on  changing  the  bill  to  in-  early  in  the  debate  included  Parenthood lawsuit that says  and Senate couldn't agree on  into that exception.
            clude  the  rape  and  incest  language  supporters  said  the  ban  is  an  unreasonable  stricter  abortion  rules  in  a
            exceptions. It failed on a 75-  would  protect  in  vitro  fer-  invasion of privacy under the  July session.       The  South  Carolina  House
            25  vote,  with  almost  all  the  ritization  and  birth  control,  state constitution. The deci-                  has 80 Republicans, 43 Dem-
            House's  Democrats  joining  and  proposals  that  would  sion  leaves  South  Carolina's  Thirteen states have so-called  ocrats and one vacancy. The
            more  conservative  Republi-  make it a misdemeanor with  abortion ban at 20 weeks for  trigger laws designed to out-  bill needs a majority vote to
            cans.                        a maximum two-year prison  now.                           law most abortions when the  be sent to the Senate, where
                                         sentence if a pregnant wom-                               U.S.  Supreme  Court  threw  stricter  bans  on  abortions
            Some form of the exceptions  an "intentionally commits an  Supporters  of  the  total  ban  out the constitutional right to  have seen tougher fights.

                             Prosecutors rest in R. Kelly’s trial-fixing, child porn case

            CHICAGO (AP) — Pros-         ally abusing her hundreds of  a  judge  sentenced  him  in  was the child in the video and
            ecutors  rested  their  case  times  starting  in  1998  when  June to 30 years in prison for  Kelly was the adult man.  Two  Kelly  associates,  Derrel
            Tuesday at R. Kelly's fed-   she  was  14  and  Kelly  was  convictions  on  racketeering                           McDavid and Milton Brown,
            eral trial in Chicago after  around 30.                   and sex trafficking charges. A  Kelly sold millions of albums  are co-defendants at the Chi-
            presenting  two  weeks  of                                conviction in Chicago could  even  after  allegations  about  cago trial. McDavid, a long-
            evidence  and  testimony  Jane's  testimony  is  vital  to  add years to that sentence.  his  abuse  of young  girls be-  time Kelly business manager,
            from  four  Kelly  accusers  the  charge  accusing  Kelly                              gan  circulating  publicly  in  is  accused  of  helping  Kelly
            in  their  bid  to  prove  the  of fixing his 2008 child por-  Kelly's  2008  state  trial  re-  the  1990s.  Widespread  out-  rig  the  2008  case.  Brown  is
            singer  enticed  underage  nography  trial,  at  which  he  volved around a video prose-  rage over his sexual miscon-  charged with receiving child
            girls  for  sex,  produced  was  acquitted.  She  testified  cutors said showed him sexu-  duct didn't emerge until after  pornography. Like Kelly, they
            child  pornography  and  that  Kelly  and  his  associ-   ally abusing Jane. She did not  the  #MeToo  reckoning  and  have denied wrongdoing.
            successfully  rigged  his  ates  threatened  and  paid  off  testify  at  that  trial,  but  told  the 2019 docuseries "Surviv-
            2008 state trial.            her and her parents to lie to  jurors  this  month  that  she  ing R. Kelly."
                                         a grand jury before the 2008
            Among  the  last  prosecution  trial.
            witnesses  was  a  42-year-old
            woman  who  went  by  the  Legal teams for Kelly and two
            pseudonym "Nia." Taking the  co-defendants  now  get  their
            stand  Tuesday  morning,  she  chance to attack the govern-
            was  the  fourth  and  final  ac-  ment's  case.  U.S.  District
            cuser  to  testify  against  Kelly  Judge  Harry  Leinenweber
            at the trial in his hometown.  told  jurors  they  would  have
            A fifth accuser, who prosecu-  Wednesday  off,  then  return
            tors  had  said  would  testify,  to  listen  to  the  first  defense
            never  did.  They  didn't  ex-  witnesses  Thursday.  Closing
            plain why.                   arguments are in the middle
                                         of next week.
            The  highlight  of  prosecu-
            tors'  case  was  testimony  by  Defense  attorneys  haven't
            a  37-year-old  woman  who  said if Kelly might testify. He
            used  the  pseudonym  "Jane"  didn't testify at his earlier fed-
            and  described  Kelly  sexu-  eral trial in New York, where
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