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A28     u.s. news
              Diaranson 31 augustus 2022

                          Biden to talk crime, gun control in swing state Pennsylvania

            WILKES-BARRE,           Pa.                                                                                         below the percentage naming
            (AP)  —  President  Joe                                                                                             many of the other top issues
            Biden on Tuesday arrived                                                                                            for Americans.
            in  Pennsylvania  to  talk                                                                                          Biden  has  tried  to  balance
            up  his  administration's                                                                                           his approach to crime by ac-
            plans  to  prevent  crime,                                                                                          knowledging  voters'  fears
            an  issue  that  has  become                                                                                        and  praising  law  enforce-
            potent  politically  both  in                                                                                       ment,  but  also  urging  more
            this  state  and  nationwide                                                                                        accountability for officers.
            ahead of November's mid-
            term elections.                                                                                                     He's  rejected  the  activist
                                                                                                                                slogan  "defund  the  police,"
            It's Biden's first of three trips                                                                                   which Republicans have used
            in the  coming  week,  under-                                                                                       as  a  cudgel  against  Demo-
            scoring  the  state's  role  as  a                                                                                  crats in general, by calling for
            key  political  battleground,                                                                                       more money for cops.
            and  it  comes  days  before
            former  President  Donald                                                                                           Jean-Pierre said Monday that
            Trump hosts his own rally in                                                                                        Biden  will  speak  in  Wilkes-
            Pennsylvania on Saturday.                                                                                           Barre about the "simple basic
                                                                                                                                notion that when it comes to
            The White House said Biden                                                                                          public  safety  in  this  nation,
            will  use  his  Tuesday  visit  to                                                                                  the answer isn't to defund the
            call out Republicans for op-                                                                                        police,  but  to  fund  the  po-
            posing his proposal to restore  It's a particularly fraught issue  recruit  more  police  officers.  criminals"  from  prisons  or  lice."
            a ban  on  assault-style  weap-  in Pennsylvania, a key swing  Last  December,  he  said  that  that he's in favor of "empty-
            ons.                         state where a U.S. Senate seat  state  agents  and  Philadel-  ing prisons."           Biden also plans to talk about
            Both parties worked together  and the governor's office are  phia  police  officers  working                        the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S.
            in a rare effort to pass biparti-  up for grabs.          together  had  reduced  the  Fetterman does not plan to be  Capitol and the role that law
            san gun safety legislation ear-                           number of shootings in areas  in  Wilkes-Barre  with  Biden,  enforcement  played  in  de-
            lier  this  year  after  massacres  The Republican candidate for  that  were  confronting  gun  but  he's  expected  to  march  fending Congress. He previ-
            in  Buffalo,  New  York,  and  governor,  Doug  Mastriano,  violence related to drug traf-  in Pittsburgh's Labor Day pa-  ously focused on that issue in
            Uvalde, Texas, but Biden has  accuses Democrat Josh Sha-  ficking.                     rade when the president vis-  a  virtual  address  to  the  Na-
            repeatedly said more needs to  piro  of  being  soft  on  crime  Shapiro plans to attend Tues-  its Sept. 5. Biden also will be  tional Organization of Black
            be done.                     as  the  state's  twice-elected  day's event with Biden.  in Pennsylvania on Thursday  Law Enforcement Executives
                                         attorney  general,  saying  at  The  Republican  U.S.  Sen-  for a prime-time speech that  on July 25.
            As  a  U.S.  senator,  Biden  one  recent  event  that  crime  ate  nominee,  heart  surgeon  the  White  House  said  will
            played a leading role in tem-  has  gone  up  on  his  oppo-  turned  television  celebrity  address "the continued battle  Biden has laid out a $37 bil-
            porarily banning assault-style  nent's watch and that Shapiro  Dr. Mehmet Oz, has tried to  for  the  soul  of  the  nation"  lion  plan  for  addressing
            weapons,  including  firearms  "stands  aside"  as  homicides  portray the Democratic can-  and defending democracy.  crime  and  boosting  law  en-
            similar  to  the  AR-15  that  rise across Pennsylvania.  didate, Lt. Gov. John Fetter-  It's  unclear  whether  crime  forcement  resources.  He
            have  exploded  in  popularity                            man, as extreme and reckless  will end up as a pivotal issue  wants Congress to spend $13
            in recent years, and he wants  Homicides  have  been  in-  on crime policy.            in November.                 billion  to  help  communities
            to put the law back into place.  creasing in Pennsylvania, but                                                      hire  and  train  100,000  po-
                                         overall  crime  seems  to  have  Fetterman has endorsed rec-  Only  11%  of  U.S.  adults  lice  officers  over  five  years.
            Biden's  speech  at  Wilkes  fallen  over  the  last  year,  ac-  ommendations that more ge-  named  crime  or  violence  as  Another $3 billion would go
            University  in  Wilkes-Barre  cording to state statistics.  riatric and rehabilitated pris-  one of the top five issues they  to  clearing  court  backlogs
            comes  as  Democrats  try  to                             oners  can  be  released  from  consider most important for  and  resolving  cases  involv-
            blunt  Republican  efforts  to  As  attorney  general  since  state  prisons  without  harm-  the  government  to  work  on  ing  murders  and  guns,  and
            use  concern  about  crime  to  2017, Shapiro has toured the  ing public safety. Oz and Re-  in the next year, according to  $5 billion more would go to
            their  advantage  in  the  mid-  state  discussing  the  need  to  publicans have distorted that  an AP-NORC poll conduct-  support programs that could
            terms.                       crack down on gun traffick-  into the claim that Fetterman  ed in June. That's unchanged  help  stop  violence  before  it
                                         ing  and  ghost  guns,  and  to  wants  to  release  "dangerous  since December, and it's well  occurs.

                            Storms blamed in deaths of 3 in Michigan, Ohio, Arkansas

                                                                      Michigan and Arkansas as  safety  department  said  in  a  Monday  night  when  a  tree
                                                                      well as a woman in Ohio.     Facebook post.               fell on her behind her home
                                                                                                                                in  Toledo  just  as  a  strong
                                                                      Monday's     storms    also  And in the Detroit-area com-  storm  moved  through  the
                                                                      knocked out electrical service  munity of Warren, two boys  area,  the  city's  fire  depart-
                                                                      to  hundreds  of  thousands  were hospitalized — includ-  ment said. Her name and age
                                                                      of  homes  and  businesses  in  ing an 8-year-old who was in  were not released.
                                                                      Indiana  and  Michigan,  with  critical condition — after one
                                                                      dozens  of  schools  canceling  of  them  touched  a  downed  The storms were widespread
                                                                      classes in Michigan alone on  power line Tuesday morning,  in  states  including  Michi-
                                                                      Tuesday  because  of  power  The Detroit News reported,  gan, Ohio and Indiana. Tree
                                                                      outages.                     citing  a  fire  department  of-  branches and power lines fell
                                                                                                   ficial.                      while  winds  gusted  as  high
                                                                      In  the  Michigan  city  of                               as 58 mph (93 kilometers per
                                                                      Monroe,  a  14-year-old  girl  In  Arkansas,  an  11-year-old  hour) at Battle Creek Execu-
                                                                      was  electrocuted  Monday  boy  died after  he was  swept  tive Airport in Michigan and
                                                                      night in the backyard of her  into  a  storm  drain  during  60  mph  (96  kilometers  per
            MONROE, Mich. (AP) —  parts  of  the  Midwest  and  home after coming into con-        heavy  rainfall  Monday,  au-  hour)  in  Huntington,  Indi-
            Severe storms that brought  the South were blamed for  tact  with  an  electrical  line  thorities said.            ana,  the  weather  service  re-
            damaging  winds,  heavy  the deaths of three people,  that  was  knocked  down  by                                  ported.
            rains and flash flooding to  including two children in  a  thunderstorm,  the  public  In Ohio, a woman was killed
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