Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220831
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A30 world news
Diaranson 31 augustus 2022
Vatican: Pope clearly condemns Russia's 'repugnant' war
ROME (AP) — The Vati- timized by the "insanity of
can on Tuesday moved to war."
defend Pope Francis from
allegations he hasn't come Ukrainian Foreign Minister
down hard enough on Dmytro Kuleba summoned
Russia for its invasion of the Vatican ambassador to
Ukraine, saying the pon- Kyiv last week and told re-
tiff clearly views the war porters that "the Ukrainian
launched by Moscow as heart is torn apart by the
"senseless, repugnant and pope's words."
In a statement, the Vatican
Last week, Ukraine sum- appeared intent Tuesday on
moned the top papal diplo- doing damage control.
mat to complain about recent
comments by Francis. At an On the same day that the
audience a day earlier at the Ukraine slammed the pope's
Vatican, Francis had referred remarks, the head of the
to a national Russian TV Russian Orthodox Church
commentator who was killed cancelled a planned meeting
by a car bomb in Moscow as with Francis for September.
a "poor girl."
Francis has said he wants to
Francis was speaking about go to Ukraine if that could
the slaying of Darya Dugina, further the cause of peace
the daughter of right-wing but so far logistics have made
Russian political theorist Al- which Ukraine denies. said orphans in Ukraine and that trip impossible for the
exander Dugin, who fiercely Russia has accused Ukrainian Russia were among the "in- 85-year-old pontiff who has
backs the war. intelligence in the bombing, In his remarks, Francis also nocents" who have been vic- mobility issues.
Zombie ice from Greenland will raise sea level 10 inches
Greenland's rapidly melt- for likely sea level rise from
ing ice sheet will eventu- Greenland ice melt by the Time is the key unknown
ally raise global sea level year 2100. here and a bit of a prob-
by at least 10.6 inches (27 What scientists did for the lem with the study, said two
centimeters) -- more than study was look at the ice in outside ice scientists, Leigh
twice as much as previ- balance. In perfect equilib- Stearns of the University of
ously forecast — accord- rium, snowfall in the moun- Kansas and Sophie Nowicki
ing to a study published tains in Greenland flows of the University of Buffalo.
Monday. down and recharges and The researchers in the study
thickens the sides of glaciers, said they couldn't estimate
That's because of something balancing out what's melt- the timing of the committed
that could be called zombie ing on the edges. But in the melting, yet in the last sen-
ice. That's doomed ice that, last few decades there's less tence they mention, "within
while still attached to thick- replenishment and more ing them even worse, so this oil and natural gas. Scientists this century," without sup-
er areas of ice, is no longer melting, creating imbalance. much sea level rise "will have used an accepted technique porting it, Stearns said.
getting replenished by par- Study authors looked at the huge societal, economic and for calculating minimum
ent glaciers now receiving ratio of what's being added environmental impacts," said committed ice loss, the one Colgan responded that the
less snow. Without replen- to what's being lost and cal- Ellyn Enderlin, a geosciences used on mountain glaciers team doesn't know how long
ishment, the doomed ice is culated that 3.3% of Green- professor at Boise State Uni- for the entire giant frozen is- it will take for all the doomed
melting from climate change land's total ice volume will versity, who wasn't part of the land. ice to melt, but making an
and will inevitably raise seas, melt no matter what happens study. educated guess, it would
said study co-author William with the world cutting car- This is the first time scien- Pennsylvania State Univer- probably be by the end of this
Colgan, a glaciologist at the bon pollution, Colgan said. tists calculated a minimum sity glaciologist Richard Al- century, or at least by 2150.
Geological Survey of Den- One of the study authors said ice loss — and accompanying ley, who wasn't part of the
mark and Greenland. that more than 120 trillion sea level rise — for Green- study but said it made sense, Colgan said this is actually all
tons (110 trillion metric tons) land, one of Earth's two mas- said the committed melting a best case scenario. The year
Study lead author Jason Box, of ice is already doomed to sive ice sheets that are slowly and sea level rise is like an ice 2012 (and to a different de-
a glaciologist at the Green- melt from the warming ice shrinking because of climate cube put in a cup of hot tea in gree 2019 ) was a huge melt
land survey, said it is "more sheet's inability to replenish change from burning coal, a warm room. year, when the equilibrium
like one foot in the grave." its edges. When that ice melts between adding and sub-
into water, if it were concen- tracting ice was most out of
The unavoidable ten inches trated only over the United balance. If Earth starts to un-
in the study is more than States, it would be 37 feet (11 dergo more years like 2012,
twice as much sea level rise meters) deep. Greenland melt could trigger
as scientists had previously 30 inches (78 centimeters) of
expected from the melting The figures are a global av- sea level rise, he said. Those
of Greenland's ice sheet. The erage for sea level rise, but two years seem extreme now,
study in the journal Nature some places further away but years that look normal
Climate Change said it could from Greenland would get now would have been ex-
reach as much as 30 inches more and places closer, like treme 50 years ago, he said.
(78 centimeters). By contrast, the U.S. East Coast, would
last year's Intergovernmental get less. Although 10.6 inches "That's how climate change
Panel on Climate Change re- may not sound like much, works," Colgan said. "Today's
port projected a range of 2 to this would be over and above outliers become tomorrow's
5 inches (6 to 13 centimeters) high tides and storms, mak- averages."